Volume 44 Number 2

Evaluating risk factors for development of a parastomal hernia: a retrospective matched case-control study

Lynette Cusack, Fiona Bolton, Kelly Vickers, Amelia Winter, Jennie Louise, Leigh Rushworth, Tammy Page, Amy Salter

Keywords Parastomal hernia, risk factors, stomas, stomal therapy nurses, retrospective matched case-control study

For referencing Cusack L, Bolton F, Vickers K, et al. Evaluating risk factors for development of a parastomal hernia: a retrospective matched case-control study. WCET® Journal 2024;44(2):20-28

DOI 10.33235/wcet.44.2.20-28
Submitted 6 February 2024 Accepted 14 May 2024






Aim Identify risk factors most likely to contribute to parastomal hernia development.

Methods Retrospective matched case-control study using retrospective case note reviews. One public and one private South Australian hospital. Ostomates who underwent stoma formation surgery between 2018 and 2021, and did (‘cases’, n=50) or did not (‘controls’, n=50) develop parastomal hernia were matched by ostomy type. Potential parastomal hernia risk factors were identified from the literature and expert opinion to build a case note review tool. Case notes were selected by surgical date from 2018. Analyses were conducted in which univariable logistic regression investigated relationships between potential risk factors and parastomal hernia development. Exploratory subgroup analyses investigated whether relationships between risk factors and development of parastomal hernia differed according to ostomy type.

Results Patient characteristics were summarised descriptively and by hospital. Statistically significant evidence was found of links between development of parastomal hernia and higher BMI (OR for 5 kg/m2 increase: 1.74; 95% CI: 1.19, 2.76), post-operative infection (OR 2.68; 95% CI: 1.04, 7.33), multiple abdominal surgeries (OR 4.21; 95% CI: 1.18, 19.90), time since surgery (OR >30 months: 0.003; 95% CI: 0.0004, 0.02), and aperture size (OR for 1mm increase: 1.12; 95% CI: 1.02,1.24). Sufficient evidence was not found of expected relationships with factors such as smoking, chemotherapy and/or pelvic radiotherapy, lifestyle and activity factors.

Conclusions This study contributes to furthering the understanding of the relationships between known risk factors to inform stomal therapy nurses’ practice in the prevention of a parastomal hernia.

High body mass index, postoperative infection, multiple surgeries, wide diameter of the stoma, and time since surgery of less than 30 months increased the risk of parastomal hernia, other factors did not reach significance probably due to use of an underpowered sample.

Opportunities to repeat this study would further strengthen the necessary evidence of the most important risk factors.


Several conditions may lead to the formation of an intestinal stoma, including bowel/rectal and bladder cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. A stoma is a surgically created opening on the abdomen allowing stool or urine to leave the body via a colostomy, urostomy, or ileostomy. Estimated ostomy numbers vary worldwide. Recent numbers in the United States are more than 725,000;1 European numbers are estimated at around 700,000;2 and Australian numbers are approximately 50,000.3 A parastomal hernia, when the intestines press outward through an abdominal wall defect in the vicinity of the stoma, is one of the most common complications experienced by people (Ostomates) who have had stoma formation surgery.4 While estimated rates of parastomal hernia development vary, many estimates suggest around 50% of people with a stoma will develop a potentially preventable parastomal hernia.4 Parastomal hernias are often painful and disruptive, impairing an Ostomate’s quality of life.5,6,7

A systematic review by Zelga et al,8 identified multiple risk factors that may contribute to developing a parastomal hernia including: body mass index (BMI); tobacco or alcohol misuse; presence of comorbid conditions (such as diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Several surgery-related factors were also identified including type of stoma (e.g. in the small or the large intestine, loop versus end stoma, surgeon’s expertise), position of the stoma on the abdomen and the setting in which the ostomy was created (emergency vs elective). Another factor identified in the literature is malnutrition causing poor healing of the stoma or wound.9 Finally, some research suggests parastomal herniation is more likely to occur in women than men.10

