Volume 44 Number 4
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of foot ulcers in people with diabetes mellitus: a randomised controlled trial protocol
Maria Girlane S A Brandão, Idevania G Costa, Mayra Gonçalves Menegueti, Roberto Bueno Filho, Soraia Assad Nasbine Rabeh
Keywords Wound care, wound healing, diabetic foot, photodynamic therapy, oxidative stress
For referencing Brandão MGSA, et al. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of foot ulcers in people with diabetes mellitus: a randomised controlled trial protocol. WCET® Journal. 2024;44(4):28-38.
Submitted 13 September 2024
Accepted 20 November 2024
Significance Diabetic foot ulcers are a major complication of diabetes and a significant public health issue, greatly impacting healthcare costs. These ulcers are commonly treated with conventional methods such as saline cleaning, debridement, antibiotics, and topical dressings. However, the rise in non-traumatic lower limb amputations related to diabetes, along with growing antimicrobial resistance, highlights the insufficiency of these standard treatments in achieving timely healing.
Recent advances New light source adjuvant therapies, such as antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, are being tested to aid the healing of foot ulcers. This therapy involves using light (LASER or LED) to irradiate the lesion in combination with a photosensitising agent and tissue oxygen. This process promotes oxidative stress and reduces the microorganisms present in the ulcer.
Critical issues A significant challenge in applying photodynamic therapy is the lack of comprehensive clinical studies and complete treatment protocols. Although there is growing evidence supporting this therapy’s effectiveness in various conditions, the scarcity of well-documented clinical trials, and reliable replication of these studies, represents a major obstacle for other researchers seeking to replicate the results.
Future directions This article provides a detailed and transparent protocol, which can be easily reproduced by other researchers, making significant step towards consolidating and expanding the use of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of diabetic ulcers. It is hoped that this study and the presented protocol will serve as a foundation for future research and innovations in photodynamic therapy, opening up new therapeutic possibilities and contributing to improving quality of clinical practice.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease often leading to complications, including diabetic foot ulcers (DFU). Annually, 18.6 million people develop DFUs, which precede 80% of lower limb amputations in DM patients. Infections affect 50–60% of DFUs, with around 20% of severe cases resulting in lower limb amputations (LLA).1
From 2010 to 2020, there were more than 240,000 hospitalisations in Brazil related to lower limb amputation due to DM.2 Furthermore, even after surgical intervention in patients with minor amputations, there is a high probability of readmission due to infections. Patients with major amputations have a high probability of readmission for treatment of sepsis.3
The conventional DFU care includes cleaning, debridement, circulation, moisture and infection control. 4 However, this is often insufficient for timely tissue repair, as DM impairs all healing phases.5 Delays occur in inflammation, cytokine persistence disrupts proliferation and myofibroblast changes hinder collagen deposition and remodeling. Most DFUs are also colonised by multiple bacteria.6,7
These microorganisms form colonies and group together, creating a self-protective film on the ulcer bed. This film promotes inflammation and stagnation of healing, blocking the action of conventional treatments and dressings and the host’s defence responses, potentially leading to the progression and chronicity of the lesion.8
Therefore, providing adequate treatment to manage microbial communities of bacteria is vital to preventing serious outcomes in people with DFU, such as LLA or death.8 An adjuvant therapy that can help treat foot ulcers in people with DM is photodynamic therapy (PDT).9,10
PDT involves using a light source (LASER or LED) to irradiate non-toxic photosensitive agents that interact with tissue oxygen, generating reactive oxygen species. These reactive oxygen species have a lethal effect on infectious agents, without causing tissue damage.11,12 The most used photosensitive agent is methylene blue, as it has good market availability, low cost and a low risk of adverse reactions.13 Cost-benefit research in Italy showed that using PDT in DFU had a positive budgetary impact, reducing the time to reach the outpatient healing goal by 50%.14 A recent systematic review on the effectiveness of PDT revealed only a limited set of four clinical trials on the topic.15 None of these studies made their protocols (with essential methodological details) available, representing a significant barrier to the accurate and reliable replication of their investigations. Additionally, these studies have limitations, such as using swabs for microbiological assessment and a wide variation in PDT application parameters and clinical outcomes.
