Volume 29 Number 2

New Zealand News

Laura Fear



New Zealand News

Continence NZ Conference 2023

Continence NZ is pleased to be hosting a two day conference in Auckland on 14–15 September 2023. The conference will cover a range of topics for both adults and children, including managing incontinence in the elderly, recurrent prolapse, bowel management, constipation in children and daytime wetting in children. We are pleased to confirm speakers Dr Giovanni Losco, urologist, Dr Bobby Tsang, paediatrician, Liz Childs, pelvic health physiotherapist and Professor Mark Weatherall, geriatrician, with more great speakers still to be announced. A full preliminary programme will be available at the end of May. We look forward to seeing you there!

World Continence Week 2023

World Continence Week 2023 runs from 19–25 June. This year’s campaign will be focusing on bowel health and will encourage a conversation about what ‘normal’ or healthy bowels look like and when to seek medical advice. Planning is well underway, and the campaign will include some great videos supported by resources on bowel health and tips to improve bowel health. Previous campaigns are available at https://www.continence.org.nz/pages/Continence-Awareness-Week/214/

Community and online education

We have recently launched a webinar series on toilet tactics, hosted by children’s continence nurse Lisa Smith. These run through April and May and cover bowel and bladder health, toilet training, constipation, bedwetting, daytime wetting, stool withholding and toilet training for children with additional needs. We will have further webinars for both adults and children running throughout the year; details of our upcoming webinars are available at https://www.continence.org.nz/pages/Upcoming-Community-Education/301/

With support from the IHC Foundation, Continence NZ has recently developed two new online training modules, key continence training for schools and key continence training for disability support services. These are free and may be accessed anytime at https://www.continence.org.nz/pages/Free-Online-Training/295/

Team update

In April, our team farewelled children’s continence nurse, Lisa Smith, as she moved into a new season of life focusing on developing her business. We are grateful to Lisa for her years of amazing service and most importantly for the difference she has made in the lives of our clients and community. We wish her all the best with this new season. Lisa will continue partnering with Continence NZ to deliver our toilet tactics webinar series from time to time.

Research update

Continence NZ is progressing with a significant piece of research funded by the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board. The purpose of this project is to make recommendations as to how Continence NZ can most effectively serve those living with incontinence in New Zealand. We have recently completed a series of five focus groups discussing the experiences of our community living with incontinence, the barriers to accessing care, and what support is needed for those living with incontinence. We have also gathered further data from those working in continence care in New Zealand, our helpline clients, members and the wider community. We are grateful to all who have contributed to this research; the findings will be released in late May 2023.


Laura Fear

CEO, Continence NZ


Laura Fear
CEO, Continence NZ