Volume 44 Number 4

Together we are stronger

Laurent O Chabal, Denise Hibbert

For referencing Chabal LO, Hibbert D. Together we are stronger. WCET® Journal. 2024;44(4):8-9.





“Building a strong future is living at the intersection of today and tomorrow: where living in the moment and who we have chosen to become dance together as one.” – Bill Jensen1

This message is dedicated to one of the most appreciated WCET® Membership Benefits, our Biennial Congress.2

The 2024 WCET® – Association of Stoma Care Nurses-United Kingdom (ASCN-UK) joint congress has just concluded very successfully. It was amazing to have individuals living with stomas, fistula, wounds and/or continence needs as speakers and moderators, making this congress so very unique.

We sincerely thank all of you who worked so hard to make the event possible. We gathered together as more than 1150 participants from all over the world and you have all made us very proud!

Within our September President and President elect message we celebrated our WCET® awardees,3 in this editon we would like to warmly congratulate all awardees from ASCN UK side:

  • Emma Vermon and Pamela White for the Pat Black Award4
  • Dr Terri Porret for the ASCN UK Chairperson’s Award
  • Cathie King for the Philip Salt Award, ASCN UK Stoma Care Nurse of the year
  • Dr Jennie Burch for Special Acknowledgement by ASCN UK for her 2024 contribution to Stoma care and Specialty and implementing the WCET® – ASCN UK Scientific Programme
  • Angie Perrin, ASCN UK Vice Chair, for having received the title of Queen’s Nurse5 in recognition of her commitment to improving standards of care in the community and to learning and leadership.

Many thanks for all your work and the very well-deserved acknowledgement with which we fully associate. Well done!

Congratulations also to our five WCET® – ASCN UK Best Poster Award winners, representing our tri specialty expertise:

  • Hamadi L, WCET® Morocco International Delegate, for her Stoma Care Best Poster: A First Step Toward the Deployment of Enterostomal Therapy in Morocco.
  • de M Coelho M et al, from Brazil, for their Wound Care Best Poster: Folder on Care to Prevent Diabetic Foot: Construction and Validation.
  • da Costa FA et al, from Brazil, for their Wound Care Best Poster: Production and Validation of the “Doll Gill” Doll for Educational Actions with People with Intestinal Stomas.
  • Valença MP et al, from Brazil, for their Continence Care Best Poster: Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence and it is Impact on the Quality of Life in Pregnant Women in the Municipality of São Lourenço da Mata-Pe.
  • Silva C et al, from Portugal, for their Education Intervention Best Poster: Contents and Functionality Searched in an Elimination Ostomy Self-Care E-Health Platform: APPOstomia.

In the upcoming WCET® Journal, you will be able to read abstracts from this event, we hope also to publish some articles by authors who presented their work as an oral or poster abstract. As from previous WCET® Biennial Congresses, the 2024 abstract book will be posted on the WCET® website: https://wcetn.org/page/PastWCETCongresses. Also please watch for the next WCET® BullETin publication, where you will hear from attendees and organisers about their experience at congress; and especially from our Congress Scholarship Recipients. If you were not able to attend  this will provide some tasty bites of what you unfortunately missed. We are sad to say that some of our scholarship recipients did not manage to attend. These individuals will see that their applications have been cancelled so that, if they wish, they can apply another time.

We hope you will all be able to take away these tips, skills, new practice points and knowledge to implement and/or adapt into each healthcare setting improving daily practice and bring better outcomes.

As you may know, this is the very first time all Executive Board (EB) members have met face to face since 2018 at the WCET® Congress, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Despite this, a lot has been achieved, so thank you all and welcome to the new EB members who have committed to work for the next four years.

We would also like to thank all of you who have taken the opportunity to celebrate Ostomates as they deserve, especially as the WCET® – ASCN UK Congress dates were very close to their World Celebration Day.

To all attendees, we again apologise for not being allowed to have the lively celebrations we had envisioned for the Parade of Nations and the Opening of the Exhibition on September 28. We were all disappointed to have to cancel the Scottish Pipers and Drums in order to abide with the MedTech requirements. But as the resilient and tenacious people that nurses and especially ET nurses are, we all adapted our natural skills and talents to build the excitement and atmosphere to engage all and carry us forward to a one of a kind unique and memorable Opening and Parade of Nations and an entrance to the exhibition hall. Huge thanks to all International Delegates or representatives for having made the best of it with your best national costume, as many thanks to Dee Waugh for coordinating, and running this Parade which is very ‘our brand’.

To address the issues raised regarding MedTech rules and processes, the WCET® and other like organisations have agreed to write on your behalf in a joint action, to enable dialogue around standarisation. We will update you in the future.

We also would like to remind everyone that we keep your membership, registration and attendance lists confidential, in respect of the General Data Protection Regulation rules.6 Any attempts you might receive to try to sell you this information does not come from us and so is most likely incorrect and has most definitely been gained unethically. We request/advise you not to purchase.

