Volume 39 Number 2

Around the WCET® world

Elizabeth A. Ayello

For referencing World Council of Enterostomal Therapists®. WCET® Journal 2019; 39(2):8




Vale to Patricia Blackley, Gian Carlo Canese, Jean Preston

One of the realities of an association that has been in existence for over forty years is we begin to hear about our members who completed their earthly life.  When WCET® does receive information about a member passing away, it is of course a time of sorrow but also an opportunity to pause and acknowledge again their achievements and contributions. Since the last journal issue, WCET® has learned about the death of three colleagues – Patricia Blackley, Gian Carlo Canese and Jean Preston. While this edition of ‘News and views’ is indeed sad, it does provide an opportunity to remember and pay tribute to their contributions and achievements as well to reflect on what lessons WCET® can learn from their past participation so as to continue to move our association forward. 

I never met Patricia Blackley from Australia in person. Instead I got to know about her from her marvelous editorials.  Fortunately, because she served for many years as the WCET® Journal Editor, there are many brilliant editorials that she has left behind for us to re-read and ponder. Pat succeeded Norma Gill as journal editor in 1986 a post she served in until 1992. In 1996, she returned to the editor position for another 2 year term. As I read through her superb editorials it was clear from her many remarks that she loved this organization and had a splendid way with words. As a special tribute to her, we have reprinted her last editorial on page 43 in this issue. Her remarks about the importance of members writing for the journal are still very much relevant today, as you can see in this issue’s editorial by our current editor Jenny Prentice.

Perhaps one of my favourite comments is from one of her editorials – “Change is inherent in a growing organisation, the WCET® has changed slowly over the years and further changes can be expected to take place in the future as the growth factor makes the usual manner of functioning too unwieldy to be handled by the band of gifted amateurs who currently devote so much personal time to WCET® business. New leadership and new directions will become part of the scheme as WCET® moves ahead into the future striving to attain its present goals and gradually identifying new ones. Participation by all the membership should ensure that his very international organisation continues to reset its future directions and policies, global goals that will maintain the challenge to achieve for WCET®, for without the challenges we just wither and fade away.”  What vision she had for the WCET®!

Gian Carlo Canese was the long-time international delegate from Italy. He also served as the Chairperson of the By-laws Committee from 1988-1990. I remember when I first met him when he chaired the 2002 WCET® Biennial Congress in Florence Italy, he was lively and well dressed. He had a love of fabulous shoes and was not afraid to speak his mind about matters that were important to him. A few years ago at a meeting in Bologna, he was so happy and seemed to bask in the delight of celebrating his birthday with his WCET® colleagues. It seems difficult to believe that he will not be carrying the Italian flag at our next congress in Glasgow. A vibrant colorful light shines no more.  

I did not know Jean Preston, a much respected and admired nurse from the United Kingdom, who for nearly 30 years worked within the Northumbria NHS Trust running both the Stoma Care and Breast Care Service. Jean was a very active WCET® member and UK international delegate (1997-2001). For five years she served as treasurer and later president of WCET® UK (now ASCN). Jean believed that ‘education is a continuous cycle that should be shared and utilised by the nurse specialist’ and that ‘knowledge is the vehicle that can empower those providing care’. You can read more about her on the ASCN website, including a tribute to her as ASCN named their education fund the Jean Preston Fund.

To these three tremendous nurses who gave so much of themselves to our specialty, and of course the WCET®, we bid you ‘hail and farewell.’  We hope our dear departed colleagues are resting in peace and extend our sincere sympathy to their families and friends. May their memories be for a blessing.


Elizabeth A. Ayello



永别了,Patricia Blackley,Gian Carlo Canese,Jean Preston

对于一个已成立四十余年的协会,我们需要面对的一个残酷现实就是听到我们的成员走完了他们的生命之旅。当WCET®听到成员过世的消息时,这当然是一个令人悲痛的时刻,但也是一个让我们放下手中的工作,再次鸣谢他们的成就和贡献的机会。自上一期杂志以来,WCET®的三位同事已经逝世,他们是Patricia Blackley、Gian Carlo Canese和Jean Preston。虽然本期“新闻和观点”的内容令人悲伤,但确实提供了一个机会来纪念并赞扬他们的贡献和成就,反思WCET®可以从他们过去的参与中学到什么,以便继续推动我们的协会前进。

我从未亲自见过来自澳大利亚的Patricia Blackley。但是,我从她的精彩社论中对她有所了解。万幸的是,由于她曾多年担任WCET®杂志的编辑,她留下了许多我们可以反复阅读和思考的精彩社论。Pat于1986年接替Norma Gill担任杂志编辑,一直担任这个职位到1992年。1996年,她再次担任编辑职位,任期2年。当我阅读她精湛的社论时,可以从她的许多评述中可以清楚地看出,她不仅很喜欢这个组织,并且有着出色的语言表达能力。作为对她的特别致敬,我们在本期第43页重印了她的最后一篇社论。她关于会员为杂志撰文重要性的评述在今天仍然非常重要,正如我们现任编辑Jenny Prentice在社论中所述的那样。

也许,我最喜欢的评论之一来自她的一篇社论—— “变化是一个不断发展的组织中所固有的,WCET®多年来缓慢地发生了变化,而且未来可能会发生进一步变化,因为增长因素使通常的运作方式太不灵活,以致于目前在WCET®业务上投入大量个人时间的有天赋的业余人士无法应付。随着WCET®不断前进,努力实现现有目标并逐步确定新目标、新的领导和新方向将成为计划中的一部分。所有成员的参与应确保这个国际组织能够继续重新确立未来方向和政策、全球目标,这些都将是WCET®需要持续实现的挑战,因为没有挑战,我们就会枯萎消亡。”她对WCET®有着如此远大的愿景!

Gian Carlo Canese是来自意大利的长期国际代表。他还在1988年至1990年间担任章程委员会主席。我记得当我第一次见到他时,他在意大利佛罗伦萨主持了2002年WCET®双年度大会,他当时很有活力而且穿着得体。他很喜欢漂亮的鞋子,而且会毫不畏惧地对重要的事情说出自己的想法。几年前在博洛尼亚的一次会议上,他非常高兴,愉悦地与他的WCET®同事一起庆祝他的生日。似乎很难相信,在我们下一届于格拉斯哥召开的大会上,他已经不会带着意大利国旗出席了。一段充满活力、绚丽多彩的人生不再散发光辉。

我不认识Jean Preston。她是一位备受尊敬和敬仰的英国护士,在负责造口护理和乳房护理服务的Northumbria NHS Trust工作了近30年。Jean是一位非常活跃的WCET®成员和英国国际代表(1997至2001年)。五年间,她担任WCET®UK(现为ASCN)的财务主管,后来担任主席。Jean认为“教育是一个持续的循环,应该由护士专家共享和利用”,并且“知识是个载体,能为那些提供护理的人带来力量”。您可以在ASCN网站上阅读关于她的更多信息,包括向她的致敬,因为ASCN已将它的教育基金命名为Jean Preston基金。



Elizabeth A. Ayello
WCET® President 2018-2020