The purpose of this article is, firstly, to report the results on the most likely risk factors that would contribute to the development of a parastomal hernia to refine current parastomal hernia risk assessment tools; and secondly, to document the process of undertaking a retrospective matched case-control study. It is hoped that this will inform replication by future researchers to strengthen the available evidence and advance the understanding of the risks for developing a parastomal hernia. STROBE guidelines for reporting observational studies provided direction on reporting.11


Research Design

A retrospective matched case-control study by way of case note review was undertaken to identify risk factors that appear to have strongest association with development of parastomal hernia after surgery.


The case note review was conducted at two sites: one major metropolitan public hospital and one smaller private metropolitan hospital in South Australia where stoma surgery is undertaken. Experienced stomal therapy nurses are employed at both hospitals working closely with colorectal surgeons to provide support to Ostomates.


The retrospective case note review consisted of two participant groups of Ostomates who had stoma formation surgery between 2018–2021. Group 1 were ‘cases’: a selection of case notes of some, not all, Ostomates who developed a parastomal hernia within this time frame (after original surgery) (n=50). The second group were controls: a selection of case notes of Ostomates who did not develop a parastomal hernia between 2018–2021 (after original surgery) (n=50), and they were proportionally matched according to type of ostomy. The identification and reporting of parastomal hernias were informally diagnosed by stomal therapy nurses or by confirmed computed tomography scans following medical review for suspected parastomal hernia. Selection of case notes was sequential, starting with the earliest surgeries from 2018. An equal number of case and control notes was to be selected from each of the two hospitals, with the intention that each hospital provide 25 case and 25 control case notes. However, this was not able to be achieved due to availability of case notes on each site. Therefore, 99 case notes were analysed: 50 from the public hospital (25 cases and 25 controls), and 49 from the private hospital (23 case and 26 control).

To ensure appropriate representation of ostomy type at each of the two hospitals (with different ostomy profiles), approximate observed proportions between 2018 and 2021 were purposively, or specifically, sampled. At the public hospital the proportion was 56% Ileostomy/40% Colostomy/4% Urostomy, while at the private hospital the proportion was 36% Ileostomy/36% Colostomy/28% Urostomy which corresponds with the percentage of ostomy surgery type at each respective hospital. To achieve these proportions, this meant (for example) ignoring notes from one ostomy type if the requisite quota for that type had already been met (See Figure 1).


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Figure 1. Format for determining sampling for each hospital based on Ostomy type and presence of parastomal hernia.


Review tool and data sources

The case note review tool was developed through identifying key risk factors for parastomal hernias from the literature, the Association of Stoma Care Nurses, United Kingdom Risk Assessment Tool,12 two previous Australian studies of stomal therapy nurses’ perceptions13 and the lived experiences of Ostomates.14 The multidisciplinary nature of the research team was critical in the development and appraisal of the review tool to ensure input of relevant academic and clinical experience including physiotherapy, stomal therapy, and psychology, as well as a robust understanding of the evidence base (from biostatisticians). To ensure inter-user reliability and consistency in data collection, the final review tool was piloted by four members of the research team, who held positions in each hospital, until 100% agreement was reached on the items within the review tool. Four case notes each from the case and control groups were piloted. These case notes were not included in the final review. Assessing activity levels proved difficult when piloting the tool. However, the decision to include the metabolic equivalent of task (frequently referred to as METs)15 made this more feasible. This tool was often used by anaesthetists and was therefore recorded in the patients’ preoperative anaesthetic assessment. Other minor changes were made to the review tools’ wording and items to improve clarity and relevance.

Data collection and Statistical methods

Using patient case note numbers (unit records), case notes for review were selected through sequential selection from a list from each hospital. The case note review tool was manually completed for each case note by the four researchers from the two hospitals involved, as both hospitals still used hardcopy case notes.