For the diagnosis and evaluation of infection in foot ulcers, a sample must be obtained for culture by collecting a tissue fragment through curettage or biopsy, which is considered best practice.16,17 Many studies on PDT for treating DFU use varied light parameters, doses and wavelengths. To establish best practices and standardise its application, it is essential to conduct studies that systematically test and apply these parameters.18
Therefore, this study aims to fill critical gaps in the literature by making the complete clinical trial protocol transparently available. This includes the publication of the Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) for PDT and biopsy of foot ulcers for a more precise microbial assessment. This protocol is constructed based on scientific evidence, promoting its reproducibility for the development of a clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of antimicrobial PDT in the treatment of DFU.
Study design
This is a pragmatic, longitudinal Randomised Clinical Trial (RCT) protocol. In this study, we intend to analyse the effectiveness of PDT treatment for DFU, in two groups: the intervention group (IG) and control group (CG). The research protocol is outlined following the precepts of Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT).19
Search scenario
The research will be conducted in the outpatient service of two tertiary hospitals located in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. The first is the Endocrinology and Metabolism Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo. The second site is the Vascular Surgery outpatient clinic at the Beneficência Portuguesa hospital in Ribeirão Preto.
Study participants and eligibility criteria
Participants will be selected through convenience sampling and randomly allocated to the intervention and control groups. The study will include: patients of both sexes; aged 18 years or over; who have DFU; who agree to undergo a biopsy of the lesion; and are available to attend the outpatient clinic weekly, for seven weeks (six weeks of treatment and a following week for assessment of outcomes and repeat biopsy).
The exclusion criteria are patients who have: a diagnosis or are undergoing treatment of neoplasms; chronic renal insufficiency or peripheral vascular insufficiency; suspected or confirmed osteomyelitis; a lesion with an area greater than 5cm by 5cm; or Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) less than 0.7; absence of pulses with ischemia, as oxygen must reach the treatment site for PDT to work.20 Patients using immunosuppressive medications, with a score greater than 12 in the Tardivo Algorithm21 will also be excluded. The justification for excluding patients with these characteristics is the low probability that the treatment will be effective for them. Therefore, it is permissible to exclude them from the research.22
Participants who miss two consecutive appointments or experience skin irritation resulting from the use of methylene blue will be discontinued from the study and this data will be computed.
Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto: patients will be selected through the Endocrinology and Metabolism Outpatient Clinic and according to the eligibility criteria. During the nursing consultation and DFU assessment, the researcher, who is authorised to accompany the nursing consultations, will assess whether the patient meets eligibility requirements. If the person qualifies, the researcher will provide an invitation and explain the research process including risks and benefits, follow-up time and the need to voluntarily sign the Research Ethics Board approved informed consent form. Following this, the biopsy procedure will be carried out by a dermatologist and the patient will then be randomised.
Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital of Ribeirão Preto: patients will be selected through the Vascular Surgery Outpatient Clinic. During the consultation with the vascular surgeon, the researcher, who is authorised to attend medical consultations, will assess whether the patient meets the eligibility requirements. If the patient meets the inclusion criteria, the researcher will provide an invitation and explain all details about the study including the risks and benefits, follow-up time and the need to voluntarily voluntarily sign the Research Ethics Board approved informed consent form. Subsequently, the biopsy procedure will be scheduled by a vascular surgeon and the patient will then be randomised.
Patients will be randomised into two groups:
- IG: Cleaning with 0.9% saline solution, instrumental/sharp debridement (as needed), methylene blue plus activated PDT and application of secondary dressing (calcium alginate without silver).
- CG: Cleaning with 0.9% saline solution, instrumental/sharp debridement (as needed), methylene blue plus inactivated PDT and application of secondary dressing (calcium alginate without silver).
The random allocation will be carried out using individual, sealed, opaque, non-translucent and tamper-proof envelopes, provided to the research team by a person unrelated to the study (an individual with no involvement in the research and opening of the envelopes) and without external notes.22,23 The envelopes will be opened sequentially as the trial processes, ensuring that each patient has an equal chance of being allocated to the IG or CG. For each eligible participant, an envelope will be opened containing the treatment group assignment and the procedure will be recorded in writing in a field diary.24
When discussing blinding, the term double-blind is still widely used. However, this term is falling into disuse due to its ambiguity, in favour of clear specifications about who will be masked and who will know the allocation of participants.24 Therefore, the blinding plan is explained in Table 1.
