Volume 44 Number 3

Examining the association of immunosuppressants and wound healing: a narrative review

Aria Appoo, Brandon L Christensen, Ranjani Somayaji

Keywords wound healing, Calcineurin inhibitors, glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants, monoclonal antibodies, mTOR inhibitors

For referencing Appoo A, Christensen BL, Somayaji R. Examining the association of immunosuppressants and wound healing: a narrative review. WCET® Journal 2024;44(3):12-19.

DOI 10.33235/wcet.44.3.12-19






Objective To review how different classes of immunosuppressants affect wound healing.

Data Sources A literature search was conducted in PubMed, Google Scholar, and the University of Calgary Health Sciences Library.

Study Selection The researchers initially screened article titles using key words such as “immunosuppressive medication,” “wound healing,” and “immunosuppression.” Articles in which the title and/or abstract contained these key words, that addressed wound healing related to immunosuppressant medications, and were published after 2000 were included in the review. When human data were not available for an immunosuppressant (class), animal studies were included.

Data Extraction The 61 included articles underwent full text review and summarisation.

Data Synthesis: All included studies were summarised descriptively including immunosuppressive mechanism of action, study participants or subjects, and evidence of effects on wound healing.

Conclusions Corticosteroids and mechanistic target of rapamycin inhibitors most consistently demonstrate detrimental effects on wound healing. For other classes of immunosuppressants, evidence is limited with varying effects on wound healing described. Larger, high-quality studies are required to better understand the effects of immunosuppressants, including those with new mechanisms of action, to identify those with the most impact on wound healing.


Immunosuppressants are medications with a variety of indications including in solid organ and hematopoietic transplants and autoimmune diseases. They function by suppressing the activity of various components of the adaptive immune system, thus diminishing the cascade of inflammatory response to normal host tissue or modulating the natural rejection response to transplanted materials.1 The main classes of immunosuppressants are corticosteroids/glucocorticoids,2,3 calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs),2,4,5 mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors,2,4 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs),2,4 polyclonal antibodies (pAbs),2,4 and antiproliferative agents.2 For the purpose of this review, wounds are defined as an opening in the skin as a result of surgery, trauma, or disease that is susceptible to infection.

The immune system plays an important role in infection prevention as well as the healing process of wounds; inflammatory effects lead to cellular proliferation and secretion of important intracellular and extracellular components.6 With immunosuppressants, the immune system is modulated, thus potentially affecting a wound’s healing time and susceptibility to infection.7 With a growing number of patients on immunosuppressing medications, particularly patients postsurgical transplant, the effect of immunosuppressants on wound healing is an important issue. This review article aims to provide clinicians with an understanding of how different classes of immunosuppressants affect wound healing.


The authors conducted a literature search using the generic names of several common immunosuppressants (glucocorticoids/corticosteroids, mTOR inhibitors, methotrexate, mAbs, pAbs, CNIs, mycophenolate, azathioprine), as well as the terms “wound healing” and “immunosuppression.” The primary database searched was PubMed, supplemented by Google Scholar and the University of Calgary Health Science Library database. When possible, the search formatted as follows: “immunosuppressant name [MeSH Terms] AND “wound healing [MeSH Terms].” If the immunosuppressant name was not available as a MeSH term, then the term was searched with no restriction applied. The search was limited to articles in English published between 2000 and 2021.

The researchers screened article titles and abstracts for relevance. Articles were considered relevant if they compared various immunosuppressants, discussed their effects on wound healing, and measured wound healing or reported deleterious effects on wounds. If search terms did not identify any studies with human participants, the authors then included studies that used animals to evaluate the immunosuppressive effects of a given drug class on wound healing. When no data were available from 2000 onward, researchers conducted a historic search for the relevant immunosuppressive medications.

All included studies were summarised descriptively including immunosuppressive mechanism of action, study participants/subjects, and evidence of effects on wound healing.


The authors screened 200 article titles and abstracts, and of these, 61 articles were included in the review. Table 1 highlights the results of select clinical and animal studies. The specific indications for various immunosuppressants including their possible impacts on wounds are outlined in Table 2.