Data from the review forms were imported from Excel into R v4 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing) for cleaning and subsequent analysis, according to a pre-specified analysis plan.  Patient characteristics were summarised descriptively both overall and by study centre. Univariable relationships between pre-specified potential risk factors and development of a parastomal hernia were analysed using logistic regression.  For binary risk factors, estimates were reported as odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for ‘yes’ vs ‘no’; for nominal or ordinal risk factors estimates were reported as OR and 95% CI for each subsequent level versus a reference level; and for continuous risk factors, estimates were reported as OR and 95% CI for a stipulated increase. All models were adjusted for type of ostomy (variable used for matching cases and controls), and some models were additionally adjusted for year of surgery.  Exploratory subgroup analysis was also carried out to investigate whether relationships between risk factors and development of parastomal hernia differed according to type of ostomy.  An interaction term between ostomy type and risk factor was included in the model, and separate estimates of risk (as OR) were obtained for each ostomy type.


This project received approval from both the public and private hospitals Human Research Ethics Committees: Central Adelaide Local Health Network Ref 16705: St Andrews Hospital Number 138: University of Adelaide H-2020-231. The research team sought waiver of patient consent from each Ethics Committee, which was approved based on the assurance of anonymity and confidentiality by not reporting identifiable information about individuals. Strict processes of access and storage of case notes were followed according to each hospital’s policy during data collection.


Process and Descriptive Statistics

The approach for the matched case-control study was necessarily pragmatic, given that the number of case notes reviewed was limited by time available to the researchers and ability to access case notes within the hospital. As neither hospital had electronic records, original hard copy case notes were accessed. This process was very time consuming. Table 1 reports characteristics of included participants, by case/control status and overall. The numbers for cases (parastomal hernia) and controls (no parastomal hernia) are not precisely equal for each ostomy type. Patient characteristics differed slightly between cases and controls, with cases being slightly older (median age 70.37 years compared to 66.11 years for controls), more likely to be male (64.6% of cases compared to 52.9% of controls) and having a higher mean weight (87.5 kg compared to 75.2kg for controls).  The rate of follow up from stomal therapy nurses was 100% in both groups, and the proportion of patients receiving parastomal hernia-specific education prior to development of a hernia was similar in cases (39.6%) and controls (39.2%).

Patient characteristics were similar between the two study centres (See Table 1).


Table 1. Characteristics of participants by case/control status and overall.

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Potential risk factors

Table 2 reports results of univariable analyses of all risk factors. For most factors there was no evidence of an association with risk of developing parastomal hernia; however, there was evidence of an increased risk of parastomal hernia with higher BMI (OR for a 5 kg/m2 increase in BMI 1.74, 95% CI 1.19 to 2.76), and for increased aperture size (OR for 1mm increase in aperture size 1.12, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.24). The aperture size was identified from the patients’ case notes at first STN review post operatively (approx. day 1–3). The risk of parastomal hernia also decreased significantly at >30 months after surgery, with an odds ratio of 0.003 (95% CI: 0.0004 to 0.02). For other factors, there was some evidence that multiple abdominal surgery and post-operative infection increased the risk of parastomal hernia; however, due to relatively small numbers, the confidence intervals for the estimated odds ratios were too wide to be meaningful.  Similarly, there was some evidence that higher levels of activity reduce the risk of parastomal hernia, with a statistically significant decrease in odds for those whose activity level was ‘vigorous’ compared to ‘light’.  However, there were only small numbers of participants with this level of activity, limiting statistical power.


Table 2. Results of univariable analyses of all risk factors.

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In some cases, potential risk factors could not be analysed due to small numbers; for example, only one participant had ascites and only two experienced abdominal aortic aneurysms.  Stoma placed out of the rectus muscle had no recorded instances. Siting within the rectus sheath could not be ascertained from medical notes for the majority of participants since it was not clearly documented either before or after surgery. While the proportion of Ostomates using support garments was considerably higher in Ostomates without a parastomal hernia evidence of this relationship was not statistically significant. This may have been due to a large proportion of missing data, especially in the control group, decreasing the power to detect the nature of the relationship.

