Volume 18 Number 4
Release Date November 2010
ISSN 2202-9729
Editor(s) Michael Woodward and Allison Cowin
Telemedicine for wound care: Current practice and future potential
Leonard C Gray, Nigel R Armfield and Anthony C Smith
Does the use of store-and-forward telehealth systems improve outcomes for clinicians managing diabetic foot ulcers? A pilot study
Mr Peter A Lazzarini, Mr Damien Clark, Ms Rebecca D Mann, Ms Vanessa L Perry, Ms Courtney J Thomas and Dr Suzanne S Kuys
The development of an electronic wound management system for Western Australia
Professor Nick Santamaria, Associate Professor David Glance, Dr Jenny Prentice and Kit Fielder
WoundsWest Advisory Service pilot: An innovative delivery of wound management
Margaret Edmondson, Dr Jenny Prentice, Kit Fielder and Susannah Mulligan
From the laboratory to the leg: Patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of product application using three different dressing formats
Catherine E Hammond, Dr Martin Than and Jackie W Walker