Aims and scope

The Journal of Wound Management (JWM) is the official journal of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA). The journal is published three times per year and targets an interdisciplinary reader audience of clinicians, researchers and educators working within the field of wound management. 

The aim of the journal is to improve the lives of those impacted by wounds by building a platform to disseminate advancements in treatment, prevention and service provision as it relates to wound care. The journal has a double-blind peer review process and publishes original scientific articles, reviews, clinical information, protocols and other data about developments in wound management to a global readership.  

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Wound Management comprises an international group of interdisciplinary experts within the field of wound management. 

The journal is currently indexed and abstracted in Scopus, CINAHL, Ebsco, InfoRMIT and Google Scholar and is being considered for Medline and Web of Science. All articles are free to access, and full issues are available for free download.