Subgroup analysis by ostomy type

Subgroup analysis did not reveal any evidence of differences between type of ostomy in the relationship between potential risk factors and development of parastomal hernia. It is prudent to be mindful, however, that this does not mean that no differences exist, as in many cases, the numbers were too small when broken down by ostomy type for analysis to be sensible.


The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors that appear to have strongest association with development of a parastomal hernia. It is anticipated that the results will help to refine current risk assessment tools and provide other clinicians and researchers working with Ostomates with a protocol to replicate and gather further evidence regarding parastomal hernia risk.

Completing the case note review

The process of the case note review is outlined in the methods section; however, some additional issues should be highlighted given the invitation to replicate. The review found that many patients had a long history of medical care and so it was not unusual to have a number (three to six) case note files reviewed for each patient which had not been factored into the allocation of time per patient review. Quality of information available within the patient case notes varied; while the reviewers were able to ascertain more precise information regarding body mass index and aperture size than anticipated, information regarding siting of stomas was not well documented. Additionally, documentation regarding discussion with patients on parastomal hernia prevention and support garment use was often only provided when patients had a parastomal hernia, leading to ascertainment bias; the reported results regarding support garment use are therefore possibly not a true reflection of the relationship with parastomal hernia.

The nature of the recording of two risk factors was enhanced during the review process. Following the UK risk assessment tool,12 obesity (BMI greater than 30) and stoma aperture size greater than 35mm had been added. However, documentation in the case notes allowed for the recording of these as continuous variables. Specifically, case notes included specific aperture size at first STN review post operative review, as well as height and weight of patients which allowed the reviewers to calculate specific body mass index. This is a strength of the study, as reporting aperture and body mass index as continuous variables allowed for higher statistical power and for specific odds ratios to be calculated, providing a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between body mass index and aperture size and parastomal hernia.


Results of this case note review indicate that patients with higher BMI or larger stoma aperture were more likely to develop a parastomal hernia. In particular, for every 5 kg/m2 increase in BMI, the chances of parastomal hernia increased 74%. This is a particularly important finding as the study’s population is known to have higher than average Body Mass Index, especially at the public hospital located in a lower socioeconomic area. A link between socioeconomic status and obesity has been established.16

Surgery related factors

Some evidence was also found regarding increase in parastomal hernia risk for patients with multiple abdominal surgeries and post-operative infection, however small numbers of patients with these risk factors affected the statistical power to determine risk. While previous literature,4,10,18,19,20,21 suggests increased parastomal hernia risk from some surgery-related factors (rectus muscle, trephine stoma; transverse colostomy) and ascites,22 these potential risk factors could not be examined due to insufficient data (i.e., the number of case notes with these features recorded was not high enough to calculate an odds ratio with sufficient power). Further, for every 1mm in increased aperture, the risk of hernia increased by 12%. This is consistent with previous literature reporting that for every millimetre increase in aperture size, the risk of parastomal hernia increased 10%.8 Additionally, a parastomal hernia is most likely to develop in the first 30 months post-surgery.


Interestingly, while previous literature has suggested smoking to be a risk factor for parastomal hernia,12 no evidence of a relationship between smoking and parastomal hernia was found in this study. This was surprising given the tendency of smokers to cough, increasing intra-abdominal pressure and leading to abdominal straining.22 Overall, tobacco smokers are known to have poorer post-surgical outcomes, due to reduced oxygen and nutrient flow throughout the body, delaying healing.24 There is some suggestion that nicotine use may inhibit cell repair, however this has not been a focus of research within the context of parastomal hernia.17

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy

No evidence was found of a link between chemotherapy and radiotherapy within a year of surgery, and parastomal hernia development due to a weakening of muscles due to treatment. However, previous studies26 have shown a link. It is possible no effect was found in the recent study due to small sample size, and, therefore, this should be investigated further.

