Volume 44 Number 2

Around the WCET® world

Denise Hibbert, Laurent Chabal, Susan Barber

For referencing World Council of Enterostomal Therapists®. Around the WCET® world. WCET® Journal 2024;44(2):12-13.




Introducing WCET® Complementary Tri-Specialty Logos

A Norma N Gill Day® Initiative


official logo and tag.png

WCET® Official Registered Logo and tag line

It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to the new designs for our Complementary Tri-Specialty logos – Wound, Continence and Enterostomal (Stoma) Therapy. We are excited to share them with you as they signify our commitment to recognise WCET® expertise in these three fields and to Norma N Gill’s mission towards education and professional development.   

The WCET® official registered logo and tagline, shown above, remain the primary logo of the organisation. The four complementary logos will be used to represent the specialty highlighted for a particular project or programme.

The W in WCET® stands for Wound, the C for Continence, and the ET for Enterostomal (Stoma).

1. The green logo will be used to reflect professional development and education and is the corporate logo colour.

green logo.png


2. The red logo represents Wound and will be used for all wound and skin initiatives.

red logo.png


3. The yellow logo represents Continence and will be used for all continence/urology related initiatives.

yellow logo.png


4. The pink logo represents Enterostomal (Stoma) Therapy and will be used for all stoma/gastrointestinal related initiatives.

pink logo.png


In recent years WCET® has been challenged to represent and market the true nature of our tri-specialty expertise in Wound, Continence and Enterostomal (Stoma) Therapy. Over the years we have discussed and debated changing our association name and tagline but we are reluctant to give up on our rich history and deep global roots.

In 1978, when Norma N Gill and the other WCET® Founding Members named our organisation the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists®, Enterostomal Therapy was the common term used in the care of individuals with a stoma. As you are all aware, most countries around the world quickly added the care of individuals with wound and continence conditions to their practice. Thereafter many countries renamed their specialty, including associations and education programs, to represent wound, ostomy and continence.

We believe this Tri-Specialty Logo initiative will help promote WCET® membership, sponsorship and the promotion of WCET® as a Tri-Specialty organisation, facilitating and driving our true mission and vision.

We will be promoting this Norma N Gill Day® initiative via email and social media; please help us with our global mission by sharing widely with both members and non-members.

We take this opportunity to thank our publisher Cambridge Media, for the designs.

We would be happy to receive any feedback you may have.


Denise Hibbert, Laurent Chabal, Susan Barber



介绍WCET® Complementary三项专科领域徽标

Norma N Gill日®倡议


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我们非常高兴地向您介绍我们专为伤口、失禁和肠造口[造口]治疗这三项专科领域设计的新互补徽标。我们满怀激动地与您分享这些徽标,因为它们象征着我们对WCET®在这三项专科领域的能力认可,以及对Norma N Gill在教育和专业发展方面的使命坚持。



1. 绿色徽标将用于体现专业发展与教育,也是企业徽标的颜色。

green logo.png


2. 红色徽标代表“伤口”,将用于所有关于伤口和皮肤的倡议。

red logo.png


3. 黄色徽标代表“失禁”,将用于所有关于失禁/泌尿科相关的倡议。

yellow logo.png


4. 粉红色徽标代表“肠造口(造口)”疗法,将用于所有关于造口/胃肠道相关的倡议。

pink logo.png



在1978年,Norma N Gill及其他WCET®的创始成员将我们的组织定名为世界造口治疗师委员会®时,“肠造口治疗”是当时对造口患者进行护理的通用术语。众所周知,此后不久,全球多数国家迅速将治疗实践范围从单一的肠造口治疗扩展到了包括伤口护理和失禁管理在内的更广泛领域。随之而来的是,许多国家为了适应这一发展趋势,对这一专业领域(包括相关协会及教育项目)进行了重新命名,以全面涵盖伤口、造口和失禁这三大专科领域。


为了宣传Norma N Gill Day®倡议,我们将通过电子邮件和社交媒体进行广泛传播。我们诚挚地邀请并感谢大家帮助我们实现这一全球使命,将这一信息广泛地分享给会员及非会员。

同时,我们要感谢我们的出版商Cambridge Media为我们提供的设计支持。



Denise Hibbert
WCET® President-Elect 2022–2026

Laurent Chabal
BSc (CBP) RN OncPall (Cert) Dip (WH) ET EAWT
WCET® President 2022–2026

Susan Barber
WCET® Central Office