Volume 17 Number 3

Release Date August 2009  

ISSN 2202-9729

Editor(s) Michael Woodward and Allison Cowin

WoundsWest education: taking the evidence on wounds to the clinician

Keryln Carville, Juliet Keaton, Robyn Rayner, Dr Jenny Prentice and Nick Santamaria


WoundsWest: Delivering comprehensive strategies to improve wound management in Western Australian Health Services

Dr Jenny Prentice, Veronica Strachan, Keryln Carville, Professor Nick Santamaria, Ros Elmes and Professor Phillip Della


Pressure injury prevalence in a private health service: risks and recommendations

Professor Anne Gardner, Ms Lynne Millar, Adjunct Professor Sandra Legg, Ms Yvette Gomez, Mr Tony McGillion and Mr Aidan Mulcahy


The Dressing Bank™ – a system for providing access, equity and cost-effectiveness for advanced wound dressings in the acute care setting

Wendy McInnes


Chronic wound pain: a literature review

Gregory Duncan and Melinda Brooks