Kidney transplantation is an effective treatment if patients adhere to their prescribed medications, whilst non-adherence jeopardises graft survival. This paper aims to outline the design, development and evaluation of a video, which was created in partnership with patients, to support medication adherence in kidney transplant recipients at 1–4 months post-transplantation. This study formed part of a larger, three-phase intervention research project. Patients were recruited from five hospitals that offer adult kidney transplantation in Victoria, Australia. During Phase One, 25 patients who had maintained their graft for ≥8 months or had experienced a graft loss due to medication non-adherence were interviewed. The transcripts of the interviews were analysed to identify potential storytellers and the story plot. In Phase Two, storytellers of both genders, different ages and ethnicities were involved in the videotaping process. The first draft of the video was evaluated by an expert panel using content validity. During Phase Three, the final 18-minute video, which addressed transplant medication management, was viewed by 33 newly transplanted kidney recipients. To them, the video reiterated the importance of medication adherence and 62% thought the video contained helpful tips. Upon concluding the intervention period, five participants from the intervention group participated in a focus group to evaluate the acceptability of the video, which revealed a mixed reaction from the participants that are mainly positive. Using patients’ stories, which is a novel way of engaging newly transplanted kidney recipients, has the potential to support medication adherence and promote long-term graft success.