Overall, the significant findings of this study are in keeping with much of the previous literature,8,17,20,22 which reassures its relevance in the Australian setting and motivates the need for clarification on other potentially important factors that potentially require further study with more case notes.


Consideration should be given to this study’s limitations. Firstly, while the pragmatic design was necessary given the clinical context of the research (busy metropolitan hospitals with non-digitised case notes), this did leave the study underpowered to detect potential risk for some factors, particularly co-morbidities and additional treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Future research could include prospective data collection of a powered sample from a multi-centric study with long follow-up of the risk factors for parastomal hernia.

Additionally, each hospital had its own protocols for documentation, assessment, and action. For example, one hospital has a pathway which directs staff to contact the diet aid or dietitian to assess a patient if their Body Mass Index is low, had lost significant weight unintentionally, or had poor appetite, while the other hospital employed a dietitian who undertook a comprehensive assessment, including routine blood tests e.g., iron, magnesium levels, regardless of BMI. Such differences in protocols may have affected the data.

The assessment of the heavy lifting risk factor was problematic as very little data was recorded in case notes, and any available notes were often ambiguous. This is not particularly surprising due to the subjective nature of the question. However, this meant occupational and recreational activities that required heavy lifting could not be adequately assessed as a risk factor.

Practices had changed over time at each of the hospitals. For example, in the case notes of one hospital, cases before 2021 generally made little reference to parastomal hernia education, however after 2021 this was consistently documented which again could impact the quality of the data collected.

Finally, reporting of the measurement of the stoma was undertaken from a pragmatic point of view as there is no consensus about when to measure the stoma post-operatively to determine the risk of parastomal hernia formation. It is understood that the stoma will change in size and shape post-operatively and generally be at a consistent size at 6 to 8 weeks. When a patient develops a parastomal hernia the stoma may change in size and shape.25 It was observed in the clinical setting at both hospital sites that patients were occasionally developing a parastomal hernia at or before 6 weeks post-operatively. Therefore, the decision was made to measure at the first review post-surgery for consistency. Hence the larger number of stomas over 35mm. The best time to measure an aperture with respect to understanding this as a risk factor is an area for future research.

While the matched case-control design of this study increases the chances of representative data, the issues outlined above mean the findings may not be generalisable more broadly to people with a stoma.


This study was the first of its kind in Australia to synthesise previous findings relating to parastomal hernia risk and to conduct a retrospective case note review to refine these risk factors. As parastomal hernias often impair an Ostomate’s quality of life,5 it is important to continue to understand the potential risk factors to better inform preventative management. By outlining the process of this study our hope is that it may guide future studies by clinicians and researchers in other health settings to enhance the necessary evidence of important risk factors.

High body mass index, postoperative infection, multiple surgeries, wide diameter of the stoma and time since surgery less than 30 months increased the risk of parastomal hernia, other factors did not reach significance probably due to use of an underpowered sample.

The research team found many issues of missing information, particularly related to patient factors, such as lifting and other lifestyle factors. It is recommended that tools to record activity (such as the metabolic equivalent of task15), and for lifting (the Dictionary of Occupational Title23) which are used in other settings and could be incorporated into stomal therapy nurses assessment process.


Thank you to the Divisional and Executive Nursing Directors of the two hospitals: (Northern Adelaide Local Health Network and St Andrews Hospital), South Australia, and Clinical Record Units for their assistance and support of this project.

We also acknoweldge the Association of Stoma Care Nurses UK (ASCN UK) Risk Assessment Tool which inspired us to undertake a series of research studies in Australia.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Ethical Statement

Central Adelaide Local Health Network Human Research Ethics Committee H-2020-231:  St Andrews Hospital Number 138 and University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee Ref. 16705.


This work was supported by the University of Adelaide. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.


