Volume 44 Number 4
Index of articles in the WCET® Journal 2024; 44 (1-4)
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists. Selected abstracts from the 24th Biennial WCET Congress in Glasgow, UK. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):39-47.
Clinical practice
Hill R. Translating the evidence into clinical practice – a journey through change. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S11-14.
Smart H et al. Wound bed preparation 2024: Delphi consensus on foot ulcer management in resource-limited settings. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):13-35.
Cultural awareness
Pagan M. Building cultural connections with healthcare professionals in Aotearoa (New Zealand) from a wound clinical nurse specialist perspective. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):37-39.
Prentice J. Gifted and giving. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):7.
Prentice J. Shared expertise informing practice. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):7.
Prentice J. Sustaining the legacy. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):7.
Purnell P. Evolution and evidence in convexity. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S2.
Smart H. IIWCG: a platform to develop the next generation of wound care leaders. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):7.
Smart H. Giving two minutes of time. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):8.
Evidence summaries: low- and middle-income countries
Haesler E. WHAM evidence summary: fish skin for treating burns. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):44-48.
Haesler E. WHAM evidence summary: potassium permanganate (Condy’s crystals). WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):26-30.
Haesler E. WHAM evidence summary: potato peel dressing for healing burns. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):30-32.
From the President and President-Elect
Chabal LO and Hibbert D. Set your watch, Glasgow is fast approaching!. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):10-11.
Chabal LO and Hibbert D. Following Norna’s footsteps, on our own path. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):10-11.
Chabal LO and Hibbert D. This is finally it! WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):9-11.
Chabal LO and Hibbert D. Together we are stronger. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):8-9.
News and views Around the WCET® world
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists. Around the WCET world. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):12-13.
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists. Around the WCET world. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):10.
Carlin A. Treatment of chronic parastomal ulceration with silver sulfadiazine and hyaluronic acid: a case series. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):36-39.
Chirco G et al. The incidence of stomal and peristomal complications: preliminary results three months after stoma creation. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):13-23.
Cusack L et al. Evaluating risk factors for development of a parastomal hernia: a retrospective matched case-control study. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):20-28.
Czaplewski G and Smitka K. The role of standardised product terminology in product development and clinical practice. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S3-5.
Drolshagen C et al. The world is no longer flat. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S6-10.
Houston N. Norma N Gill: a symphony of resilience and reform in Enterostomal Therapy. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):40-43.
Purnell P. Next steps – future considerations in convexity and evidence. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S15-16.
Appoo A et al. Examining the association of immuno-suppresants and wound healing: a narrative review. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):12-19.
Ayello EA. Sally Thompson. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):11.
Ayello EA and Sibbald RG. Professor Dr Gregory Schultz. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):16-18.
Carville K. Pam Morey. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):14-15.
Brandao M et al. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of foot ulcers in people with diabetes mellitus: a randomised controlled trial protocol. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):28-38.
Carter H and Prentice J. Use of a silicone contact layer and non-adhesive foam dressing. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):20-25.
Geng R and Sibbald RG. Atopic Dermatitis: clinical aspects and treatments. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):29-36.
Smart H and Cronje F. Diabetic feet with plantar thermal burn wounds – a patient optimisation and preservative care approach. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):24-27.
Índice de artículos de la Revista WCET® 2024; 44 (1-4)
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists. Selected abstracts from the 24th Biennial WCET Congress in Glasgow, UK. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):39-47.
Práctica clínica
Hill R. Translating the evidence into clinical practice – a journey through change. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S11-14.
Smart H et al. Wound bed preparation 2024: Delphi consensus on foot ulcer management in resource-limited settings. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):13-35.
Conciencia cultural
Pagan M. Building cultural connections with healthcare professionals in Aotearoa (New Zealand) from a wound clinical nurse specialist perspective. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):37-39.
Prentice J. Gifted and giving. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):7.
Prentice J. Shared expertise informing practice. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):7.
Prentice J. Sustaining the legacy. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):7.
Purnell P. Evolution and evidence in convexity. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S2.
Smart H. IIWCG: a platform to develop the next generation of wound care leaders. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):7.
Smart H. Giving two minutes of time. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):8.
Resúmenes de evidencias: países de ingresos bajos y medios
Haesler E. WHAM evidence summary: fish skin for treating burns. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):44-48.
Haesler E. WHAM evidence summary: potassium permanganate (Condy’s crystals). WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):26-30.
Haesler E. WHAM evidence summary: potato peel dressing for healing burns. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):30-32.
Del Presidente y Presidente Electo
Chabal LO and Hibbert D. Set your watch, Glasgow is fast approaching!. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):10-11.
Chabal LO and Hibbert D. Following Norna’s footsteps, on our own path. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):10-11.
Chabal LO and Hibbert D. This is finally it! WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):9-11.
Chabal LO and Hibbert D. Together we are stronger. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):8-9.
Noticias y opiniones En todo el mundo WCET®
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists. Around the WCET world. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):12-13.
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists. Around the WCET world. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):10.
Carlin A. Treatment of chronic parastomal ulceration with silver sulfadiazine and hyaluronic acid: a case series. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):36-39.
Chirco G et al. The incidence of stomal and peristomal complications: preliminary results three months after stoma creation. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):13-23.
Cusack L et al. Evaluating risk factors for development of a parastomal hernia: a retrospective matched case-control study. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):20-28.
Czaplewski G and Smitka K. The role of standardised product terminology in product development and clinical practice. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S3-5.
Drolshagen C et al. The world is no longer flat. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S6-10.
Houston N. Norma N Gill: a symphony of resilience and reform in Enterostomal Therapy. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(1):40-43.
Purnell P. Next steps – future considerations in convexity and evidence. WCET® Journal Supplement 2024; 44(3):S15-16.
Appoo A et al. Examining the association of immuno-suppresants and wound healing: a narrative review. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):12-19.
Ayello EA. Sally Thompson. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):11.
Ayello EA and Sibbald RG. Professor Dr Gregory Schultz. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):16-18.
Carville K. Pam Morey. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):14-15.
Brandao M et al. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of foot ulcers in people with diabetes mellitus: a randomised controlled trial protocol. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):28-38.
Carter H and Prentice J. Use of a silicone contact layer and non-adhesive foam dressing. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(3):20-25.
Geng R and Sibbald RG. Atopic Dermatitis: clinical aspects and treatments. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(2):29-36.
Smart H and Cronje F. Diabetic feet with plantar thermal burn wounds – a patient optimisation and preservative care approach. WCET® Journal 2024; 44(4):24-27.