Volume 44 Number 4

Selected abstracts from the 24th Biennial WCET® Congress in Glasgow, UK

DOI 10.33235/wcet.44.4.39-47




Delegates at the WCET® Congress, in Glasgow, UK in September, were treated to a very successful scientific programme with diverse, stimulating and high-quality content.

For the benefit of the many members who were unable to attend, here is a sample of what was presented by speakers from around the world.

Managing low anterior resection syndrome

Jennie Burch, RN, BSc, MSc
Head of Gastrointestinal Nurse Education, St Mark’s Hospital, London, UK

Claire Taylor, RGN, PhD
Chief Nursing Officer, Macmillan, UK

Ana Wilson, MD
Consultant Gastroenterologist, St Mark’s Hospital, London, UK

Christine Norton, RGN, PhD
Professor of Nursing, King’s College London, UK

Aims/Objectives The presentation aim is to describe nursing management of boel symptoms occurring after rectal cancer treatment. The objectives are to improve nurses’ knowledge and confidence when caring for this patient group.

Purpose & Background It is known, worldwide each year an estimated million people are diagnosed with rectal cancer (Emmertsen & Laurberg, 2013). Rectal cancer treatment is commonly surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy which can potentially result in consequences such as bowel dysfunction, collectively termed low anterior resection syndrome or LARS (Keane et al. 2020). The purpose of this presentation will be to increase knowledge about managing LARS after rectal cancer surgery.

Methods A PhD was undertaken using a multi-phase, mixed-method design to investigate LARS management. A systematic review thematically summarised how rectal cancer treatment consequences affect quality of life. A scoping review charted treatments available to manage LARS. Interviews thematically described what patients need to manage LARS. Focus groups with both patients and clinicians thematically described how this might be achieved.

Results Results reveal quality of life can be negatively affected by LARS, particularly when people could not function in their chosen roles (Burch et al, 2021a). Multiple LARS management options exist but empirical data are limited (Burch et al, 2021b). Patients need knowledgeable clinicians to enquire about and revisit symptoms; providing information on management strategies and signposting to other relevant information (Burch et al, 2023a). Clinicians can help set expectations to enable realistic goal planning (Burch et al, 2023b). Nurse-led supported LARS management can improve bowel symptoms in conjunction with supplementary information.

Conclusion/Outcome In conclusion, a greater knowledge about LARS should increase nurses’ confidence to assist patients with rectal cancer to manage their bowel symptoms after rectal cancer treatment. More research is needed to understand how best to provide nurse-led LARS interventions.

Keywords LARS, low anterior resection syndrome, rectal cancer, nurse, survivorship


Burch J., Taylor C., Wilson A., Norton C. (2021a) Symptoms affecting quality of life after sphincter-saving rectal cancer surgery: a systematic review. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 52.

Burch J., Swatton A., Taylor C., Wilson A., Norton C. (2021b) Managing bowel symptoms after sphincter-saving rectal cancer surgery: a scoping review. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 62(6), 1295-1307.

Burch J., Wright J., Taylor C., Wilson A., Norton C. (2023a) “He’s a surgeon, like I’m not going to waste his time”: interviews to determine healthcare needs for patients with low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) after rectal cancer surgery. Colorectal Disease 25, 880-887.

Burch J., Taylor C., Wilson A., Norton C. (2023b) “You’re just on your own”: Exploring bowel symptom management needs after rectal cancer surgery through patient and clinician focus groups. European Journal Oncology Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2023.102406.

Emmertsen K.J., Laurberg S. (2013) Impact of bowel dysfunction on quality of life after sphincter-saving resection for rectal cancer. British Journal of Surgery 100(10), 1377-1387.

Keane C., Fearnhead N.S., Bordeianou L.G., Christensen P., Basany E.E., Laurberg S., Mellgren A., Messick C., Orangio G.R., Verjee A., Wing K., Bissett I. (2020) International consensus definition of low anterior resection syndrome. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 63(3), 274-284.


All My Life I have to Adapt With My Stoma: A Phenomenological Study

Ria Andjarwati, MD, ONS, ETN,
Head Nurse, Wound and Stoma Consultant, Oncology Nurse Specialist, National Cancer Center “dharmais” Hospital, Indonesia

Yati Afiyanti, Prof. PhD. MN
Honarary Lecture in Nursing Faculty University of Indonesia, University of Indonesia, Indonesia

Aims/Objectives  The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of cancer patients who had a stoma in the first year. A qualitative descriptive study was conducted.

Purpose & Background Cancer patients who undergo stoma surgery experience a major life change. Many problems arise both physically, psychologically, sexually and spiritually, especially in the first year. Delayed discharge planning in out-of-hospital settings, often happens to new ostomates, because of poor pre-operative education and information. By exploring patients’ experiences thoughout the difficult time with stoma surgery, health care providers can understand and empower the patients with the right care.

Methods Eleven participants were invited for semi-structured in-depth interviews. Data were analysed using thematic analysis.

Results Two themes were identified: 1) Complaints experienced while undergoing therapy; 2). Adaptation to life after stoma. Ostomates facing a major life changes due to adapting to life with the stoma. Many aspects in ostomates’ live need to be adjusted, Feelings of rejection and denial rise up in approximately the first month after stoma surgery. Adjustment followed by adaptation finally acknowledged by the ostomate entering six month above.

Conclusion/Outcome  This study provides nurses and others with insight in to the experiences of Indonesian ostomates about their adaptation processes physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and sexually, and their plans for their future lives with stoma. It is very useful for patients with colorectal cancer or other cancers who undergo a life with a stoma attached.

