Volume 24 Number 1
Jacqueline Bloomfield and Karen Strickland
For referencing Bloomfield J & Strickland K. Editorial. Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing 2023; 24(1):3.
DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/ajcn.24.1.3
The last twelve months has been challenging for the Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing, with competing priorities and workforce issues reducing the number of manuscripts received and able to be peer-reviewed.
We know there is pressure on the membership and people are exhausted and experiencing high levels of anxiety in their roles due to lack of support structures, resource constraints and a complex healthcare system.
As a result of this, the CNSA Board of Directors, in consultation with the co-editors, has made a decision to review the purpose of the journal and focus on CNSA’s remit to deliver and showcase nurse-led research that is easily accessible and digestible. Shifts in digital publishing combined with a changing profession means it’s time for us to undertake a complete digital transformation strategy to ensure we are leading the way in this space.
Over the past three years, we have worked tirelessly to deliver content that we believe is relevant, thought-provoking and beneficial to the membership and it’s now time for us to hand over to the Board of Directors so they can progress this review.
We would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to our readers, to our authors, to our peer reviewers and the editorial board for their contributions. Despite their busy lives, our peer reviewers volunteer their time for this important work, without which this journal would not be possible.
If you are interested in assisting CNSA with this review, or have any questions or concerns, please contact CNSA’s Chief Executive Officer Jemma Still at jemma@cnsa.org.au.
To the editors before us – thank you for placing your trust in us and for your vision to create this important publication. We look forward to seeing and supporting the next iteration.
With thanks,
The editors,
Jacqueline Bloomfield and Karen Strickland
Jacqueline Bloomfield • RN, PhD, MN, PGDip (Prof Healthcare Ed), PGDip (Midwifery), PGCert (Onc Nursing), BN
University of Sydney Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Email jacqueline.bloomfield@sydney.edu.au
Karen Strickland • RN, PhD, MSc, PGCert, BSC, FHEA, FEANS
Professor of Nursing and Head of School, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Public Health, Building 10, Room 34, Faculty of Health,
University of Canberra, ACT, Australia
Email karen.strickland@canberra.edu.au