Volume 40 Number 4

40 Years of Clinical Outreach: camaraderie, caring and communication

Jenny Prentice

For referencing Prentice J. 40 Years of Clinical Outreach: camaraderie, caring and communication. WCET® Journal 2020;40(4):7-8

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.40.4.7-8





A mighty milestone has been reached by the WCET® in achieving 40 years of clinical outreach through the WCET® Journal, which is a reason for both celebration and reflection.

In earlier editorials I referred to several points, including that being custodian of the WCET® Journal is a privilege; the legacy of previous editors in developing a high-quality reputable journal reflective of the WCET®’s objectives, the diversity of WCET®’s 69-member countries’ and the challenges that ET nurses encounter in providing wound, ostomy and continence care. This requires due acknowledgment1.   

The WCET® Journal has fulfilled its original objectives in providing a medium that has disseminated new knowledge in relation to research, education, clinical practices and professional opinion for specialists working in the clinical domains of wound, ostomy and continence care. And, as a result, society in general around the world has benefited from the vast experiences of others and pragmatic knowledge published2.

The WCET® Journal was initially called Newsline, commencing in May 1980. Nortrud Schindzielorz was the editor and there were two 2-page editions in the first year. Norma N Gill became editor in 1982 and it was then that the WCET® Journal blossomed and became known as the official journal of the WCET®. Norma was editor of the first professionally published edition of the journal and she wrote the first journal editorial.

Since 1980 the WCET® Journal has evolved into a respected and reputable journal through the dedication of many editors and contributions of editorial boards and peer reviewers from around the world. Each editor has individually influenced journal development based on their clinical and professional backgrounds and inter-collegial networks. 

The editors who have followed Norma, in order of appointment, are Pat Blackley, Donna Bull, Susan Russell, Pat Blackley (for a second stint), Julia Thompson, Elizabeth Ayello, Karen Zulkowski, Susan Stelton (for one issue as acting editor) and Jenny Prentice. In recognition of her long-standing contribution to the journal, Dr Elizabeth Ayello was awarded Executive Editor Emeritus status. 

Journal publication has been strongly supported by the WCET® Board and publisher Cambridge Media. Having a single publishing house during this period has been advantageous providing continuity in publishing processes, maintaining relationships with the WCET® Board and latterly securement of Sustaining Journal Partners. Greg Paull and the team at Cambridge Media are to be congratulated for their collective contributions to the journal’s success.

A number of milestones have been achieved along the journal’s journey. In 2008, the concept of company sponsored journal supplements was introduced. These supplements are comprised of a collection of peer-reviewed articles on a specific subject as chosen by the company sponsoring the supplement. 

The first supplement, sponsored by Coloplast, was volume 28 (2) 2008. Subsequently, Hollister and Coloplast have supported supplements to coincide with the journal aligned to each WCET® Congress. 

This year to commemorate the WCET® Journals’ 40th anniversary and to compliment the WCET® Worldwide Education Webinar 2020 (in lieu of the Congress) a special e-supplement endorsed by five companies (in alphabetical order - Calmospetine, Coloplast, ConvaTec, Eakin and Hollister) was published.

Since the beginning of 2018 the WCET® Journal became the official journal for two Societies – the International Inter-professional Wound Care Group and the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists®. And at the end of 2019 the WCET® Journal and Advances in Skin & Wound Care entered into a co-publishing agreement sharing copyright of four articles from each journal each year.

Throughout 2019 and at the beginning of 2020, quantum leaps occurred with translation of the journal into four other languages - Chinese, Spanish, French and Portuguese - thereby facilitating greater outreach and diffusion of information within the global WCET® community: a rather unique and trend setting accomplishment.

WCET® members value the journal as part of their membership to WCET®, as identified in multiple WCET® member surveys3.  The diversity in content is evident when reviewing past issues of the journal, which are posted on the WCET® website and since 2019 at journals.cambridgemedia.com.au/wcetcn, and as reflected in the current Article Index within this current issue. Lorrie Gray MSc (Edinb), STN (Retired), RN (Retired), a valued  Life Member of the Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses and well-known member of the WCET®, has kindly provided a guest editorial containing her reflections on the value of the WCET® journal. 

While ‘Stories from the Bedside’ no longer feature in the journal as we continue to aspire to achieving Medline Indexation4, case studies remain invaluable in terms of lived experiences of people with wound, ostomy and continence health issues and the wound, ostomy and continence nurses who care for them. Sharing these experiences often assists others to resolve a problem, therefore providing better care. News and views connect us all with important messages and WCET® activities.