Keywords cancer patients, experience, ostomate, postoperative, stoma


  1. Alenezi A, McGrath I, Kimpton A, Livesay K. Quality of life among ostomy patients: A narrative literature review. J Clin Nurs. 2021;30(21-22):3111-3123. doi:10.1111/jocn.15840
  2. Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I BF. International Agency for Research on Cancer 2020. Glob Cancer Obs Cancer Today. 2020;419:1-2.
  3. Kugler CM, Breuing J, Rombey T, et al. The effect of preoperative stoma site marking on risk of stoma-related complications in patients with intestinal ostomy—protocol of a systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev. 2021;10(1):1-8. doi:10.1186/s13643-021-01684-8
  4. Summers MC. The Effect of Ostomate-to-Ostomate Support on Psychosocial Adaptation to Stoma. Dr Nurs Pract Capstone Proj. 2018;28.
  5. Burch J. Post-discharge care for patients following stoma formation: what the nurse needs to know. Nurs Stand. 2017;31(51):41-45. doi:10.7748/ns.2017.e10198
  6. Capilla-Díaz C, Bonill-de las Nieves C, Hernández-Zambrano SM, et al. Living With an Intestinal Stoma: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Qual Health Res. 2019;29(9):1255-1265. doi:10.1177/1049732318820933
  7. Vonk-Klaassen SM, de Vocht HM, den Ouden MEM, Eddes EH, Schuurmans MJ. Ostomy-related problems and their impact on quality of life of colorectal cancer ostomates: a systematic review. Qual Life Res. 2016;25(1):125-133. doi:10.1007/s11136-015-1050-3
  8. Hahne J, Liang T, Khoshnood K, Wang X, Li X. Breaking bad news about cancer in China: Concerns and conflicts faced by doctors deciding whether to inform patients. Patient Educ Couns. 2020;103(2):286-291. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2019.08.022
  9. de Almeida Silva K, Duarte AX, Cruz AR, de Araújo LB, das Graças Pena G. Time after ostomy surgery and type of treatment are associated with quality of life changes in colorectal cancer patients with colostomy. PLoS One. 2020;15(12):1-17. doi:10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0239201
  10. Dibley L, Czuber-Dochan W, Wade T, et al. Patient Decision-Making about Emergency and Planned Stoma Surgery for IBD: A Qualitative Exploration of Patient and Clinician Perspectives. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2018;24(2):235-246. doi:10.1093/ibd/izx043
  11. Cross AJ, Wooldrage K, Robbins EC, et al. Whole-colon investigation vs. flexible sigmoidoscopy for suspected colorectal cancer based on presenting symptoms and signs: a multicentre cohort study. Br J Cancer. 2019;120(2):154-164. doi:10.1038/s41416-018-0335-z
  12. Jin Y, Zhang J, Zheng MC, Bu XQ, Zhang JE. Psychosocial behaviour reactions, psychosocial needs, anxiety and depression among patients with rectal cancer before and after colostomy surgery: A longitudinal study. J Clin Nurs. 2019;28(19-20):3547-3555. doi:10.1111/jocn.14946
  13. Jayarajah U, Samarasekera DN. Psychological adaptation to alteration of body image among stoma patients: A descriptive study. Indian J Psychol Med. 2017;39(1):63-68. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.198944
  14. Tiranda Y, Siripul P, Sangchart B, Septiwi C. Perspectives of adult survivors of colorectal cancer with an ostomy on their needs: Synthesis of qualitative research studies. Cent Eur J Nurs Midwifery. 2019;10(4):1155-1166. doi:10.15452/CEJNM.2019.10.0027
  15. Rafiei H, Hosseinzadeh K, Hoseinabadi-Farahani MJ, et al. The relationship between psychological health and spiritual wellbeing in Iranian stoma patients. Gastrointest Nurs. 2019;17:S18-S22. doi:10.12968/gasn.2019.17.Sup5.S18
  16. Rafiei H, Hoseinabadi-Farahani MJ, Aghaei S, Hosseinzadeh K, Naseh L, Heidari M. The prevalence of psychological problems among ostomy patients: A cross-sectional study from Iran. Gastrointest Nurs. 2017;15(2):39-44. doi:10.12968/gasn.2017.15.2.39
  17. Choudhary M, Kaur H. Experiences of living with intestinal ostomy: A qualitative meta-synthesis. Indian J Palliat Care. 2020;26(4):421-427. doi:10.4103/IJPC.IJPC_21_20
  18. ingan MJ, Kump K. Getting Ready for Ostomy Certification. J Wound, Ostomy Cont Nurs. 2022;49(3):290-293. doi:10.1097/won.0000000000000872
  19. Kirkland-Kyhn H, Martin S, Zaratkiewicz S, Whitmore M, Young HM. Ostomy Care at Home educating family caregivers on stoma management and potencial complications. Am J Nurs. 2018;118(4):63-68. https://nursing.ceconnection.com/ovidfiles/00000446-201804000-00035.pdf;jsessionid=E5B7110C68566021C914937447205896
  20. Marinez AC, Bock D, Carlsson E, et al. Stoma-related complications: a report from the Stoma-Const randomized controlled trial. Color Dis. 2021;23(5):1091-1101. doi:10.1111/codi.15494
  21. Bulkley JE, McMullen CK, Grant M, Wendel C, Hornbrook MC, Krouse RS. Ongoing ostomy self-care challenges of long-term rectal cancer survivors. Support Care Cancer. 2018;26(11):3933-3939. doi:10.1007/s00520-018-4268-0
  22. Stelton S. CE: Stoma and Peristomal Skin Care: A Clinical Review. Am J Nurs. 2019;119(6):38-45. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000559781.86311.64
  23. Correa Marinez A, Bock D, Carlsson E, et al. Stoma-related complications: a report from the Stoma-Const randomized controlled trial. Color Dis. 2021;23(5):1091-1101. doi:10.1111/codi.15494
  24. Rowe KM, Schiller LR. Ileostomy diarrhea: Pathophysiology and management. Baylor Univ Med Cent Proc. 2020;33(2):218-226. doi:10.1080/08998280.2020.1712926
  25. Alenezi A, McGrath I, Kimpton A, Livesay karen. Quality of life among ostomy patients: A narrative literature review. J Clin Nurs. 2021;30(21-22):3111-3123. doi:10.1111/JOCN.15840
  26. Nam KH, Kim HY, Kim JH, Kang KN, Na SY, Han BH. Effects of social support and self-efficacy on the psychosocial adjustment of Korean ostomy patients. Int Wound J. 2019;16(October 2018):13-20. doi:10.1111/iwj.13038
  27. García-Rodríguez MT, Barreiro-Trillo A, Seijo-Bestilleiro R, González-Martin C. Sexual dysfunction in ostomized patients: A systematized review. Healthc. 2021;9(5):1-11. doi:10.3390/healthcare9050520
  28. Zhang Y, Xian H, Yang Y, Zhang X, Wang X. Relationship between psychosocial adaptation and health-related quality of life of patients with stoma: A descriptive, cross-sectional study. J Clin Nurs. 2019;28(15-16):2880-2888. doi:10.1111/jocn.14876
  29. Sarabi N, Navipour H, Mohammadi E. Sexual Performance and Reproductive Health of Patients with an Ostomy: A Qualitative Content Analysis. Sex Disabil. 2017;35(2):171-183. doi:10.1007/S11195-017-9483-Y
  30. Moreira WC, Vera SO da, Sousa GN de, Araújo SNM, Damasceno CKCS, Andrade EMLR. Sexualidade de pacientes com estomias intestinais de eliminação Sexuality of patients with bowel elimination ostomy. Rev Pesqui Cuid é Fundam Online. 2017;9(2):495-502. doi:10.9789/2175-5361.2017.v9i2.495-502
  31. Kandemir D, Oskay Ü. Sexual Problems of Patients with Urostomy: A Qualitative Study. Sex Disabil. 2017;35(3):331-340. doi:10.1007/s11195-017-9494-8
  32. Medina-Rico M, Zárate-Velasco AM, Quiñonez A, López-Ramos H. Sexuality in People With Ostomies: A Literature Review. Sex Disabil. 2019;37(4):571-586. doi:10.1007/s11195-019-09604-4
  33. Habib A, Connor MJ, Boxall NE, Lamb BW, Miah S. Improving quality of life for Muslim patients requiring a stoma: A critical review of theological and psychosocial issues. Surg Pract. 2020;24(1):29-36. doi:10.1111/1744-1633.12409
  34. Bulkley J, McMullen CK, Hornbrook MC, et al. Spiritual well-being in long-term colorectal cancer survivors with ostomies. Psychooncology. 2013;22(11):2513-2521. doi:10.1002/pon.3318