Therefore, only one researcher, responsible for applying the PDT, will have knowledge about the allocation of participants. In this case, it would not be technically possible for the researcher not to know what they are doing when using the light source and the photosensitiser. However, care has been taken to mask the other participants involved in the study.
Table 1. Distribution of those involved in the study and their blinding condition.
Research team
To meet the specifications of the study design, a team of researchers was organised, consisting of four nurses (two are specialised in enterostomal therapy nursing), a dermatologist, a vascular doctor and three nursing students.
Data collection and measurement of baseline variables
Data collection and baseline variables will be conducted using a semi-structured instrument that includes sociodemographic and clinical data of the participants and assessment of DFU. The following sociodemographic and clinical data will be collected:
- General information: age, sex, occupation, place of birth, skin colour, marital status and education
- Assessment of risk factors: associated systemic diseases, duration of DM, smoking, alcohol consumption, nutrition, hygiene, mobility and medications.
The assessment of ulcers will be conducted using the Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) validated for Brazilian Portuguese, which provides a practical, objective and conclusive method for monitoring the healing evolution.25 The scale contains 13 items that evaluate the lesion including size, depth, edges, detachment type and amount of necrotic tissue, characteristics and amount of exudate, edema and periwound induration, periwound skin colour, quality of granulation tissue and epithelialisation. Each item is classified into scores ranging from 1 to 5, where 1 indicates the best condition and 5 the worst condition of the wound.
In each assessment, the lesion will be measured with a disposable measuring ruler, placed next to the edge of the DFU. In addition, at the initial stage, blood collection will be scheduled (within 7 days) to assess glycated hemoglobin at the beginning of treatment; and the assessment of the Ankle-Arm Index (ABI) will be conducted on the same day as the first treatment session.
The ABI will be performed on all patients by the same nurse, using Portable Vascular Doppler equipment DV610 MegaMED, to locate arterial pulses, using a transducer at a frequency of 10Mhz with a very high level of sensitivity; and a sphygmomanometer to measure systolic pressure. With the participant in the supine position, after 10 minutes of rest, systolic pressure measurements will be collected from the dorsal artery of the foot and brachial artery, bilaterally. The result will be obtained through the ratio between the highest pressure of the dorsal artery of the foot at the ankle and the highest pressure of the brachial artery of the upper limb, thus obtaining the ABI. Normal values for ABI between 0.9 and 1.3 will be considered.26
Definition of treatment procedures
Protocol for applying photodynamic therapy treatment, intervention group (Appendix 1)
To perform PDT, a photosensitive compound and a light source are necessary to generate oxidative stress with tissue oxygen. Thus, the methylene blue solution (1%) will be used as the photosensitising agent. This solution will be formulated upon request by Imbralab – Química e Farmacêutica Ltda (CNPJ-05.123.544/0001-64), located in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. Methylene blue was chosen because it has low toxicity, good market availability and is often used in combination with PDT in clinical research.13,27
This photosensitiser will be applied to the lesion (covering a 0.5cm edge and central portion) using a disposable 3ml pipette. The amount used will depend on the size of each lesion, for example, 0.5ml for lesions up to 4cm2 and 1ml for lesions larger than 4cm2. After application, a five-minute absorption into the tissue will be timed using a smartphone.
Following absorption, light irradiation will be performed using Therapy EC equipment from the company DMC (regulated by ANVISA Registration 80030819013). The irradiation will use a wavelength of 660nm, a dose of 9Joules and an irradiation time of 90 seconds per point.28 The application will use a point contact technique, maintaining a standardised distance of 1cm between one point and another around the lesion and 0.5cm from the lesion edge, ensuring the entire ulcer area receives light irradiation. This procedure is safe and painless for the patient.10
To minimise the risk of contamination of the LASER tip with the ulcer, the tip will be covered with plastic film and re-covered for each patient, after cleaning the device with 70% alcohol liquid. All PDT applications will be carried out by a nurse qualified in LASER therapy. After applying PDT, with a secondary dressing of calcium alginate without silver will be used to cover the lesion. Each patient will receive the indicated coverage to be able to change the dressing at home. These changes will occur according to the assessment of the level of exudation and both patients and companions will be duly informed about this. Calcium alginate without silver was chosen because it has a moderate to high capacity of exudate absorption and the ability to maintain a physiologically moist environment, favouring autolytic debridement without having antimicrobial activity that could interfere with PDT results.
