Volume 32 Number 1
Making the Most of the Gift of Life
Louise Fuller
For referencing Fuller L. Making the Most of the Gift of Life. Transplant Journal of Australasia 2023; 32(1):2.
DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/tja.32.1.2
Welcome to this edition of the TJA that celebrates the World Transplant Games (WTG) held earlier this year in Perth, Western Australia.
Over 1500 participants from all over the world took part in a variety of sporting endeavours. Recipients, donors and donor families celebrated in making the most of the gift of life and shared the wellness and camaraderie of the transplant journey.
Our guest editorial is written by Chris Thomas the CEO of Transplant Australia, a charity that supports the transplant journey and organises the transplant Games. Transplant Australia encourages physical activity and has a series of videos and tips to assist the transplant recipients maintain fitness for life.
There are two wonderful articles from transplant nurses who assisted at the WTG to ensure medical care was available for all the participants. The WTG provided a shared journey for the hardworking medical staff and a wonderful opportunity to see the positive joy that comes from a transplant.
Two recipients also share their experiences of the WTG and the fun and positivity that comes with participation in representing your country on the world stage, even if you have had a transplant.
Julie Reynolds in her article summarises the impact that COVID-19 has had on the transplant process in many ways and highlights the necessity for vigilance whilst moving forward positively.
The TNA national conference will be held in Sydney on 26–27 October with the themes of Inclusion, Diversity and Empowerment, so please starting planning your visit to Sydney!
A/P Louise Fuller and the
Editorial Committee
Australian Team marching at World Transplant Games
Louise Fuller
Editor, Transplant Journal of Australasia
Email tjaeditor@transplantnurses.org.au