Defining the High Output Stoma

Michelle Carr, BNursing, GradCertSTN, MClinNurs(Wound), MNursingSc(NP)
Nurse Practitioner, Wound Management/Stomal Therapy, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Australia

Paris E. Purnell, RN STN MBA
Senior Manager , Global Clinical Education APAC, Hollister Incorporated, Illinois, US

Aims/Objectives To offer a new definition of the High Output Stoma (HOS) that encompasses all aspects of the phenomenon that is relevant to all health disciplines. To encourage consistency in terminology across all disciplines managing the patient with a HOS. To provide a platform from which further research into HOS can be conducted.

Purpose & Background HOS patients are at risk of developing complications leading to increased morbidity, mortality, reduced quality of life, increased length of hospital stays, and frequent hospital readmissions.1,5,6,7,8, 10. While the literature is paying increasing attention to the management of HOS, there are many elements of this condition that are yet to be researched in depth, for example, the incidence of HOS, health outcomes, financial cost to the health system and social cost to the community. Most interestingly, consensus has yet to be reached on what defines a HOS: the definition varies within and across the disciplines, and the principles underpinning the definitions are not fully described. 1,2,3,4,5

Methods Representing several countries, the authors undertook an extensive literature review, to understand the variety of definitions described, patient characteristics, and the aetiologies that influence the output of a stoma in order to gain a consensus for providing a new definition of a HOS that incorporates parameters such as the volume of output, time frames, anatomical variations, and biochemical markers.

Results The resulting definition will be shared at the Congress with a view to it gaining acceptance as the new standard global definition.

Conclusion/Outcome An accurate and clear definition of HOS should form the cornerstone for further discussion and research into the phenomenon allowing useful conclusions to be drawn that are relevant and consistent for promoting evidence-based practices, that ultimately benefits the patient with HOS.

Keywords high output, stoma, definition, ostomy


  1. Goodey & Colman, 2016, ‘Safe management of ileostomates with high-output stomas,’ British Journal of Nursing, 25(17):1–5.
  2. Baker ML, Williams, RN & Nightingale, JM, 2011, ‘Causes and management of a high-output stoma’, Colorectal Diseases, 13(2):191–197.
  3. McDonald A, 2014, ‘Orchestrating the management of patients with high output stomas’, British Journal of Nursing, 23(12):645–649.
  4. ASCN Stoma Care, Clinical Guidelines 2016, pp. 21-25.
  5. Mountford CG, Manas DM, Thompson NP. A practical approach to the management of high-output stoma. Frontline Gastroenterol. 2014 Jul;5(3):203-207. doi: 10.1136/flgastro-2013-100375. Epub 2013 Oct 31. PMID: 28839771; PMCID: PMC5369744.
  6. Lee YJ, Kweon, MR & Park, M. ‘Nutritional management of a patient with a high-output stoma after extensive small bowel resection to treat Crohn’s disease’, Clinical Nutrition Research, 2019. 8(3):247–253.
  7. Nasser, R, Parrish, CR, & Bridges, M. ‘High output ileostomies: The stakes are higher than the output’, 2019. Practical Gastroenterology, XLIII(9): 20-33.
  8. Chen, SY, Stem, M, Cerullo, M, Canner, JK, Gearhart, SL, Safar, B, Fang, SH & Efron, JE. ‘Predicting the risk of readmission from dehydration after ileostomy formation: The DRIP score’, 2018. Diseases of Colon & Rectum, 61(12):1410–1417.


War, Weather, Weapons and Wounds: W4

Michele R. Burdette-Taylor, PhD, MSN, RN, CWCN, CFCN, NPD-BC, LTC-R
Associate Professor, Saint Martin University, Washington, US

Aims/Objectives Identify intervention/s of foot and wound care in the 19th that influenced 21st century practices. Isolate the evolution of military combat and wound care according to types of weapons over time and weather-related injuries. Discuss the science “silver linings” of war and combat for development of technology, products, adjunctive/advanced therapies, and devices.

Purpose & Background To share the evidence-based research highlighted with personal and professional experience. As a retired military nurse who focused on wound care during Persian Gulf, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and recently Ukraine and Israel Wars, this presentation is provides a unique opportunity to share for the ostomy and wound care colleagues world-wide. As a Nightingale Scholar investigating the military medical system interventions during the Crimean War and as a nurse passionate about the history of health and welfare of soldier. The purpose is to link the history of combat injuries related to weapons, weather-related issues and at-the-moment in time standard wound care management.

Methods Integrative review conducted of the historical, seminal, and current evidence to support how wound care nurses may utilise military interventions to facilitate successful healing in the civilian sector.

Results The extensive review of the literature results focused on the development of products, devices, adjunctive and advanced technologies to improve healing rates, reduce severity of amputations, and wounds. Since the Crimean War many inventions and interventions have evolved have been developed to facilitate healing of soldiers, while reducing morbidity and mortality.

Conclusion/Outcome Understanding the history allows for improvement of care while avoiding same or similar mistakes. Sharing with providers “how we got to where we are today” provides an enlightened ah-ha moment for ostomy and wound care nursing, from a five decade career in military and civilian wound care arenas.

Keywords adjunctive munitions, x-rays, antibiotics, communication


Enloe, C. (2019). Wounds: militarized nursing, feminist curiosity, and unending war. International Relations, 33, 393-412.

Gumeniuk, K., Lurin, I.A.,Tsema, I., Malynovska, L., Gorobeiko, M. & Dinets, A. (2023). Gunshot injury to the colon by expanding bullets in combat patients wounded in hybrid period of the Russian-Ukrainian war during 2014-2020. BMC Surgery, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12893-023-01919-6

Manring, M., Hawk, A. & Calhoun, J.H. (2009). Treatment of war wounds. Clinical Orthopedic Relations Research, 467, 2168-2191.