Treatment application protocol, control group (Appendix 2)
After cleansing of the ulcer as described previously and performing conventional treatment, methylene blue will be used as a pseudo-intervention under the same conditions and concentration as that used in the IG. Methylene blue was chosen because it leaves the ulcer bed dark blue even after removing the excess. This ensures that participants, who might exchange information in the waiting room and other study collaborators cannot determine where the active intervention is allocated.
After applying methylene blue and after the rest time, LASER light will be irradiated with the same device and the same application techniques as for the IG. However, the device’s tip will be inactivated by blocking it with silicone rubber to prevent actual irradiation of PDT on the lesion, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Illustration of the light-blocking technique, while maintaining the sounds of the LASER device.
A: LASER Tip with silicone rubber, blocking the light output and also the therapeutic action.
B: The LASER device is turned on, and the device tip has no blockages and emits light normally.
C: The LASER device is turned on, but the tip of the device has a silicone rubber to block the light.
Measuring outcomes
In this study, the reduction of bacteria through tissue biopsy was selected as the primary outcome, while the clinical evolution, described by signs of improvement of the lesion and healing rate are secondary outcomes.
- Assessment of bacteria
A recent study that compared the aspiration technique with biopsy concluded that biopsy is the most effective and sensitive method for identifying microorganisms in skin lesions.29 Therefore, a biopsy procedure will be performed by a physician collaborating with the study, following the procedure protocol in Appendix 3.
To perform the procedure, the periphery of the ulcer will receive anaesthesia by injecting 2–2.5 mL of 2% lidocaine into the deep dermis using a sterile, disposable 3mL syringe and a 21g needle (0.8 x 25mm); 30G needle (0.3 x 13mm. A disposable punch, consisting of a handle and a circular cutting edge with a diameter of 3mm will be used to remove the material. The biopsied fragment will be lifted with forceps and its base will be sectioned in the deepest portion with a number 15 scalpel, followed by mechanical compression with sterile cotton.
The fragment will be stored in a sterile plastic collection bottle, labeled and promptly sent to the hospital’s microbiology laboratory for identification of the microorganisms present in the tissue and antibiogram. The analysis will be conducted according to BrCAST standardisation rules in the outpatient clinics of both hospitals.
- Clinical assessment of the injury
All ulcers will be thoroughly evaluated to provide a clinical analysis of the lesions, including a qualitative description of data related to type of tissue, exudate, edges, odour and appearance of the periwound skin. For statistical analysis, assessments taken in the first and last treatment sessions in both groups will be considered.
- Ulcer Healing Index
An image database of research patients will be built. At each treatment session, the ulcer areas will be photographed with the iPhone 7 smartphone camera, with a 12MP wide-angle lens and ƒ/1.8 aperture, with the aid of a light ring (Mini Ring Light LED). The images will be recorded at a standardised distance of 10cm from the lesion area. Additionally, the Imito Measure®️ smartphone application will be used to calculate the measurements of length, width and wound area at each treatment session. The measurement taken in the first and last treatment sessions will be considered for statistical analysis. Subsequently, the Ulcer Healing Index (UHC) will be calculated10 as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Formula for calculating the Ulcer Healing Index.
Diabetic Foot Ulcer Classification System (SINBAD)
The Classification System and Score in Comparing Outcome of Foot Ulcer Management (SINBAD) will be used to classify the diabetic foot at the final moment and on the last day of treatment (week 7). The SINBAD system evaluates six categories including site, ischemia, neuropathy, bacterial infection, ulcer area and depth. The score varies between zero and one in each category. Therefore, the closer to six the total score is, the worse the healing and the lower the probability of cure.30
The Figure 3 presents a flowchart that summarises the procedures and interventions that will be performed in the study.
Figure 3. Flowchart illustrating the study steps and procedures.
