Volume 25 Number 1

Book review

Donna Angel



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Title: Essential Microbiology for Wound Care

Editor: Valerie Edwards-Jones

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Date: 2016

ISBN: 978-0-19-871600-6

Reviewer: Donna Angel
Nurse Practitioner
Royal Perth Hospital
Perth, WA, Australia

The book is a well-written text on the essentials of wound microbiology. There are 11 chapters encompassing topics such as the basics of microbiology, understanding biofilms, and infection prevention through to the future of wound care. The contributors are well respected in their areas. There are two forewords, written by Professor Sue Bale and Professor Gregory Schultz. This is a timely publication, with so much debate and discussion on wound infection, biofilms in wounds and antibiotic resistance, adding the reader in decision-making on the subject.

Each chapter is well laid out and easy to read. The contributors have done an excellent job in making the book informal and the topics easy to understand. Each chapter highlights definitions such as chemotaxis or biofilms; there are also boxes with key points that the reader should understand. Illustrations are in colour.

Following on from the introduction, chapter 2 covers the basics of microbiology. This includes the structure of microorganisms, how to distinguish between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and the importance of each in human disease with examples for wound care professionals. Chapter 3 describes laboratory diagnosis of infection, particularly in relation to wound infection. This leads onto acute versus chronic wound microbiological difference, wound pathogens, understanding and treating biofilms, and antimicrobial agents used in wound care. The remaining chapters describe dressings, infection prevention, treatment strategies and the future of wound care. This book will guide wound care practitioners in a broad range of clinical challenges relating to microorganisms in wounds and the effect they have on the host.


Reviewed by Donna Angel
Nurse Practitioner
Royal Perth Hospital
Perth, WA, Australia