Nightingale, F. (1858). Notes on hospitals. John W. Parker and Son, West Strand, UK. - 2 papers read at the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science in Liverpool

Nightingale, F. (1858). Notes on matters on the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army founded chiefly on the experience of the late war. London; 860 pages, 1000 copies distributed.

Nightingale, F. (1860). Notes on nursing, what it is and what it is not. Pacific Publishing Studio by Madison Park, www.PacPS.com

Protas, M., Schumacher, M. Iwanaga, J., Yilmaz, E., Oskoulan, R.J. & Tubbs, S. (2018). Treatment of gunshot wounds to spine during late 19th century. World European Surgery, 115, 285-287.


Life with a long-term stoma across five European countries

Marianne Krogsgaard, PhD, Associate Professor
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Department of Surgery, Center for Surgial Science, Zealand University Hospital, Koege, Denmark; Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, Denmark

Helle Kristensen, PhD MD
Department of Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital; Danish Cancer Society Centre for Research on Survivorship and Late Adverse Effects After Cancer in the Pelvic Organs, Denmark

Peter Christensen, Professor MD
Department of Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital; Danish Cancer Society Centre for Research on Survivorship and Late Adverse Effects After Cancer in the Pelvic Organs, Denmark

Aims/Objectives To examine the prevalence and impact of stoma-related problems on patients’ everyday life

Purpose & Background Follow-up policies are changing throughout the world in order to personalise follow-up to those patients most in need. Concurrently, a high prevalence of late effects following colorectal cancer surgery has been revealed. For stoma nurses to design future follow-up care for patients with a long-term stoma after rectal cancer, knowledge of the prevalence, type, and impact of stoma-related problems on patients’ everyday lives is needed. Such knowledge is lacking.

Methods We performed a cross-sectional study across five European countries on 2262 long-term survivors using validated patient-reported outcome measures. Stoma problems’ association with restrictions in everyday life was calculated using multivariable regression analysis that adjusted for potential confounding factors.

Results Stoma-related problems were highly prevalent 5.4 (IQR 3.8-7.6) years after stoma surgery; leakage from stoma onto skin (58%), troublesome odour (55%), skin problems (27%), and pain at stoma site (21%). Almost one in five patients (19%) was restricted in everyday life due to the stoma. Experiencing odour and leakage ≥1 per week, skin problems, and change frequency of stoma bag >4 times daily were significantly associated with restrictions.

Conclusion/Outcome A high prevalence of morbidity of colostomies was reported by patients. To potentially help patients restricted in everyday life, easy and swift access to stoma care nurses is warranted. Annual surveys or screening of stoma function and problems could be the first step towards long-term follow-up after stoma formation.

Keywords Rectal cancer, long-term survivor, stoma care, symptoms, daily living


When unprepared for the emergence of a parastomal bulge – a qualitative study

Marianne Krogsgaard, PhD, Associate Professor
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Department of Surgery, Center for Surgial Science, Zealand University Hospital, Koege, Denmark; Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, Denmark

Pia Dreyer, Professor
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark ; Department of Public Health, Section of Nursing Science, Aarhus University, Denmark

Thordis Thomsen, Professor
Department of Anaesthesiology, Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Aims/Objectives To investigate patients’ experiences of being prepared for the emergence of a parastomal bulge in relation to a stoma.

Purpose & Background Parastomal bulging has a significant impact on patients’ lives. We have limited information from the patient’s perspective on the information provided on parastomal bulging.

Methods Qualitative interviews with 20 patients participating in five focus groups. Analysis was performed using a three-phased phenomenological-hermeneutic approach inspired by Paul Ricoeur.

Results The unforeseen bulge gave rise to increasing concerns and worry about the cause and consequences of the bulging skin. Patients sought explanations in their own lives. In this way, one’s own behaviour or previous illness such as influenza, coughing, and efforts to rehabilitate after surgery, were suspected to have induced the bulge. Patients were under the impression that healthcare professionals knew about preventive interventions that patients were not informed about. Missing or conflicting information led to counterproductive behaviour and patients unknowingly carried on with hard and strenuous work after stoma surgery, a behaviour they would have refrained from had they known about the bulge. Patients were disappointed with healthcare professionals due to the lack of information. As patients found the bulge hard to live with, they sought the surgeon’s opinion and advice on surgical repair. Some patients were reassured not to undergo surgery and got on with their lives. Others were left with little hope of change.

Conclusion/Outcome Lack of information may lead to mistrust and disappointment with healthcare professionals. Addressing patients’ individual support needs and information needs is important to preserve patient autonomy and well-being. Surgeons and stoma nurses should be aware of the impact of their approach to communicating with patients about parastomal bulging.

Keywords parastomal bulge, hernia, information, preparation, qualitative


Krogsgaard M, Dreyer P, Thomsen T. Understanding patients’ perspectives when unprepared for the emergence of a parastomal bulge—a qualitative study. Colorectal Dis. 2023;00:1–8. https://doi.org/10.1111/ codi.16750


Effectiveness and Safety of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy on Melanoma-Resected Surgical Wounds

Kyoung Ae NAM
Wound Care Specialist, Yonsei University Severence Hospital, South Korea

Aims/Objectives  Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), a wound dressing system that provides sub-atmospheric pressure throughout the wound site, promotes wound healing, and reduces surgical complications. Although it is contraindicated in malignant wounds due to the potential risk of tumorigenesis, the evidence is limited.

Purpose & Background To compare tumor recurrence and wound healing performance, and surgical complications to provide evidence for the use of NPWT on melanoma-resected wounds.

Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 232 patients who were histopathologically diagnosed with acral lentiginous melanoma without nodal and distant metastasis between Jan 2006–Feb 2020. In all 179 patients received NPWT, and 53 patients received conventional surgical dressing.

Results Fifty one (28.5%) patients in the NPWT group had recurrence, of which 18 (10.1%) were local recurrence, 17 (32.1%) patients who received conventional surgical dressing had recurrence, of which 5 (9.4%) was local recurrence. There were no significant differences in recurrence-free survival between both group (Log rank test, P=0.701). Patients who received NPWT with skin grafting showed significantly faster wound healing compared to those who received conventional surgical dressing alone, and NPWT without skin grafting (P<0.001). Patients who received NPWT had lower surgical site infection rate than conventional surgical dressing (15.1% vs 28.3%, P=0.028).