Organisation and analysis of data
The data will be stored in spreadsheets coded in Microsoft Excel, using the technique of double entry for the responses and subsequent validation of the data. After validation, the spreadsheets will be transferred to the SPSS statistical program.
A statistician will conduct simple frequency descriptive analyses for categorical variables and calculate measures of central tendency (mean or median) and dispersion (standard deviation or minimum and maximum) for quantitative variables, depending on the distribution of the variables. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test will be performed to analyse the distribution of the data.
For the analysis of numerical variables, the Student’s t-test will be used for independent samples if data with normal distribution, or the Mann-Whitney test if the distribution is not normal. For the analysis of categorical variables, the Chi-Square test will be used. The significance level of 5% will be adopted in the analytical procedures.
Protection of research participants
The research will adhere to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and the ethical guidelines for research involving human beings as outlined in Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council, Brazil.
This trial has been authorised by the manager of the Hospital’s endocrinology outpatient clinic and approved by the Research Ethics Board (REB) of both School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto (5.802.182/2022) and Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (6.071.033/2023). Additionally, it obtained the Universal Test Number (UTN) from the World Health Organisation (U1111-1286-7818) and the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (REBEC) under number RBR-2dm7t97.
Patients’ participation will be voluntary and upon agreement with the terms expressed in the informed consent form, which allows them to withdraw from the research any time without affecting their treatment or suffering judgments or penalties.
Expected results
It is anticipated that the defined PDT protocol will promote clinical improvement of the DFU in participants in the intervention group compared to the control group. Additionally, the study aims to to raise awareness about two important topics:
1) Implementation of biopsy in health services: Emphasising the importance of using biopsy to follow up on DFU cases based on the microorganisms present in the wound bed, considering its polymicrobial etiology.
2) Investment in nurse training and qualification: Highlighting the need to invest in the training and qualification of nurses to develop new care protocols and therapies focused on innovative and more cost-effective adjuvant technologies.
Moreover, the PDT protocol presented here, built considering scientific evidence, could serve as a guideline for researchers and clinicians to replicate it in different geographic locations and wound care settings.
The present protocol involves a randomised study that will analyse the effectiveness of PDT in treating DFU. The strengths of this research include:
- A study method with a team of physicians and nurses, using double-blind method with controlled randomisation,
- The use of tissue biopsy technique with sterile management before and after six weeks of treatment, totalling seven weeks, with follow-up. This approach will allow for reliable assessment of the types of bacteria present in the ulcer, and;
- A PDT treatment protocol developed based on scientific evidence, such as systematic review with meta-analysis, to understand the main parameters used in PDT.15
The choice to conduct a clinical trial is due to the lack of clinical studies comparing PDT with a control group, despite the presence of case series and review studies with converging results for PDT.9,15,31 Furthermore, there is considerable variation in the ideal light parameters, such as dose in joules and irradiation time, which are crucial for the effectiveness of therapy.32
In the present study, the treatment protocol was developed based on a previously published systematic review and meta-analysis, which sought to establish the best parameters for conducting PDT.15 Subsequently, we performed a scoping review (currently in the post-processing review phase, approved in the journal Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery), which corroborated the selected parameters: 660 nm, 9 J, in point and contact mode.
Another determining factor in choosing these parameters was the recommendation of the manufacturer of the equipment used. The Therapy EC device, from DMC, has automation for the application of red light, which operates at 660 nm (± 10 nm).33 When selecting the 9 J energy, the device automatically adjusts the application time to 90 seconds, emitting an audible signal at the end of each cycle to indicate the need to change the point on the wound. This protocol is supported by DMC’s research center, NUPEN, which recommends the use of methylene blue as a photosensitizer and the weekly application of red light at the power and parameters mentioned above.34
It is worth noting that, in the context of PDT, the energy in Joules (J) is the product of the power (W) by the irradiation time (s), according to the formula: E(J)=P(W)×t(s). In the case of the protocol used, a dose of 9 J distributed in 90 seconds implies that the device operates with an average power of 0.1 W (100 mW). The factory default of Therapy EC states that the useful power of the emitter is 100 mW, corresponding to the energy-time relationship automatically adjusted by the device.33
Additionally, the chosen parameters were also based on the best interaction with the photosensitizer used, methylene blue. This is a second-generation phenothiazine photosensitizer widely used in PDT, due to its high efficiency in generating singlet oxygen (¹O₂). A study conducted indicates that methylene blue presents the best quantum yield between the wavelengths of 600–900 nm.35 However, wavelengths above 760 nm fall into the infrared spectrum, which reaches deeper tissues, while application to wounds requires light in the red range near 600 nm for greatest effectiveness.36
Through literature surveys, it was also identified that methylene blue is the most widely used photosensitizing agent due to its good availability on the market and low record of adverse events reported after application to the wound bed. Although a higher concentration of methylene blue (1%) was chosen compared to the literature, previous studies of patients with DFU in Brazil used a concentration of 2% and recorded no adverse events.33
Therefore, the adopted parameters not only follow scientific evidence, but also consider the technical characteristics of the equipment and the ideal interaction with the photosensitive agent, ensuring greater safety and efficacy in the application of PDT in the treatment of foot ulcers in people with DM.
