Volume 21 Number 2


Jacqueline Bloomfield and Karen Strickland

For referencing Bloomfield J & Strickland K. Editorial. Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing 2020; 21(2):1.

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/ajcn.21.2.1



Welcome to the latest issue of the Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing.

Without doubt this has been an extraordinary year across the globe for people with cancer and, in turn, cancer nurses and the speciality of cancer nursing. It is becomingly increasingly clear that we will be living with the ongoing consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for some time to come. This pandemic has, however, been the impetus for new ways of working, and the provision of innovative nursing care. Support for people affected by cancer has developed, and we anticipate seeing more evidence of the outcomes of this finding its way into cancer nursing journals. Cancer nurses have risen to the challenge, and adapted to the many challenges that COVID-19 has presented.

Similarly, the journal has experienced quite an extraordinary year, and we have seen a considerable increase in manuscript submissions. This is incredibly exciting to see and demonstrates that cancer nurses across Australia are increasingly engaging in research to improve the lives of people with cancer, and to advance the practice of cancer nursing. In this issue we are delighted to present a range of high quality and interesting articles that focus on improving patient care, and supporting cancer nurses and the practice of cancer nursing care provision.

As editors we have been very encouraged to see the journal going from strength to strength, and the increase in manuscript submissions has highlighted the need for more peer reviewers. In response to our call for new peer reviewers we are very pleased to report that we received an overwhelming number of applications. Subsequently, in October we welcomed 18 new keen reviewers, all of whom are all specialist cancer nurses from across Australia. Again, this demonstrates the development of scholarship and research in cancer nursing in Australia. As editors of this journal we aim to provide a supportive and collegial experience for both our authors and our reviewers, and in particular are committed to supporting cancer nurses making their first steps in the publishing foray. As such, we recently formally welcomed our new reviewers by hosting a webinar focused on developing the skills of peer review. It was certainly a well-attended and engaging event, and a valuable opportunity for ongoing professional development.

In November we will be supporting the development of new (and experienced) authors in writing for publication through the provision of a series of webinars #CanWrite. #CanWrite comprises a series of three webinars presented at fortnightly intervals during which participants can develop their understanding of the publication process. This will include the steps involved in drafting an initial manuscript through to how to respond to reviewers’ comments, the importance of proofing, and hints for disseminating a published article. We strongly encourage all of our readers who might be considering writing up a project for publication to join in these webinars.

We hope our readers find the new initiatives linked to the journal both interesting and useful and we look forward to creating more opportunities to engage directly with our authors and readers in the future.

Finally, as this is the last issue for 2020, we wish to thank all our peer reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise in reviewing manuscripts:

• Kylie Ash

• Su Aung

• Therese Bean

• Gillian Blanchard

• Ray Chan

• Elisabeth Coyne

• Diane Davey

• Catherine Johnson

• Gillian Kruss

• Zerina Lokmic-Tomkins

• Gemma McErlean

• Louise Nicholson

• Caitriona Neinaber

• Suzanne Oakley

• Gabrielle Prest

• Natasha Roberts

• Pauline Rose

• Mary Ryan

• Dianne Saward

• Delilah Shelley

• Penelope stevens

• Alison Walsh


Jacqueline Bloomfield RN, PhD, MN, PGDip (Prof Healthcare Ed), PGDip (Midwifery), PGCert (Onc Nursing), BN
University of Sydney Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine and Health,
The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Email jacqueline.bloomfield@sydney.edu.au

Karen Strickland RN, PhD, MSc, PGCert, BSC, FHEA, FEANS
Professor of Nursing and Head of School, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Public Health, Building 10, Room 34,
Faculty of Health, University of Canberra, ACT, Australia
Email karen.strickland@canberra.edu.au