Lynette Cusack, Fiona Bolton, Kelly Vickers, Amelia Winter, Jennie Louise, Leigh Rushworth, Tammy Page, Amy Salter

DOI: 10.33235/wcet.44.2.20-28





目标 识别最有可能导致造口旁疝发生的风险因素。

研究方法 通过回顾性病例记录审查,进行回顾性匹配病例对照研究。研究在南澳大利亚的一家公立医院和一家私立医院开展。2018年至2021年间接受造口手术的患者,其中发生造口旁疝的患者作为“病例组”(n=50),未发生造口旁疝的患者作为“对照组”(n=50),并按造口类型进行匹配。基于文献回顾和专家意见,识别潜在的造口旁疝风险因素,并构建病例记录审查工具。选取2018年开始的手术日期病例记录进行分析。通过单变量logistic回归分析探究潜在风险因素与造口旁疝形成之间的关系。探索性亚组分析研究了不同造口类型下,风险因素与造口旁疝形成之间的关系是否存在差异。

结果 对患者特征进行了描述性总结,并按医院进行了分类。有统计学意义的证据表明,造口旁疝的形成与以下各项因素有关:较高的BMI(BMI每増加5 kg/m2,OR:1.74;95% CI:1.19,2.76)、术后感染(OR:2.68;95% CI:1.04,7.33)、多次腹部手术(OR:4.21;95% CI:1.18,19.90)、手术后时间(>30个月,OR:0.003;95% CI:0.0004,0.02)和造口孔径大小(每増加
1 mm,OR:1.12;95% CI:1.02,1.24)。对于与吸烟、化疗和/或盆腔放疗、生活方式和活动因素等因素的预期关系,并未发现足够的支持。

结论 本研究深化了对已知风险因素之间关系的理解,为造口治疗护士在预防造口旁疝方面的实践提供了依据。





Zelga等人的一项系统综述回顾指出8,与造口旁疝形成相关的风险因素众多,包括体重指数(BMI)、烟草或酒精滥用、合并症(如糖尿病、冠状动脉心脏疾病、高血压及慢性阻塞性肺疾病)。此外,还识别出若干与手术相关的因素,如造口类型(位于小肠或大肠、环状或末端造口)、外科医生的经验水平、腹部造口位置以及造口手术实施的背景(急诊或择期手术)。文献中还提及营养不良作为影响因素,导致造口或伤口愈合不良。9 最后,一些研究表明,女性比男性更容易发生造口旁疝。10











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根据预先设定的分析计划,将审查表中的数据从Excel导入R v4(R统计计算基金会)进行清理和后续分析。对总体和各研究中心的患者特征进行了描述性总结。采用logistic回归分析了预先设定的潜在风险因素与造口旁疝形成之间的单变量关系。对于二元风险因素,以“是”与“否”的优势比(OR)和95%置信区间(CI)来报告估计结果;对于定类或定序风险因素估计结果,以各项后续级别相对于参考级别的OR和95% CI报告;而对于连续风险因素,则以特定増幅的OR和95% CI报告。所有模型均根据造口类型(用于匹配病例组和对照组的变量)进行了调整,部分模型还根据手术年份进行了调整。此外,还进行了探索性亚组分析,以研究不同造口类型下风险因素与造口旁疝形成之间关系的差异。模型中包含了造口类型与风险因素的交互项,并对每种造口类型分别进行了风险估计(OR)。





鉴于审查病例记录的数量受研究者可用时间和医院内部获取病例记录能力的限制,匹配病例对照研究的方法必须实用化。两家医院都没有电子病历,因此查阅了原始的硬拷贝病例记录。这一过程非常耗时。表1按病例/对照状态和总体情况报告了纳入受试者的特征。各造口类型的病例组(造口旁疝)和对照组(无造口旁疝)数量并非完全相等。病例组与对照组的患者特征略有不同,病例组年龄稍大(中位年龄:病例组70.37岁 vs. 对照组66.11岁)、男性比例更高(病例组64.6% vs. 对照组52.9%)、平均体重较高(病例组87.5 kg vs. 对照组75.2 kg)。  两组患者接受造口治疗护士随访的比例均为100%,患者在发生造口旁疝前接受造口旁疝特定教育的比例相似(病例组39.6% vs. 对照组39.2%)。