Table 1. Select studies comparing the effects of different immunosuppressants on wound healing

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Table 2. Overview of indications and wound effects of various immunosuppressants

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Calcineurin inhibitors

Calcineurin inhibitors are used for a variety of autoimmune diseases, organ transplants, dermatologic conditions, and chronic wounds.32 There are three main types of CNIs: cyclosporine (systemic), tacrolimus (systemic and topical), and pimecrolimus (topical).33 They work by binding to part of the calcineurin molecule found in human cells, thus stopping the release of certain cytokines that are responsible for activating T cells.32 Therefore, CNIs disable one of the main arms of the body’s adaptive immune response.

Systemic. Few studies have focused on the effects of CNIs on wound healing in humans; however, many basic science studies on animals have been performed. Two such studies using rats compared the effect of various doses of systemic tacrolimus versus a control, testing the breaking strengths of the wounds created through surgery.7,34 Willems et al7 concluded that tacrolimus does not affect wound healing, whereas Schäffer et al34 concluded that tacrolimus is detrimental to wound healing. In a case report using systemic tacrolimus as a treatment for ulcers in a person with lichen planus and pyoderma gangrenosum, Miller35 demonstrated treatment success with this therapy.

No recent human studies have investigated the effect of cyclosporine on wound healing, and two studies using rat models yielded contradictory results. These rat studies focused on the effects of cyclosporine on different markers in the body that signify effective wound healing.36,37 Nemlander et al36 compared cyclosporine to methylprednisolone and found that cyclosporine A had no suppressive effect on various inflammatory and biochemical markers in comparison with the glucocorticoid therapy. In contrast, Petri et al37 found that cyclosporine A had a negative effect on other markers within granulation fibroblasts, most notably activin A among procollagen 1, integrin 1, interleukin 6, transforming growth factor 1, and keratinocyte growth factor. In another animal study, Goldberg et al38 assigned dogs to one of three groups – no immunosuppression, methylprednisolone plus azathioprine, or cyclosporine A – after a lung transplant. They found that cyclosporine A had no significant effect on the healing of the surgical wound as measured by breaking strength in comparison with glucocorticoid and azathioprine immunosuppression. Overall, the literature on systemic CNIs and wound healing is limited with a heterogeneity of comparators and mixed results on wound healing.

Topical. Topical CNIs (tacrolimus and pimecrolimus) are often used for dermatologic conditions such as atopic dermatitis or pyoderma gangrenosum.20,39,40 Some case studies have shown that tacrolimus is effective at healing complex leg ulcers in the context of venous insufficiency or necrobiosis lipoidica when regular treatment strategies have been ineffective.41,42 Further, a rat-based study with acute cutaneous injury demonstrated that wounds treated with topical tacrolimus versus control (petrolatum) did not differ in healing speed.43

Monoclonal antibodies

There are a variety of different mAb therapies with indications in transplants and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.21 In general, mAbs work by binding to different receptors and antigens to inhibit the effect of cytokines and other signal pathways that activate the immune system.21 In a small prospective cohort study among patients with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing orthopedic surgery, Bibbo and Goldberg44 found that there was no increased risk of surgical wound infections or healing complications in patients on infliximab versus conventional therapy. Further, Streit et al45 reported a case in which topical infliximab was helpful in healing leg ulcers that were resistant to standard treatment, suggesting that inhibiting tumor necrosis factor α is helpful for wound healing. Similarly, there was a case report that treated pyoderma gangrenosum with infliximab resulting in ulcer improvement.46 Inhibiting tumor necrosis factor α was further associated with wound healing in venous leg ulcers through the systemic use of adalimumab.47 However, a study that used infliximab on rat abdominal wounds found that tensile strength was significantly lower in the wounds of rats who had been given infliximab versus control.48 Overall, the literature is limited but suggests clinical outcomes may be favourable in terms of wound healing.