Conclusion/Outcome NPWT does not significantly increase tumor recurrence in melanoma-resected wounds. Compared to conventional surgical dressing, NPWT offers several advantages in promoting wound healing and reducing surgical site infection.

Keywords negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), melanoma-resected surgical wounds


  1. Venturi ML, Attinger CE, Mesbahi AN, Hess CL , Graw KS. Mechanisms and clinical applications of the vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) Device: a review. Am J Clin Dermatol 2005;6:185-94.
  2. Normandin S, Safran T, Winocour S, Chu CK, Vorstenbosch J, Murphy AM et al. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: Mechanism of Action and Clinical Applications. Semin Plast Surg 2021;35:164-70.
  3. Wang YJ, Yao XF, Lin YS, Wang JY , Chang CC. Oncologic feasibility for negative pressure wound therapy application in surgical wounds: A meta-analysis. Int Wound J 2022;19:573-82.
  4. Hays TR, Singh G, Saragossi J, Park J, Shekar S, Marquez JE et al. Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy versus Standard Surgical Dressings after Malignant Tumor Resection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2022;150:655e-70e.
  5. Andrades P, Figueroa M, Sepúlveda S, Benitez S, Erazo C , Danilla S. Tumor Recurrence after Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: An Alert Call. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2014;03:350-2.
  6. Cai SS, Gowda AU, Alexander RH, Silverman RP, Goldberg NH , Rasko YM. Use of negative pressure wound therapy on malignant wounds - a case report and review of literature. Int Wound J 2017;14:661-5.
  7. Putri IL, Adzalika LB, Pramanasari R , Wungu CDK. Negative pressure wound therapy versus conventional wound care in cancer surgical wounds: A meta-analysis of observational studies and randomised controlled trials. Int Wound J 2022;19:1578-93.
  8. Pflibsen LR, Lettieri SC, Kruger EA, Rebecca AM , Teven CM. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Malignancy: Always an Absolute Contraindication? Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2020;8:e3007.
  9. Oh BH, Lee SH, Nam KA, Lee HB , Chung KY. Comparison of negative pressure wound therapy and secondary intention healing after excision of acral lentiginous melanoma on the foot. Br J Dermatol 2013;168:333-8.
  10. Mendez-Eastman S. Guidelines for Using Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 2001;14:314-23.


Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Colorectal Incisions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Controlled Trials

Ting-Kuang Wang
Nurse practitioner, Wan Fang Hospital, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

Chien-Hsin Chen M.D.
Wan Fang Hospital, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

Kee-Hsin Chen
Assistant Professor, Post-Baccalaureate Program in Nursing, College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

Chiehfeng Chen M.D., Ph. D.
Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

Aims/Objectives  Colorectal surgery carries a significantly higher risk of wound infection, showing an eightfold increase in adverse events compared to alternative procedures. Despite the growing popularity of minimally invasive approaches, open surgery remains the standard, particularly in complex conditions. Our study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of NPWT for colorectal incisions.

Purpose & Background Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has demonstrated promising results for reducing surgical site infection (SSI) rates after orthopedic, vascular, cardiothoracic, plastic, and abdominal surgery. The literature on NPWT for colorectal incisions is growing, with several randomised controlled trials (RCTs), but findings have been inconsistent.

Methods The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PubMed, EMBASE, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and ClinicalTrials.gov databases were searched for RCTs and non-randomised controlled trials (non-RCTs) comparing NPWT and standard care.

Results Five RCTs and six non-RCTs were included (n=2,193). NPWT significantly reduced the rate of infection in colorectal incisions (odds ratio [OR], 0.57; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.41 to 0.78; I2=14%; p<0.0005) and wound complications (OR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.13 to 0.88; I2=59%; p=0.03). NPWT also shortened the wound healing time by 3 days (mean difference, −2.98; 95% CI, −4.99 to −0.97; I2=0%; p=0.004). Subgroup analysis revealed that NPWT conferred greater benefits on wounds resulting from life-threatening emergency surgery and contaminated or dirty wounds.

Conclusion/Outcome NPWT is an effective intervention for the closure of wounds in patients after colorectal surgery, that significant reduction of SSI, overall wound complications, mean complete wound healing time, and more effectively in emergency, and contaminated to dirty wounds. Treatment options should be considered in terms of cost benefits and adequate patient selection during shared decision-making.

Keywords negative pressure wound therapy, colorectal surgery, systematic review, meta-analysis


Murphy P, Lee K, Dubois L, et al. Negative pressure wound therapy for high-risk wounds in lower extremity revascularization: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2015;16:504.

Gomoll AH, Lin A, Harris MB. Incisional Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2006;20(10):705-709.

Fowler AL, Barry MK. Closed incision negative pressure therapy: Results of recent trials and recommendations for clinical practice. Surgeon. 2020;18(4):241-250.

O’Leary DP, Peirce C, Anglim B, et al. Prophylactic Negative Pressure Dressing Use in Closed Laparotomy Wounds Following  Abdominal Operations: A Randomized, Controlled, Open-label Trial: The P.I.C.O. Trial. Annals of surgery. 2017;265(6):1082-1086.

Shen P, Blackham AU, Lewis S, et al. Phase II Randomized Trial of Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy to Decrease Surgical Site Infection in Patients Undergoing Laparotomy for Gastrointestinal, Pancreatic, and Peritoneal Surface Malignancies. J Am Coll Surg. 2017;224(4):726-737.


Prevalence and risk factors of multidrug-resistant bacteria infection in patients with autoimmune bullous disease

Lei Guo
Nurse-in-charge, Hospital of Skin Diseases, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China

Aims/Objectives Aim to summarise the prevalence and risk factors for multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDROs) infections of patients with autoimmune bullous disease (AIBD). In order to provide basis for the formulation of clinical prevention and nursing programs.

Purpose & Background The occurrence of infection in AIBD has a great negative impact on the treatment and control of the primary disease. Studies generally believed that the drug resistance rate of bacteria has been increasing in recent years, and the emergence of multi-drug resistant bacteria such as MRSA is not conducive to the control of subsequent wound infection. There is a lack of research on the high risk factors of skin infection with multi-drug resistant bacteria in patients with all autoimmune bullous diseases.

Methods A retrospective study was conducted to collect the information of 271 hospitalised patients with AIBD. Univariate and binary logistic regression were used to analyze the independent risk factors of multidrug-resistant bacteria infection in patients.