For the clinical applications of PDT to evolve, studies comparing PDT directly with standard techniques and a placebo/pseudo-intervention PDT are needed, along with more objective clinical assessment methods, to provide useful data for clinically relevant PDT protocols.34
A more objective method for clinical evaluation of therapy is the biopsy of the lesion for microbiological analysis. A recent study that compared the aspiration technique with biopsy concluded that biopsy is the most effective and sensitive method for identifying the causative microorganisms in skin lesions.29 Therefore, in this study a biopsy procedure will be performed by a physician to identify microorganisms before and after treatment with PDT.
In addition to the microbiological analysis, weekly monitoring of the clinical evolution of the lesion is relevant. Recent research on DFU cases that used the Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool which demonstrated that PDT promoted improvements in the size of the lesion.35 This can be related to the fact that the reduction of microorganisms present in the lesion provides a moisture balance and less friable and hemorrhagic environment, favorable for granulation tissue and healing progress.
In addition to these clinical benefits, the mechanism of action of PDT extends beyond antimicrobial action. The interaction of red light with the photosensitizer methylene blue generates reactive oxygen species, such as singlet oxygen, which contribute to microbial destruction and modulation of the inflammatory response. However, red light at 660 nm can additionally influence cellular components, such as mitochondria, stimulating ATP production and improving cellular repair processes. A systematic review study conducted by Nesi-Reis et al. (2018)40 suggests that red light can also impact leukocytes and macrophages, which are crucial for controlling inflammation and promoting tissue repair. These combined effects—microbial reduction and biostimulation—create a favorable environment for the formation of granulation tissue and the progression of healing.
However, it is important to consider that PDT should not be performed in isolation. It is essential to implement basic measures to progress healing, such as wearing appropriate footwear to relieve plantar pressure, glycemic control, adherence to hygiene measures and strategies to strengthen self-care and self-management of the underlying disease.
The limitation of the study is the lack of assessment of the microbial load of DFU. Therefore, future studies should consider the possibility of applying PDT, with biopsy analysis, in partnership with a microbiological analysis laboratory that can support not only the identification of microorganisms but also counting of the microbial load.
I, the first author, would like to express my gratitude to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for the funding granted to postgraduate programs in Brazil, which are free of charge and allow the development of academic research in the country. I would like to thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for supporting the productivity grant (process no. 140675/2021-3).
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Ethical approval
Research Ethics Committee of the Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing and Hospital das Clínicas of the Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil.
The authors received no funding for this research.
