Volume 29 Number 3
Christian Moro
Licensed under CC BY 4.0
For referencing Moro C. Editorial. Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal 2023; 29(3):52.
DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/anzcj.29.3.52
We are excited to present this current edition of the Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal. In this edition we present three papers that we feel will be of great interest to readers. In the first article, Homewood, Silagy, Ip, Yao, Plagakis, Tse, Chan, Gani and O’Connell1 provide clinical outcomes from using Onabotulinumtoxin A injections in the treatment of primary bladder neck obstruction. In the second paper, Tuffnell2 outlines a four-year follow-up from a 2018 study, providing unique insights from collected data, as well as from the broader literature, surrounding the lived experience of women with pelvic surgical mesh complications. In the third article, Franks and Krause3 provide a review of clinical practice and Australian medical device regulations regarding pessary management for pelvic organ prolapse, a highly topical area.
It was fantastic to meet so many members of our community in Adelaide at the 31st National Conference on Incontinence and 4th Functional Urology Symposium in June. I would like to extend an invitation to any presenters from the conference to consider publishing their data in the Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal. We work hard to ensure visibility of published works in the journal and, to facilitate this, all publications are available online as full Diamond Open Access, with no cost to authors or readers. Each article is also allocated an individual Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to assist with referencing and tracking, and is listed across several databases. These features help our journal stand out and present it as an excellent outlet for the submission and publication of quality works. Also, if you are a first-time author, our reviewing and editorial teams offer feedback and support to assist. Performing and publishing research not only helps our community with increased knowledge and insights, but also advances the mission of the Continence Foundation of Australia and Continence New Zealand to promote bladder and bowel health and eliminate the stigma and restrictions of all aspects of incontinence.
We receive positive support from the community, and I very much appreciate the contribution of our reviewers and the editorial committee. Please contact us at journal@continence.org.au if you would like to be included on our team of reviewers.
Christian Moro
Editor-In-Chief and Chair
Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal
Christian Moro
Editor-In-Chief and Chair
Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal
- Homewood DCT, Silagy AW, Ip CCK, et al. Outcomes of bladder neck Onabotulinumtoxin A injection in the treatment of men and women with primary bladder neck obstruction. ANZ Continence J 2023;29(3):53–58.
- Tuffnell J. The experience of six women living with pelvic surgical mesh complications – interventions and adaptions: a phenomenological inquiry. ANZ Continence J 2023;29(3):59–66.
- Franks Z & Krause HG. Pessary management for pelvic organ prolapse: a review of clinical practice and Australian medical device regulations. ANZ Continence J 2023;29(3):67–73.