Results 440 patients with AIBD were treated within 3 years. The bacterial culture rate was 72.7% and the positive rate was 55.7%. 74 patients were infected with multi-drug resistant bacteria. Staphylococcus and Enterobacter were the main bacterial groups with multi-drug resistance, accounting for 75.9% and 13.9% respectively. There were statistically significant differences in the length of hospitalization, severity, self-modification of dosage, external use of antibiotic ointment, use of immunosuppressant, duration of glucocorticoids use, maximum dose of glucocorticoids and albumin value at the first admission between the two groups ( P < 0.05). Regression analysis showed that external use of antibiotic ointment, use of immunosuppressants, maximum dose of glucocorticoids and self-modification were independent risk factors for multidrug-resistant bacterial infection.

Conclusion/Outcome AIBD patients are prone to MDROs infections, with Staphylococcus being the most common multi-drug resistant pathogen.Topical antibiotic ointment, large use of immunosuppressants and glucocorticoids, self-modification of dosage will increase the risk of MDROs infection.

Keywords autoimmune bullous disease, wound Infection, multidrug-resistant


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DOI: 10.33235/wcet.44.4.39-47





Jennie Burch, RN, BSc, MSc

Claire Taylor, RGN, PhD

Ana Wilson, MD

Christine Norton, RGN, PhD

目的/目标 本次发言旨在介绍直肠癌治疗后肠道症状的护理管理策略,以提升护士在护理这类患者时的专业知识和信心。

目的与背景 众所周知,全世界每年约有一百万人被诊断为直肠癌(Emmertsen & Laurberg,2013)。直肠癌的常见治疗方法包括手术、化疗和放疗,这些治疗手段可能会导致肠道功能紊乱等后果,统称为低位前切除综合征或LARS(Keane等人,2020)。本次发言旨在増加关于直肠癌手术后LARS管理的知识。

方法 本研究采用多阶段、混合方法设计完成了一项博士课题,研究LARS管理。具体包括:一项系统性综述,对直肠癌治疗后果如何影响生活质量进行了专题总结。一项范围审查,梳理可用于管理LARS的治疗方法。一项访谈,通过主题分析描述患者管理LARS的需求。由患者和临床医生组成的焦点小组围绕主题讨论如何实现有效管理。

结果 研究结果显示,LARS可能对生活质量产生负面影响,尤其是在患者无法履行其选择的角色时(Burch等人,2021a)。虽然有多种LARS管理方法,但经验数据相对有限(Burch等人,2021b)。患者需要有专业知识的临床医生提供咨询、重新评估症状,提供有关管理策略的信息,并指引他们获取其他相关信息(Burch等人,2023a)。临床医生可通过设定合理期望帮助患者制定实际可行的目标(Burch等人,2023b)。由护士主导的辅助LARS管理与补充信息相结合,可以有效改善肠道症状。

结论/结局 总之,加强对LARS的知识水平应能増强护士协助直肠癌患者管理直肠癌治疗后肠道症状的信心。需要开展更多研究,以了解如何以最佳方式提供由护士主导的LARS干预。

关键词 LARS、低位前切除综合征、直肠癌、护士、生存质量


Burch J., Taylor C., Wilson A., Norton C. (2021a) Symptoms affecting quality of life after sphincter-saving rectal cancer surgery: a systematic review. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 52.

Burch J., Swatton A., Taylor C., Wilson A., Norton C. (2021b) Managing bowel symptoms after sphincter-saving rectal cancer surgery: a scoping review. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 62(6), 1295-1307.

Burch J., Wright J., Taylor C., Wilson A., Norton C. (2023a) ÅgHeÅfs a surgeon, like IÅfm not going to waste his timeÅh: interviews to determine healthcare needs for patients with low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) after rectal cancer surgery. Colorectal Disease 25, 880-887.

Burch J., Taylor C., Wilson A., Norton C. (2023b) ÅgYouÅfre just on your ownÅh: Exploring bowel symptom management needs after rectal cancer surgery through patient and clinician focus groups. European Journal Oncology Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2023.102406.

Emmertsen K.J., Laurberg S. (2013) Impact of bowel dysfunction on quality of life after sphincter-saving resection for rectal cancer. British Journal of Surgery 100(10), 1377-1387.

Keane C., Fearnhead N.S., Bordeianou L.G., Christensen P., Basany E.E., Laurberg S., Mellgren A., Messick C., Orangio G.R., Verjee A., Wing K., Bissett I. (2020) International consensus definition of low anterior resection syndrome. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 63(3), 274-284.



Ria Andjarwati, MD, ONS, ETN,

Yati Afiyanti, Prof. PhD. MN

目的/目标 本研究旨在描述癌症患者在拥有造口后的第一年内所经历的变化。这是一项定性描述性研究。

目的与背景 接受造口手术的癌症患者面临着重大的生活转变。在生理、心理、性健康及精神方面都会出现许多问题,尤其是在手术后的第一年。由于术前教育和了解不充分,新造口患者在院外环境中常面临延迟出院计划的困境。通过探索患者在造口手术困难时期的经历,医疗保健提供者能够更好地理解患者,并提供更精准的护理支持。

方法 研究邀请了11位受试者进行半结构式深度访谈,并对数据进行专题分析。

结果 确定了两个主题:1)在接受治疗期间出现的不适;2)适应造口后的生活。造口患者需要适应因手术带来的重大生活变化。在手术后的第一个月内,患者可能经历排斥和否认的情绪,生活中的许多方面都需要重新调整。随着时间推移,约在六个月后,患者逐渐完成调整并适应新的生活方式。

结论/结局 本研究为护士和其他人提供了有关印度尼西亚造口患者在生理、心理、社会、精神和性适应过程中的见解,以及他们对未来造口生活的规划。这对于患有结直肠癌或其他需要终身携带造口的癌症患者具有重要意义。

关键词 癌症患者、经验、造口患者、术后、造口


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  4. Summers MC. The Effect of Ostomate-to-Ostomate Support on Psychosocial Adaptation to Stoma. Dr Nurs Pract Capstone Proj. 2018;28.
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  13. Jayarajah U, Samarasekera DN. Psychological adaptation to alteration of body image among stoma patients: A descriptive study. Indian J Psychol Med. 2017;39(1):63-68. doi:10.4103/0253-7176.198944
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Michelle Carr, BNursing, GradCertSTN, MClinNurs(Wound), MNursingSc(NP)

Paris E. Purnell, RN STN MBA
美国,伊利诺伊州,Hollister Incorporated,亚太地区全球临床教育,高级经理

目的/目标 本文引入了一种新的高排出量造口(HOS)定义,该定义全面覆盖了这一现象的各个方面,并与所有医疗卫生领域紧密相关。旨在推动所有涉及HOS患者管理的学科在术语使用上的一致性,并为后续研究提供平台。