2024 has been a good year for collaboration. We also had the opportunity to partner with the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel7, even though their annual conference dates in Lausanne, Switzerland, were close to our Congress. Dr Elizbeth A Ayello, our new WCET® Life Member, was able to represent WCET® as a keynote speaker at their 24th event, and we thank her for her dedication and ongoing efforts to support WCET®. Similarly, we thank Alison Crawshaw, our 2024 WCET® Congress Coordinator and new WCET® Life Member. This is the highest WCET® membership position in recognition of outstanding commitment to the WCET®, they both very much deserve it.

As the 2024 WCET® – ASCN UK Joint Congress is sadly over, it is now time to prepare for our 2026 plans in accordance with our 2023 four-year strategy.

We are sad to see our past Education Committee Chairperson, Yajuan (Julie) Weng and past Norma N Gill Foundation® (NNGF®) Committee Chairperson, Aihua (Alice) Chen, from China, leave, we are very grateful for all of their work and look forward to seeing them as members of the WCET® committees.  As a board we must always look onwards and so we are very happy to welcome our new Education Chairperson, Dr Maria Angela Boccara de Paula, from Brazil, and our new NNGF® Chairperson, Dr Kathleen (Katie) Capitulo, from USA.

As you may know WCET® tries to move from one continent to another for its biennial congress in order to allow all members a chance to attend at least one Congress. We do not take bids for congress but we look for a venue country with a national association interested in hosting the event, and of course where we can get the best deal for all members. Our planning for 2026 was to go to a continent we had not visited for many years, but that was not to be, two sites and associations who had made a proposal sadly had to change their plans due to local and post COVID issues. We will have another opportunity to bring Congress to these two continents at a later date. However, we have found a well established national partner with the resources and infrastructure ready to work with us. We sincerely thank our colleagues from Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC®)8 for their enthusiastic and quick engagement, they have already provided very constructive responses which has allowed us to come to an agreement within quite a short period of time.

Although we will be back in North America sooner than we expected, this will be the first time in Canada for over 30 years when Congress was held in Toronto in 1990. We are sure this 25th upcoming WCET® Biennial Congress will be a real success, for both organisations WCET® and NSWOCC® representatives, are fully committed to work closely together over the next two years to make this event memorable. It will be the 45th NWSOCC® National Annual Conference while WCET® celebrates its 25th Biennial Congress, a lot to celebrate so we hope you will not miss it.

To echo the quote from Ryunosuke Satoro “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”, this upcoming congress theme is In it Together: Moving Mountains to Create a World of Better Wound, Ostomy and Continence Care.

We sincerely thank, Alison Crawshaw, 2024 WCET® Congress Coordinator and WCET® Life Member, for her commitment over the past years spent on the editorial board and as an unconditional supporter member. We thank her in advance for mentoring the 2026–2028 WCET® Congress Coordinator, Louise (Sam) Samuel, from Canada, who will work closely with Mary Hill from NWSOCC®,the Programme Leader for their National Conference Planning Committee. See the upcoming BullETin to learn more about her.

Finally we deeply appreciate the collaboration with the ASCN-UK, in particular Vice Chair Angie Perrin and Chair Andrew Bird, and their colleagues Maddie White, Wendy Osborne, and Carole Swash. All along the co-construction of the 2024 joint Congress was realised with collaboration, shared ideas and action in order to achieve our common goal and propose a diverse, inspirational and high quality up-to-date educational event which we hope will have been beneficial to all.


Laurent O Chabal, Denise Hibbert




“构建光明的未来,便是生活在当下与未来的交汇点:当下的生活与我们选择的未来融为一体,共舞不息。” - Bill Jensen1




在九月份的主席和候任主席致辞中,我们表彰了WCET®的获奖者,3在本期中,我们将热烈祝贺ASCN UK的所有获奖者:

  • Emma Vermon和Pamela White荣获Pat Black奖4
  • Terri Porret博士荣获ASCN UK主席奖
  • Cathie King荣获Philip Salt奖,被评为ASCN UK年度造口护理护士
  • Jennie Burch博士因其2024年对造口护理和专科领域的贡献以及实施WCET®-ASCN UK科学项目,荣获ASCN UK特别表彰;
  • Angie Perrin,ASCN UK副主席,因其致力于提高社区护理标准并推动学习和领导力发展而荣获女王护士5称号。


同时祝贺我们的五位WCET®-ASCN UK最佳海报奖得主,他们代表了我们三大专科的专业实力:

  • Hamadi L,WCET®摩洛哥国际代表,以其作品《摩洛哥部署肠造口治疗的第一步》荣获最佳造口护理海报奖;
  • 来自巴西的M Coelho M等人,以其作品《预防糖尿病足的护理手册:构建与确认》荣获最佳伤口护理海报奖;
  • 来自巴西的Costa FA等人,以其作品《用于肠造口患者教育行动的“Doll Gill”玩偶的生产与确认》荣获最佳伤口护理海报奖;
  • 来自巴西的Valença MP等人,以其作品《圣洛伦索·达马塔·佩市孕妇尿失禁的患病率及其对生活质量的影响》荣获最佳失禁护理海报奖;
  • 来自葡萄牙的Silva C等人,以其作品《排泄性造口自我护理电子健康平台APPOstomia的内容与功能探索》荣获最佳教育干预海报奖。

