Volume 28 Number 4


Dr Jenny Kruger

For referencing Kruger J. Editorial. Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal 2022; 28(4):75.

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/anzcj.28.4.75



It is with some sadness that this will be my last editorial message for the Journal. I am stepping down as Editor in Chief (EIC) after 3 years in the role. It has been an honour and privilege to have been part of the Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal Editorial Committee since 2011, and the EIC since 2019. I am so proud of this Journal. The manuscripts that we have published over the years have showcased a wide range of topics and aspects of continence care, from basic science through to clinical care. The rigorous review process has ensured that the manuscripts for publication are of a high standard, complemented often by the outstanding editing skills of our managing editor, Jacinta Miller.

That brings me to another rather sad piece of news. Jacinta is also stepping down as Managing Editor. She has been a stalwart of this Journal for 18 years, has guided us through many changes, has always been a calm and reassuring presence and has been an absolute pleasure to work with. Jacinta has provided the continuity that the Journal needed, as the Editorial Committee and EIC changed over the years. I cannot thank her enough for her contribution. As mentioned above, her editing skills are exceptional, but her gentle encouragement for new authors often converted reluctant writers into accomplished writers. Jacinta also provided the energy and organised the Writers' Workshops, usually held every second year at the National Conference on Incontinence, again encouraging and educating potential authors to publish. Finally, her long standing relationship with our publishers, Cambridge Media, has helped facilitate our move to digital copy, something that was greatly needed to increase our reach.

I am happy to report that the ANZCJ continues in good hands with Assoc Prof Christian Moro to take over as EIC in early 2023. Assoc Prof Moro is a urological researcher, investigating the physiology, immunology and pharmacology of the urinary bladder at Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia. His well-cited research publications have provided insight into identifying various mechanisms underlying bladder dysfunctions, as well as characterising potential new therapeutic treatment targets within the discrete layers of the urinary bladder. Assoc Prof Moro has been a long-time supporter of the ANZCJ and joined the Editorial Committee in 2018. I know the Journal will continue to thrive. As this edition of the Journal goes into production, recruitment for a new Managing Editor continues, with excellent candidates being considered for the role.

Finally, for this Summer 2022 edition, I would draw your attention to two excellent papers and a selection of abstracts from the Urogynaecological Society of Australia (UGSA) annual meeting held in September in Sydney. The abstracts cover a wide range of topics, so you are highly likely to find much of interest there. Our peer review articles include a retrospective view of the feasibility of Telehealth education classes necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020 many clinicians transferred service to Telehealth and the authors discuss the feasibility of Telehealth versus in-person classes, with insight into the experience of those attending a physiotherapy continence clinic. The second peer review paper is a scoping review into the ageing bladder and bladder mucosa, reporting recent insights from the last 5 years of animal model studies.

So, as I hand over the editorship to Assoc Prof Moro, I thank the ANZCJ Editorial Committee members for their support, including past editor Dr Margaret Sherburn who is also retiring after more than 20 years associated with the journal. Both Jacinta and I express our thanks to Greg Paull and his team at Cambridge Media, Perth, for their support in getting each edition out to members. Our appreciation also to former CEO of the Continence Foundation of Australia Barry Cahill and former CEOs of Continence NZ Jan Zander and Louise Judd for their support. I acknowledge and sincerely thank the Foundation’s CEO Rowen Cockerell and her team for their support of our work on the ANZCJ.

Nga mihi nui (Go well)

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Dr Jenny Kruger
Editor in Chief


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Associate Professor
Christian Moro





Dr Jenny Kruger
Editor in Chief