目的与背景 HOS患者面临发生并发症的风险,包括发病率、死亡率増加、生活质量下降、住院时间延长以及频繁再入院等问题。1,5,6,7,8, 10. 虽然越来越多的文献关注HOS的管理,但仍有许多与该疾病相关的关键因素尚未被深入研究,例如HOS的发病率、健康结局、医疗系统的财务成本和社区的社会成本。值得关注的是,HOS的定义尚未达成共识:各学科内部和学科之间的定义存在差异,且定义所依据的原则也没有得到充分说明。1,2,3,4,5

方法 作者代表多个国家,进行了广泛的文献综述,以了解所现有定义、患者特征以及影响造口排出量的病因,在此基础上,达成共识,提出了新的HOS定义,该定义涵盖了排出量、时间范围、解剖学差异及生化指标等参数。

结果 新定义将在大会上发布,期望其能够被接受为新的全球标准定义。

结论/结局 对HOS的准确和明确的定义应成为进一步探讨和研究这一现象的基石,从而得出有意义且一致的结论。这些结论有助于促进循证实践,最终使HOS患者受益。

关键词 高排出量、造口、定义、造口术


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  2. Baker ML, Williams, RN & Nightingale, JM, 2011, ÅeCauses and management of a high-output stomaÅf, Colorectal Diseases, 13(2):191–197.
  3. McDonald A, 2014, ÅeOrchestrating the management of patients with high output stomasÅf, British Journal of Nursing, 23(12):645–649.
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Michele R. Burdette-Taylor, PhD, MSN, RN, CWCN, CFCN, NPD-BC, LTC-R

目的/目标 识别19世纪的足部和伤口护理干预措施如何影响21世纪的实践。根据不同时期的武器类型和与天气有关的各种损伤,区分军事战斗和伤口护理的发展历程。讨论战争和战斗给技术、产品、辅助/先进疗法和设备开发带来的科学“一线希望”。

目的与背景 分享以个人和专业经验为重点的循证研究。作为一名曾在波斯湾战争、持久自由军事行动、伊拉克自由行动以及最近的乌克兰和以色列战争期间专注于伤口护理的退休军事护士,我有幸通过本次演讲为全球造口和伤口护理同仁提供一个独特而宝贵的视角。作为一名南丁格尔学者,我研究了克里米亚战争期间的军事医疗系统干预情况;同时,作为一位对士兵健康与福祉历史充满热情的护士,我对此抱有深厚的情感。本次发言旨在将与武器、天气相关问题和当时的标准伤口护理管理有关的战斗伤口历史联系起来。

方法 对历史、开创性和当前的证据进行综合回顾,探讨如何将军事领域的干预措施应用于平民伤口护理,以促进伤口成功愈合。

结果 对文献结果的广泛综述侧重于产品、设备、辅助和先进技术的开发,以提高愈合率,减轻截肢和伤口的严重程度。自克里米亚战争以来,许多发明和干预措施不断发展,不仅促进士兵的伤口愈合,同时还降低发病率和死亡率。

结论/结局 了解历史可以改善护理,同时避免相同的或类似的错误。与护理人员分享“我们是如何走到今天的”,为拥有五十年军队和平民伤口护理领域经验的造口和伤口护理护士提供了一个启发性的顿悟时刻。

关键词 辅助弹药、X射线、抗生素、沟通


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Marianne Krogsgaard, PhD,副教授

Helle Kristensen, PhD MD

Peter Christensen,MD教授

目的/目标 研究造口相关问题的发生率及其对患者日常生活的影响

目的与背景 全球范围内的随访政策正在不断变化,以便为最需要的患者提供个性化的随访护理。与此同时,结直肠癌手术后的晚期影响被发现具有高发生率。造口护士在为直肠癌术后长期造口患者设计未来的随访护理时,需要掌握造口相关问题的发生率、类型以及对患者日常生活的影响。然而目前,这方面相关的知识仍然匮乏。

方法 我们在五个欧洲国家使用经确认的患者报告结局指标对2262名长期生存者进行了横断面研究。通过调整潜在混杂因素的多变量回归分析,计算得出造口问题与日常生活限制的关系。

结果 造口相关问题在造口手术后5.4年(IQR 3.8-7.6)内的发生率很高;其中包括造口皮肤渗漏(58%)、异味困扰(55%)、皮肤问题(27%)和造口部位疼痛(21%)。几乎每五名患者中就有一人(19%)因造口而在日常生活中受限。每周出现异味和渗漏ウ1次、皮肤问题以及每天更换造口袋次数>4次与生活受限有显著相关性。

结论/结局 据患者报告,结肠造口的发病率很高。为了更好地帮助那些因日常生活受限而需要支持的患者,提供便捷快速联系造口护理护士的方式显得尤为重要。对造口功能和问题进行年度调查或筛查,可以作为造口形成后长期随访的第一步。

关键词 直肠癌、长期生存者、造口护理、症状、日常生活



Marianne Krogsgaard, PhD,副教授

Pia Dreyer,教授

Thordis Thomsen,教授

目的/目标 研究患者在为造口旁隆起的出现做好准备方面的经验。

目的与背景 造口旁隆起对患者的生活有重大影响。我们从患者的角度获得的关于造口旁隆起的信息非常有限。

方法 对参加五个焦点小组的20名患者进行定性访谈。受Paul Ricoeur的启发,采用了三阶段现象学-神学方法进行分析。

结果 不可预见的隆起引起了人们对皮肤隆起原因和后果的日益关注和担忧。患者试图从自身生活中寻找解释,例如,将隆起归因于自身行为或既往疾病(如流感、咳嗽)以及术后康复过程中所付出的努力。患者普遍认为,医疗保健专业人员掌握了他们未被告知的预防性干预措施。信息缺失或信息相互矛盾会导致患者采取适得其反的行为,例如在造口手术后不知不觉地继续从事艰苦繁重的工作,而这些行为本可以通过了解造口隆起的风险而避免。由于缺乏信息,患者对医疗保健专业人员感到失望。一些患者由于隆起难以忍受,寻求外科医生的意见和建议进行手术修复。一些患者在被告知无需手术后得以安心生活,而另一些患者则几乎对改善失去了希望。

结论/结局 信息缺乏可能导致患者对医疗保健专业人员的不信任和失望。解决患者的个体支持需求和信息需求对于维护患者的自主权和福祉非常重要。外科医生和造口护士应该意识到沟通方式对患者理解造口旁隆起的影响。

关键词 造口旁隆起、疝气、信息、准备、定性


Krogsgaard M, Dreyer P, Thomsen T. Understanding patientsÅf perspectives when unprepared for the emergence of a parastomal bulgeÅ\a qualitative study. Colorectal Dis. 2023;00:1–8. https://doi.org/10.1111/ codi.16750