Maria Girlane S A Brandão, Idevania G Costa, Mayra Gonçalves Menegueti, Roberto Bueno Filho, Soraia Assad Nasbine Rabeh
DOI: 10.33235/wcet.44.4.28-38
重要性 糖尿病足溃疡是糖尿病的主要并发症之一,也是一个重要的公共卫生问题,对医疗成本有重大影响。这些溃疡通常采用常规方法进行治疗,如生理盐水清洗、清创、抗生素和外用敷料。然而,与糖尿病相关的非外伤性下肢截肢病例的増加,以及抗菌素耐药性的日益严重,突显了这些标准治疗方法在实现及时愈合方面的局限性。
最新进展 新型光源辅助疗法(如抗菌光动力学疗法)正在测试中,以促进足溃疡的愈合。这种疗法通过使用光源(激光或LED)照射皮损部位,同时结合光敏剂和组织中的氧气。这一过程会促进氧化性应激,并减少溃疡中的微生物数量。
关键问题 在应用光动力学疗法时,一个主要挑战是缺乏全面的临床研究和完整的治疗方案。尽管越来越多的证据表明该疗法在多种情况下的有效性,但由于缺乏详细记录的临床试验及可靠的研究复制,这成为其他研究人员验证和推广该方法的主要障碍。
未来方向 本文提供了一个详细且透明的方案,便于其他研究人员复制实施,为巩固和扩展光动力学疗法在糖尿病溃疡治疗中的应用迈出重要一步。希望本研究及其提供的方案能为未来光动力学疗法的研究和创新奠定基础,开辟新的治疗途径,并为提高临床实践质量做出贡献。
排除标准包括:确诊肿瘤或正在接受肿瘤治疗;慢性肾功能不全或外周血管功能不全;疑似或确诊骨髓炎;皮损面积大于5 cmÅ~5 cm;或踝肱指数(ABI)小于0.7;缺乏脉搏且伴随缺血症状,因为氧气必须到达治疗部位,PDT才能发挥作用。20使用免疫抑制药物、Tardivo算法21评分大于12分的患者也将被排除。将具有这些特征的患者排除在外,是因为治疗对他们有效的概率很低。因此,可以将其从研究中排除。22
- IG:用0.9%生理盐水清洁,器械/锐性清创(根据需要),亚甲蓝加活化PDT,并应用二级敷料(无银藻酸钙)。
- CG:用0.9%生理盐水清洁,器械/锐性清创(根据需要),亚甲蓝加灭活PDT,并应用二级敷料(无银藻酸钙)。
- 一般信息:年龄、性别、职业、出生地、肤色、婚姻状况和教育程度
- 评估危险因素:相关系统性疾病、DM病程、吸烟、饮酒、营养、卫生、活动能力和用药情况。
所有患者的ABI将由同一名护士使用便携式血管多普勒设备DV610 MegaMED进行,定位动脉搏动,使用频率为10 Mhz的传感器,灵敏度非常高;并使用血压计测量收缩压。受试者取仰卧位,休息10分钟后,分别从脚背动脉和肱动脉两侧收集收缩压测量值。结果将通过脚背动脉最高收缩压与上肢肱动脉最高收缩压的比例得出,从而得到ABI。正常ABI值在0.9至1.3之间。26
为实施PDT,需要光敏化合物和光源来生成氧化性应激与组织中的氧气相互作用。因此,将使用亚甲蓝溶液(1%)作为光敏剂。该溶液将由位于圣保罗州里贝朗普雷图市的Imbralab – Química e Farmacêutica Ltda(CNPJ-05.123.544/0001-64)按照要求进行配制。之所以选择亚甲蓝,是因为它毒性低,市场供应充足,并常与PDT结合用于临床研究。13,27
使用一次性3 ml吸管将光敏剂涂抹在皮损部位(覆盖0.5 cm的边缘和中央部分)。使用量取决于每块皮损的面积,例如,面积小于4 cm2的皮损使用0.5 ml,大于4 cm2的皮损使用1 ml。涂抹后,将使用智能手机计时5分钟,让组织吸收药剂。
吸收后,将使用DMC公司(受ANVISA注册号80030819013监管)的Therapy EC设备进行光照射。照射波长为660 nm,剂量为9 J,每点照射时间为90 s。28应用时将采用点接触技术,保持皮损周围各点之间1 cm、距离皮损边缘0.5 cm的标准距离,确保整个溃疡区域都能接受光照射。这一程序对患者来说是安全且无痛的。10
• 细菌评估
在程序过程中,将使用一次性无菌3 mL注射器和21 G针头(0.8 mmÅ~25 mm)、30 G针头(0.3 mmÅ~13 mm),向真皮深层注射2 mL-2.5 mL 2%利多卡因,对溃疡周边进行麻醉。使用一次性环钻钻取活检样本,该环钻由一个手柄和一个直径为3 mm的圆形切削刃组成。用镊子夹起活检碎片,用15号手术刀在其最深处切割组织底部,然后用无菌棉球施加机械压迫。
• 损伤的临床评估
• 溃疡愈合指数
将建立一个研究患者图像数据库。在每次治疗过程中,将使用配备12MP广角镜头和ƒ/1.8光圈的iPhone 7智能手机摄像头,借助环形灯(Mini Ring Light LED),拍摄溃疡区域的图像。图像将在距离皮损区域10 cm的标准化距离下拍摄。此外,将使用Imito Measure®智能手机应用程序计算每个治疗疗程的长度、宽度和伤口面积测量值。在进行统计分析时,将考虑在第一个和最后一个治疗疗程中的测量值。随后,将计算出溃疡愈合指数(UHC)10,如图2所示。
