Volume 28 Number 1

Learning and progressions

Myra Sgorbini

For referencing Sgorbini M. Learning and progressions. TJA Journal 2019; 28(1):3.

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/tja.28.1.3





The first quarter of 2019 was over just like that and for every unit involved in donation and transplantation, it was business as usual, even during the holidays as this is one sector within health that never rests. I do hope you’re all looking after one another as organisations focus more and more on staff wellbeing and fatigue management.

The theme of this issue of the TJA is Learning and progressions. This theme resonated in the three articles from TNA members who were fortunate enough to receive scholarships to attend international conferences and visit relevant units overseas to enhance their knowledge of global practices as well as share their unit’s practices. These scholarship recipients are reporting the lessons they learned and their reflections on how these relate back to their practices. All their travel experiences have indeed sparked greater commitment to improve their own practices. I hope that you can learn from their experiences and I encourage you to apply for the TNA scholarships so you can also have the opportunity to develop your skills and be able to share new-found knowledge with your colleagues and the TNA.

Another article in this issue describes the progression from specialist renal nurses to renal transplant coordinators. Renal transplant coordinators from across Australia gave a brief description of their unit’s processes and their role in managing transplant patients. They also explained the challenges they faced and continue to face in the ever-changing world of transplantation. Through their short vignettes, we are able to appreciate the variables that exist between units and the work of transplant coordinators. I’m grateful to Tania Burns, who took the time to collect these narratives and put it together for the TJA. Huge thanks goes to all the renal transplant coordinators who gave their time to compose their vignettes. No matter what your specialty, I think everyone who works in transplantation can relate to these stories and challenges. I encourage every speciality to consider writing similar insights to share with TNA members who will gain a deeper understanding of the valuable work you do.

Transfer of knowledge is one of our responsibilities as health care professionals. As senior clinicians in our speciality areas, we already do this daily and instinctively through mentoring, preceptoring or by simply being role models. Knowledge transfer also occurs through verbal or written communication. Many of our colleagues in the TNA are well versed in this area as they regularly organise and deliver presentations as well as write manuscripts for publication. All TNA members have a role in enabling others through knowledge transfer. You can influence others through writing for publication in the TJA and delivering oral or poster presentations at our annual conference. We are fortunate in the TNA because we are surrounded by experts who are very supportive, so please don’t hesitate to ask for advice on where to start with delivering presentations or writing for publication or submitting abstracts. You can rely on your TNA colleagues, so do take advantage of their expertise.


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Myra Sgorbini
Email TJAeditor@tna.asn.au