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表2报告了所有风险因素的单变量分析结果。大多数因素与造口旁疝发生风险之间没有关联性的证据;但有证据表明,较高的BMI(BMI每増加5 kg/m2,OR:1.74;95% CI:1.19-2.76)和较大的造口孔径(造口孔径每増加1 mm,OR:1.12;95% CI:1.02-1.24)会増加造口旁疝的风险。造口孔径是在患者首次STN审查(约术后第1-3天)时从患者的病例记录中识别的。手术后>30个月,发生造口旁疝的风险显著降低,优势比为0.003(95% CI:0.0004-0.02)。对于其他因素,有部分证据表明,多次腹部手术和术后感染会増加造口旁疝的风险,但由于样本量相对较少,估计优势比的置信区间过宽,难以得出有意义的结论。同样,有部分证据表明,活动量越大,患腹旁疝的风险越低,与活动水平“轻度”的患者相比,活动水平“重度”的患者患造口旁疝的几率在统计学上有显著下降。然而,只有少数受试者达到这种活动水平,限制了统计功效。



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在审查过程中,两项风险因素的记录方式得到了加强。根据英国风险评估工具12,将肥胖(BMI>30)和造口孔径大于35 mm作为増加风险的因素。然而,病例记录中的文件允许将这些变量作为连续变量进行记录。具体来说,病例记录包括首次STN审查手术后审查时记录的确切孔径尺寸以及患者的身高和体重,以便审查员计算具体的体重指数。这是这项研究的优势所在,因为将孔径和体重指数作为连续变量进行报告可以提高统计功效,并计算出具体的优势比,从而更细致地了解体重指数和孔径尺寸与造口旁疝之间的关系。


5 kg/m2,患造口旁疝的几率就増加74%。这是一个特别重要的发现,尤其对于位于社会经济地位较低地区的公立医院,这些研究群体的体重指数通常高于平均水平。社会经济地位与肥胖之间存在联系。16


研究还发现一些证据,表明多次腹部手术和术后感染的患者患造口旁疝的风险会増加,但具有这些风险因素的患者人数较少,影响了确定风险的统计功效。虽然先前的文献4,10,18,19,20,21表明一些手术相关因素(腹直肌、穿刺造口;横结肠造口术)和腹水会増加造口旁疝的风险,22但由于数据不足(即记录的具有这些特征的病例记录数量不足以计算具有足够功效的优势比),无法对这些潜在风险因素进行研究。此外,孔径尺寸每増加1 mm,造口旁疝风险就会増加12%。这与之前的文献报道一致,即孔径尺寸每増加1 mm,发生造口旁疝的风险就会増加10%。8此外,手术后30个月内最有可能出现造口旁疝。











35 mm的造口较多。最佳测量时机作为风险因素理解的探讨,将是未来研究的方向。








同时,我们也感谢英国造口护理护士协会(ASCN UK)开发的风险评估工具,启发我们在澳大利亚开展一系列研究。








Lynette Cusack*
University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
Northern Adelaide Local Health Network SA Health,
Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals, Adelaide, Australia
Email lynette.cusack@adelaide.edu.au

Fiona Bolton
St Andrews Hospital, Adelaide, Australia

Kelly Vickers
Northern Adelaide Local Health Network SA Health,
Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals, Adelaide, Australia

Amelia Winter
BPsychSci (Hons)
University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
Adelaide, Australia

Jennie Louise
PhD Biostatistics
Biostatistics Unit, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia

Leigh Rushworth
MAdvClinPhysio (cardiorespiratory)
University of Adelaide, School of Allied Health Science and Practice, Adelaide, Australia

Tammy Page
University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
St Andrews Hospital, Adelaide, Australia

Amy Salter
PhD Biostatistics
University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
Adelaide, Australia

* Corresponding author


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