此外,请关注下一期WCET® BullETin期刊,以此了解参会者和组织者在大会上的经历,特别是大会奖学金获得者的经历。如果您未能参加,可以通过此途径获悉一些遗憾错过的精彩瞬间。颇为遗憾的是,我们有一部分奖学金获得者未能出席此次大会。这些个人的申请已被取消。不过,若他们后续仍有意愿参与,可再次提交申请。



我们还要感谢大家在大会期间给予了造口患者应有的关注和支持,特别是WCET®-ASCN UK英国大会的日期接近世界造口日的情况下,这样的关注显得尤为有意义。

9月28日的国家游行和展览开幕式未能按照我们的设想举行热烈的庆祝活动,我们再次向所有参与者表示歉意。由于必须遵守MedTech相关要求,我们不得不取消苏格兰风笛和鼓乐队的演出。但正如护士们,尤其是ET护士所展现的坚韧和毅力,我们都发挥了自己的天赋技能和才能,营造了激动人心的氛围,让所有人都参与其中,带来了独一无二、令人难忘的开幕式,顺利进行了国家游行并成功开启了展览馆。衷心感谢所有国际代表们,感谢你们身着最美的民族服装参加游行。同时,也非常感谢Dee Waugh的协调和组织工作,让这场极具我们品牌特色的游行有条不紊地顺利进行。



2024年是成果丰硕的合作之年。我们还有机会与欧洲压疮咨询委员会7合作,即使他们在瑞士洛桑举行年会的日期与我们的大会相近,也并未影响合作的顺利开展。我们的新WCET®终身成员Elizbeth A Ayello博士代表WCET®在他们的第24届活动上发表主题演讲,我们感谢她为支持WCET®所做的奉献和持续努力。同样,我们感谢2024年WCET®大会协调员兼新WCET®终身成员Alison Crawshaw。这是WCET®最高级别的成员资格,以表彰他们对WCET®的杰出贡献。

随着2024年WCET®-ASCN UK联合大会的落幕,现在是时候按照2023年的四年战略准备2026年的计划了。

我们对来自中国的前任教育委员会主席翁亚娟和前任Norma N Gill基金会®(NNGF®)委员会主席陈爱华的离任感到遗憾,但我们非常感激她们所做的一切工作,并期待看到她们作为WCET®委员会成员继续发光发热。作为委员会,我们必须始终向前看,因此,我们非常高兴地欢迎来自巴西的新任教育主席Maria Angela Boccara de Paula博士和来自美国的新任NNGF®主席Kathleen(Katie)Capitulo博士的加入。




我们衷心感谢2024年WCET®大会协调员兼WCET®终身成员Alison Crawshaw在过去几年中作为编辑委员会成员和无条件支持者所做出的贡献。我们预先感谢她为来自加拿大的2026-2028年WCET®大会协调员Louise(Sam)Samuel提供指导,Sam将与来自NWSOCC®、作为国家大会规划委员会的项目负责人的Mary Hill密切合作。请参阅即将发布的BullETin了解更多相关信息。

最后,我们对与ASCN-UK的合作深表感谢,特别是副主席Angie Perrin和主席Andrew Bird,以及他们的同事Maddie White、Wendy Osborne和Carole Swash。在整个2024年联合大会的共同建设过程中,通过合作、共享想法和行动,实现了我们的共同目标,提出了多样化、鼓舞人心且高质量的最新教育活动,我们希望所有人都能从中受益。


Laurent O Chabal
BSc (CBP) RN OncPall (Cert) Dip (WH) ET EAWT
WCET® President 2022–2026

Denise Hibbert
WCET® President-Elect 2022–2026


  1. B Jensen. Future Strong: How to Work Unleashed, Lead Boldly, and Live Life Your. October 2015.  Motivational Press LLC. ISBN-10  1628652217.  ISBN-13 978-1628652215
  2. Chabal L, Barber S & Hibbert D. WCET® 2023 membership survey results: reviewing the past and planning the future. WCET® Journal. 2023;43(4):20–26.
  3. Chabal L, Hibbert D. From the President and President Elect – This is finally it! WCET® Journal. 2024;44(3):9–11.
  4. Vermon E & White P. 2023. Assessing and documenting dark skin tones in stoma care. BJN. 32(22): S22–S26.
  5. The Queen’s Nursing Institute. The Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Award for Outstanding Service. https://qni.org.uk/explore-qni/qni-awards/award-outstanding-service/
  6. European Union. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) https://gdpr-info.eu
  7. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel https://epuap2024.org
  8. Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Canada (NSWOCC®). https://www.nswoc.ca