Volume 32 Number 2

Reviving, surviving and thriving

Louise Fuller

For referencing Fuller L. Reviving, surviving and thriving. Transplant Journal of Australasia 2023;32(2):2.

DOI 10.33235/tja.32.2.2




Welcome to another edition of the TJA!

As we move further away from the pandemic and resume all the wonderful things in our work, communities and families, it is important to remember that we are all real people with real stories and struggles, still in recovery mode and mopping up after tough times over the past few years.

Sarah Morse was one of the keynote speakers at the TNA conference in 2023. Her motivational talk on reviving a culture of courage, authenticity and gratitude was very relevant to many of us working in the health sector, and is a key feature article in this edition. Another of the keynote TNA 2023 conference speakers, Professor Munjed Al Munderis (pictured in the conference photos), gave a wonderful personal insight into his courageous life.

Additionally, we include a very comprehensive article on the importance of CMV prophylaxis from Lee-Anne Horsfall who was a 2023 TNA scholarship winner.

The conference convenors report from the successful TNA national conference in Sydney in 2023 is included, complete with photos. This issue includes the 13 abstracts that were submitted to the conference and demonstrate the depth and breath of knowledge across the transplant spectrum.

Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) and organ donation are not usually associated with each other, but the award winning presentation by Lana Woodyatt and Jodi Gillott at the TNA 2023 conference is summarised in this edition. Their article outlines the first case of donation after VAD in Australia and highlights the challenges and achievements on this journey for the donation and transplant co-ordinators, the VAD patient and her family.

Please diarise June 14 as the 2024 TNA conference day with the theme of ‘Better Together’, as the TNA links in with this year’s TSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting being held in Melbourne (15–18 June 2024).

A huge thank you to all who contribute their time, thoughts and energies to making the TNA and the TJA thrive!

Looking forward to a wonderful year in 2024.


Louise Fuller
TJA Editor