Although COVID-19 has delayed our ability to celebrate in person the journal’s 40th birthday, it has not diminished our collective spirit, camaraderie and capability to care and communicate. Members of WCET® have provided excellent insight into caring for people with COVID-19, caring for our colleagues and ourselves when it comes to maintaining optimal skin integrity and prevention of pressure injuries arising from long-term use of face masks5

It would be wonderful to have a crystal ball to leap forward to 2060 to envisage whaSWt the future of the Journal may be in another 40 years’ time. Without that ability, however, I am reminded of some sage words from Pat Blackley who said, “A journal does not appear every quarter on its own accord”. No contributors means no journal. It is only you, the members of the WCET®, who can keep our publication alive. With the advent of evidence-based nursing it is incumbent  on us stomal therapy nurses to publish the evidence that underpins our practice. No one else can!6 

I wish to express my appreciation to the current editorial board and reviewers who assist with critiquing articles and providing guidance to authors, particularly new authors. It will be a pleasure to introduce new editorial board members to you all next year. 

Similarly, I hope 2021 affords us the opportunity to collectively celebrate 40 years of clinical outreach, camaraderie, caring and communication via the WCET® Journal in Scotland.

Wishing you all a safe, happy Festive Season.



Jenny Prentice

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.40.4.7-8







WCET杂志最初名为Newsline,创刊于1980年5月。当时的编辑是Nortrud Schindzielorz,第一年出版了两版,每版2页。1982年,Norma N Gill成为编辑,WCET杂志也正是在那时蓬勃发展,成为WCET的官方杂志。Norma是本杂志第一个专业出版版本的编辑,第一篇杂志编者按即由她所著。


继Norma之后的编辑依次是Pat Blackley、Donna Bull、Susan Russell、Pat Blackley(二次任职)、Julia Thompson、Elizabeth Ayello、Karen Zulkowski、Susan Stelton(担任一期杂志的代理编辑)和Jenny Prentice。其中,为了表彰Elizabeth Ayello博士对杂志的长期贡献,向她授予了荣誉执行编辑的称号。

一直以来,本杂志的出版得到了WCET®委员会和出版商Cambridge Media的大力支持。在此整个期间一直与同一家出版社合作有利于提供出版流程的连续性,维系与WCET®委员会的关系,以及后期与杂志支持合作伙伴的牢固关系。我必须称赞Greg Paull和他在Cambridge Media的团队共同为本杂志的成功做出的贡献。



为了纪念WCET®杂志创刊40周年,并祝贺WCETv 2020年度全球教育研讨会(代替大会)的举行,今年出版了由五家公司(按字母顺序排列 - Calmospetine、Coloplast、ConvaTec、Eakin和Hollister)支持的特别电子增刊。

自2018年初起,WCET杂志成为两个协会的官方杂志 - 国际跨专业伤口护理组(International Inter-professional Wound Care Group)和世界造口治疗师委员会(World Council of Enterostomal Therapists)。在2019年年底,WCET®杂志与


杂志是WCET®会员的专属服务,多份WCET®会员调查3中确认,本杂志获得了WCET®会员的珍视。当回顾发布在WCET®网站上并自2019年以来在journals.cambridgemedia.com.au/wcetcn上发布的历史期次的杂志时,可清楚发现杂志内容的多样性,这一点在本期的最新文章索引中也可以体现。澳大利亚造口治疗护士协会的尊贵终身会员、WCET®的知名会员Lorrie Gray[MSc(爱丁堡大学)、STN(已退休)、RN(已退休)]欣然提供了一篇特邀社论,包含她对WCET®杂志价值的思考。



如果能有一个水晶球让我们跳跃到2060年,展望杂志在下一个40年后可能的前景,那该有多好啊。但是我们没有那种能力,不过在此情此景下我会想起Pat Blackley的一些智者之言,他说:“杂志不会在每个季度自动出现”。没有众人之手就意味着不会有杂志。WCET®的会员们,只有你们才能让我们的刊物保持生命力。循证护理已经出现,我们造口治疗护士有责任发表支持我们实践的证据。没有其他未亲身践行的人能做到!6






Jenny Prentice


  1. Editorial The journal matters. Volume 38 Number 2 – April/June 2018 page 8.
  2. Dixon N. Writing for Publication: A guide for new authors. Int J for Quality in Healthcare 2001;13(5):417-421.
  3. Ayello EA, Wood J, Chabal L & Stelton S. WCET® 2017 Membership Survey: Results and implications for action. WCET® Journal 2018 38 (4):35-43.
  4. Prentice J. Our journal: Meeting a diversity of needs. WCET® Journal 2019; 39(1):6
  5. Ramalho A et al. Medical device-related pressure injury in health care professionals in times of pandemic. WCET® Journal 2020;40(2):7-8. DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.40.2.7-8.
  6. Prentice J. Vale Patricia Blackley. WCET® Journal 2019; 39(2):42-43
  7. DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.39.2.42-43.