Kyoung Ae NAM

目的/目标 负压伤口治疗(NPWT)是一种贯穿整个伤口部位提供低于大气压压力的伤口敷料系统,可促进伤口愈合并减少手术并发症。尽管由于潜在的肿瘤发生风险,其在恶性伤口中是禁用的,但相关证据有限。

目的与背景 比较肿瘤复发和伤口愈合情况以及手术并发症,为NPWT应用于黒色素瘤切除伤口提供证据。

方法 我们回顾性地查阅了2006年1月至2020年2月期间,经组织病理学诊断为无结节和远处转移的肢端雀斑痣性黒色素瘤的232例患者的病历。其中,共有179例患者接受了NPWT治疗,53例患者接受了常规手术敷料治疗。

结果 NPWT组中有51例(28.5%)患者复发,其中18例(10.1%)为局部复发;常规手术敷料组中有17例患者(32.1%)复发,其中5例(9.4%)为局部复发。两组患者的无复发生存率无明显差异(对数秩检验,p=0.701)。与仅接受常规手术敷料和不接受皮肤移植的NPWT患者相比,接受NPWT并植皮的患者伤口愈合速度明显更快(p<0.001)。与常规手术敷料相比,接受NPWT治疗的患者手术部位感染率较低(15.1% vs 28.3%,p=0.028)。

结论/结局 NPWT不会显著増加黒色素瘤切除伤口的肿瘤复发率。与常规手术敷料相比,NPWT在促进伤口愈合和减少手术部位感染方面具有多重优势。

关键词 负压伤口治疗(NPWT)、黒色素瘤切除手术伤口


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  8. Pflibsen LR, Lettieri SC, Kruger EA, Rebecca AM , Teven CM. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in Malignancy: Always an Absolute Contraindication? Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2020;8:e3007.
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  10. Mendez-Eastman S. Guidelines for Using Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 2001;14:314-23.



Ting-Kuang Wang

Chien-Hsin Chen M.D.

Kee-Hsin Chen

Chiehfeng Chen M.D., Ph. D.

目的/目标 结直肠手术的伤口感染风险显著较高,与替代手术相比,其不良事件发生率増加了八倍。尽管微创方法日益普及,但开放式手术仍是标准选择,尤其是在病情复杂的情况下。本研究旨在评价NPWT在结直肠切口中的有效性和安全性。

目的与背景 负压伤口治疗(NPWT)在降低骨科、血管科、心胸外科、整形外科和腹部外科手术后的手术部位感染(SSI)率方面取得了良好的效果。有关NPWT治疗结直肠切口的文献越来越多,其中包含多项随机对照试验(RCT),但研究结果并不一致。

方法 在Cochrane临床对照试验中心注册数据库、PubMed、EMBASE、护理和相关健康文献累积索引数据库以及ClinicalTrials.gov数据库中检索,筛选比较NPWT和标准护理的RCT和非随机对照试验(非RCT)。

结果 共纳入五项RCT和六项非RCT(n=2,193)。NPWT显著降低了结直肠切口的感染率(比值比[OR],0.57;95%置信区间[CI],0.41-0.78;I2=14%;p<0.0005)和伤口并发症发生率(OR,0.33;95% CI,0.13-0.88;I2=59%;p=0.03)。同时,NPWT还将伤口愈合时间缩短了3天(平均差,-2.98;95% CI,-4.99 - -0.97;I2=0%;p=0.004)。亚组分析表明,NPWT对危及生命的紧急手术伤口以及受污染或脏污伤口的受益更大。

结论/结局 NPWT是一种有效的结直肠手术后伤口闭合干预措施,可显著减少SSI发生率、整体伤口并发症发生率,并缩短平均伤口完全愈合时间。对紧急手术伤口、受污染伤口和脏污伤口,其疗效更显著。在共同决策过程中,应从成本效益和患者筛选的角度考虑治疗方案。

关键词 负压伤口治疗、结直肠手术、系统性综述、荟萃分析


Murphy P, Lee K, Dubois L, et al. Negative pressure wound therapy for high-risk wounds in lower extremity revascularization: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2015;16:504.

Gomoll AH, Lin A, Harris MB. Incisional Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy. Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 2006;20(10):705-709.

Fowler AL, Barry MK. Closed incision negative pressure therapy: Results of recent trials and recommendations for clinical practice. Surgeon. 2020;18(4):241-250.

OÅfLeary DP, Peirce C, Anglim B, et al. Prophylactic Negative Pressure Dressing Use in Closed Laparotomy Wounds Following Abdominal Operations: A Randomized, Controlled, Open-label Trial: The P.I.C.O. Trial. Annals of surgery. 2017;265(6):1082-1086.
Shen P, Blackham AU, Lewis S, et al. Phase II Randomized Trial of Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy to Decrease Surgical Site Infection in Patients Undergoing Laparotomy for Gastrointestinal, Pancreatic, and Peritoneal Surface Malignancies. J Am Coll Surg. 2017;224(4):726-737.




目的/目标 旨在总结自身免疫性大疱性疾病(AIBD)患者感染多重耐药菌(MDRO)的患病率和危险因素。为制定临床预防和护理计划提供依据。

目的与背景 AIBD患者的感染发生对原发疾病的治疗和控制有很大的负面影响。研究普遍认为,近年来细菌的耐药率不断上升,MRSA等多重耐药菌的出现不利于后续伤口感染的控制。目前,关于AIBD患者皮肤感染多重耐药菌的高度危险因素的研究尚显不足。

方法 本研究采用回顾性研究方法,收集了271名住院AIBD患者的信息。采用单变量和二元logistic回归分析的办法,分析患者感染多重耐药菌的独立危险因素。

结果 在三年内,共治疗了440例AIBD患者。细菌培养率为72.7%,阳性率为55.7%。其中,74例患者感染了多重耐药菌。主要的多重耐药菌为葡萄球菌和肠杆菌,分别占75.9%和13.9%。两组患者在住院时间、严重程度、自行调整药物剂量、外用抗生素软膏、免疫抑制剂使用、糖皮质激素持续使用时间、糖皮质激素最大剂量和首次入院时白蛋白值等方面,两组患者存在统计学显著差异(p<0.05)。回归分析表明,外用抗生素软膏、免疫抑制剂使用、糖皮质激素最大剂量和自行调整药物剂量是多重耐药菌感染的独立危险因素。

结论/结局 AIBD患者容易感染MDRO,其中葡萄球菌是最常见的多重耐药病原体。外用抗生素软膏、大量使用免疫抑制剂和糖皮质激素、自行调整药物剂量均会増加MDRO感染的风险。

关键词 自身免疫性大疱性疾病、伤口感染、多重耐药性


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