数据将存储在Microsoft Excel编码的电子表格中,采用双输入技术进行响应,随后确认数据。确认后,电子表格将转入SPSS统计程序。
- 由医生和护士组成的研究小组采用双盲法和受控随机分组法进行研究。
- 在治疗前和治疗后六周(共七周)采用组织活检技术结合无菌管理,并进行随访。这种方法可以对溃疡中存在的细菌类型进行可靠的评估;并且;
- 根据科学证据(如系统性综述和荟萃分析)制定PDT治疗方案,以了解PDT中使用的主要参数。15
在本研究中,治疗方案是根据之前发表的系统性综述和荟萃分析制定的,该分析旨在确定进行PDT的最佳参数。15随后,我们进行了范围审查(目前处于后期处理审查阶段,已获得《光生物调节、光医学和激光手术》杂志的批准),该审查证实了所选参数:660 nm,9 J,点接触模式。
选择这些参数的另一个决定因素是所用设备制造商的建议。DMC的Therapy EC设备具有自动化的红光应用功能,工作波长为660 nm(Å}10 nm)。33当选择9 J能量时,设备会自动将照射时间调整为90 s,并在每个周期结束时发出声音信号,提示需要更换伤口上的照射点。本方案得到了DMC研究中心NUPEN的支持,该中心建议使用亚甲蓝作为光敏剂,每周应用上述功率和参数的红光。34
值得注意的是,PDT中以焦耳(J)为单位的能量是功率(W)与照射时间(s)的乘积,公式如下:E(J)=P(W)Å~t(s)。就所使用的方案而言,在90 s内分配9 J的剂量意味着设备的平均运行功率为0.1 W(100 mW)。Therapy EC的出厂默认设置表明,发射器的有效功率为100 mW,与设备自动调整的能量-时间关系相对应。33
此外,所选参数还基于与所用光敏剂亚甲蓝的最佳相互作用。这是一种第二代吩噻嗪类光敏剂,由于能高效生成单线态氧(¹O₂),因此被广泛应用于PDT。一项研究表明,亚甲蓝在600 nm-900 nm波长之间的量子产率最高。35不过,760 nm以上的波长属于红外光谱,可以到达更深层的组织,而应用于伤口需要600 nm附近的红色范围的光才能达到最佳效果。36
除了这些临床受益外,PDT的作用机制还超越了抗菌作用。红光与光敏剂亚甲蓝的相互作用会产生活性氧,如单线态氧,有助于破坏微生物和调节炎症反应。不过,660 nm波长的红光还能影响线粒体等细胞成分,刺激ATP的产生,改善细胞修复过程。Nesi-Reis等人(2018)40开展的一项系统性综述研究表明,红光还能影响白细胞和巨噬细胞,而白细胞和巨噬细胞对控制炎症和促进组织修复至关重要。这些综合效应Å\Å\微生物减少和生物刺激Å\Å\为肉芽组织的形成和愈合的进展创造了有利的环境。
Maria Girlane S A Brandão*
RN PhD student
Department of General and Specialised Nursing, School of Nursing, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Email girlanealbuquerque@usp.br
Idevania G Costa
School of Nursing, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada
Mayra Gonçalves Menegueti
Department of General and Specialised Nursing, School of Nursing, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Roberto Bueno Filho
Doctor PhD
Department of Clinical Medicine, Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine, University Hospital, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Soraia Assad Nasbine Rabeh
Department of General and Specialised Nursing, School of Nursing, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
* Corresponding author
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