Volume 39 Number 2

Patricia Blackley

Jenny Prentice

For referencing Prentice J. Vale Patricia Blackley. WCET® Journal 2019; 39(2):42-43

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.39.2.42-43




The legacies, memories and accolades of Pat Blackley will remain with many of us for years to come. 

Pat’s commitment to stomal therapy nursing internationally and in Australia and to improving the lives of patients with stomas was unquestionable. During 1985 and 1986 Pat was simultaneously the WCET® Journal Editor, Publications Committee Chairperson and ID for Australia. Pat assumed the role of journal editor from Norma Gill in 1986 when the WCET® Journal became independent of any external sponsorship. She continued in that role for the next seven years. In addition, Pat had a further term as journal editor between 1997 and 1998. 


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For those who knew Pat, even for a short period of time, she impressed as someone who loved and lived life to the fullest. There have been many wonderful tributes to Pat from around the world some of which have been captured within the WCET® BullETin and Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia. It is a pleasure to be able to share more reflections of Pat with you from those who knew her well. 

Dr Julia Thompson (Sydney, Australia) reminisced of her long and great respect for Pat, stating Pat was clever, insightful, practical and a hard worker. Julia described Pat as a “very competent editor and was amazed that she did such a good job using longhand editing, a typewriter with white out and snail mail. It must have been enormously time consuming ... it was bad enough when I was editor and I edited using word processing, digital technology and email.” To Julia’s knowledge, “Pat always had issues ready on time and when some other editors failed or dropped out, she stepped in and sorted things out. She had commitment.”

Heather Hill (Sydney, Australia) reminds us that “those of us who were fortunate to have known her personally, Pat (or Trish) Blackley was a wonderful nursing role model, mentor, colleague, and, most importantly, our beloved friend.” Heather recalls that as one of Pats students, and subsequently her work colleague, she had the privilege of observing and participating in nursing care guided by Pat which was both “holistic and multidisciplinary long before these principles were generally adopted as the norm.” Pat was not only a pioneer nurse advocate for specialty nursing but, more specifically, a leader in enterostomal therapy nursing education and excellence in clinical practice. Her actions facilitated research and quality improvement in care delivery, nursing development and professionalism. In 1998 Pat wrote Practical Stoma Wound and Continence Management, the first Australian text about stomal therapy nursing practice (published by Research Publications Pty Ltd; Vermont, Victoria). Pat contributed significantly to the development of tertiary education for stomal therapy nursing in Australia. Heather states that “regardless of Pat’s impressive list of achievements the indelible impression Pat Blackley leaves is the memory of her indomitable character, unquestionable sincerity, humility, courage and unforgettable sense of humour.”

In a guest editorial in Volume 28 Number 2 of the WCET® Journal (2008) entitled ‘Back to the future. Celebrating 30 years of WCET®: Memories of life members’, Pat recalls how she and Mary Jo Kroeber, then president of WCET®, established the philosophy and objectives for the proposed journal. These encapsulated the journal being an educational tool that described the multi-faceted aspects of the role of enterostomal therapy nurses (ETs), the human interaction between ETs and patients, the nurturing of novice writers to achieve publication and that the journal be translated into languages other than English to demonstrate that the needs of the members in other countries had been considered.

The objectives set by Pat and Mary Jo remain true today and are a testament to their collective ethos and foresight.

As a tribute to Pat her last editorial is reprinted below.


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Patricia Blackley

Jenny Prentice

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.39.2.42-43



Pat Blackley的遗产、她的回忆和荣誉将在未来很长的一段时间内留在我们许多人的心中。

Pat献身于国际和澳大利亚的造口治疗护理以及改善造口患者的生活,这一点是毋庸置疑的。1985年与1986年间,Pat同时担任WCET®杂志编辑、出版委员会主席和澳大利亚的代表。Pat于1986年接替Norma Gill担任杂志编辑,当时WCET®杂志没有任何外部赞助。她在接下来的七年里一直担任这个职位。此外,Pat还在1997年与1998年间担任杂志编辑。


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对于那些认识Pat的人来说,即使是很短的一段时间,她也会给人留下了热爱生活、尽情生活的深刻印象。我们收到了来自世界各地的许多人士对Pat悼词,其中一些已经刊登在WCET® BullETin和澳大利亚造口治疗杂志(Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia)上。我们很高兴能够与那些了解Pat的人们分享更多关于她的回忆。

Julia Thompson医生(澳大利亚悉尼)回忆起她对Pat的长期和极大的敬意,说Pat是一位聪明、有见解、务实和勤奋工作的人。Julia将Pat描述为一名“非常称职的编辑,而且我很惊讶的是,她使用普通书写法,打字机加修正液和蜗牛样缓慢的邮件完成了非常出色的编辑工作。这一定非常耗费时间......在我担任编辑时,我用文字处理器、数字技术和电子邮件进行编辑,这已经足够糟糕了。”据Julia所知,“Pat始终都按时准备好杂志期刊,而且在其他编辑无法按时完成或中途退出时,她会介入并把事情处理好。她保守了承诺。”

Heather Hill(澳大利亚悉尼)提醒我们说,“我们非常有幸认识Pat(或Trish)Blackley,她曾是一位出色的护理榜样、导师、同事,最重要的是,我们心爱的朋友。”Heather回忆说,作为Pat的学生之一,随后又是她工作上的同事,她有幸能看到并参与Pat指导的护理课,她的护理课采用“整体和多学科的方式,而这些原则很久以后才作为常规被普遍采用。”Pat不仅是专业护理的先驱护士倡导者,而且她还是造口治疗护理教育和卓越临床实践的领袖。她的行动推动了护理服务、护理发展和专业化方面的研究,并提高了它们的质量。1998年,Pat撰写了《实用造口伤口和失禁管理》,这是澳大利亚关于造口治疗护理实践的第一本著作(由维多利亚州Vermont的Research Publications Pty Ltd出版)。Pat为澳大利亚造口治疗护理的高等教育发展做出了巨大的贡献。Heather表示,“无论Pat Blackley留下了多少令人印象深刻的成就,她留下的最不可磨灭的印象是她那种不屈不挠的品格、无可置疑的诚意、谦逊、勇气和令人难忘的幽默感。”

在WCET®杂志(2008)第28卷第2期标题为“回到未来。庆祝WCET®30年:终身会员的回忆”的特邀社论中,Pat回忆她与WCET®当时的主席Mary Jo Kroeber如何确立了本杂志的理念和目标。本杂志囊括了这些理念和目标,成为了一个教育工具,它介绍造口治疗护士(ET)的多方面角色,造口治疗师与患者之间的人际互动,对新作者进行培养以实现出版,并将本杂志翻译成英语以外的语言,以表明我们已经考虑了其他国家会员的需求。

我们今天仍然在朝Pat和Mary Jo所设立的目标努力,这些目标将为她们的集体精神和远见作证。


Jenny Prentice