Volume 21 Number 3

Release Date September 2013  

ISSN 2202-9729

Editor(s) Michael Woodward and Allison Cowin

Spreading the mantra of wound education

Bill McGuiness


A wound management education and training needs analysis of health consumers and the relevant health workforce and stocktake of available education and training activities and resources

Karen Innes-Walker and Professor Helen Edwards


Role of wound clinic teaching in the undergraduate medical curriculum

Jason D Lemon, Maitri Munsif and Professor Sankar Sinha 


Acute care patient mobility patterns and documented pressure injury prevention — an observational study and survey

Associate Professor Elizabeth McInnes, Professor Wendy Chaboyer, Mr Todd Allen, Ms Edel Murray and Ms Louise Webber


Evidence summary: Wound infection: silver products and biofilms

Wound Healing and Management Node Group


Pressure ulcer prevalence among hospitalised adults in university hospitals in South-west Nigeria

Adegoke BOA, Odole AC, Akindele LO and Akinpelu AO


Case study “So much to lose” — a holistic approach to wound management

Melinda Brooks