Polyclonal Antibodies

Polyclonal antibodies are very similar to mAbs in function, with slightly varied mechanism of action.49,50 Unlike mAbs, a group of pAbs is created from many different lines of B cells, and different pAbs bind to different epitopes of an antigen. In contrast, mAbs come from a single line of B cells and can bind to only one antigen.49,50

There are two main pAbs: antithymocyte globulin (also known as antihuman thymocyte globulin) and rho (ρ) immune globulin.21 Antithymocyte globulin is most commonly used as an immunosuppressant after kidney transplantation and works by binding to a variety of lymphocytes and depleting the number of T cells in the body.21 Rho immune globulin is used in pregnancies in which the gestational parent is Rh- and the fetus is Rh+ to essentially stop the formation of anti-Rh+ antibodies in the mother.21

Few studies have investigated the effects of pAbs on wound healing. However, two studies outlined the effects of antithymocyte globulin and basiliximab. Ueno et al10 investigated the use of these drugs combined with everolimus in patients with renal transplants. They reported higher rates of adverse effects on wound healing with basiliximab.10 Patel et al11 demonstrated that the incidence of wound infections was equal in patients taking basiliximab versus antithymocyte globulin after renal transplant. White blood cells play a key role in wound healing by secreting necessary cytokines and preventing infection51; thus, it is reasonable to hypothesise that antithymocyte globulin would affect wound healing because it reduces the number of white blood cells and their regulatory mechanisms.

mTOR Inhibitors

Mechanistic target of rapamycin inhibitors interact with proteins in complex signaling pathways to prevent cells from moving into the S phase of the cell cycle and therefore suppressing proliferation.3,21 Although mTOR predominantly targets T cells, it can also affect B cells.3 Interestingly, mTOR can increase production of certain inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 6 and decrease production of interleukin 10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine.3 There are two main mTOR inhibitors: sirolimus and everolimus.3,21 In general, mTOR inhibitors have a variety of applications including cancer therapy and after transplants.3,21 Everolimus inhibits the proliferation of fibroblasts in in vitro models,52 suggesting that it could have negative consequences for wound healing because fibroblasts are essential for creating an extracellular matrix and scaffolding other cells.53 In a study comparing sirolimus and systemic tacrolimus, sirolimus had a wound complication rate of 47%, whereas the rate with tacrolimus was only 8%.9 This is consistent with another study by Larson et al12 demonstrating more frequent wound complications with sirolimus compared with tacrolimus. Those authors found that patients with obesity who were on sirolimus had very high rates of wound complications; as a result, the authors excluded all patients with obesity from the study.12 In line with previous findings, a study on rats showed that increased sirolimus doses decreased breaking strength.54 The authors hypothesised that this effect may be caused by lower levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and nitric oxide in rats receiving higher doses of sirolimus.54 In a review article, Nashan and Citterio55 concluded that mTOR inhibitors are harmful to wound healing in high doses, but seem to have a neutral effect in low does. Given early concerns with mTOR inhibitors and wound healing, regimens using these immunosuppressive agents have evolved with lower doses of the mTOR inhibitors and combination therapy. In the large TRANSFORM (Advancing renal TRANSplant eFficacy and safety Outcomes with an eveRoliMus-based regimen) randomised controlled trial, Citterio et al15 compared everolimus plus reduced-dose CNI with mycophenolic acid plus standard-dose CNI (standard care) in patients with renal transplants. They found that wound-related adverse events did not differ between groups (20.6% vs 17.3%; risk ratio, 1.19; 95% CI, 0.99 to 1.43).15 One limitation of this study was close monitoring of everolimus concentrations and difficulties achieving the targeted plasma concentrations C0 between 3 and 8 ng/mL.15 Overall, the current literature suggests that mTOR inhibitors have a detrimental effect on wound healing, especially at higher doses, and that improved dosing regimens may lessen or mitigate this risk.

Antiproliferative agents

There are three regularly used antiproliferative agents: mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), mycophenolate sodium (MPS), and azathioprine.2,29 Both MMF and MPS are inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors. They have a similar effect to mTOR inhibitors in terms of their mechanism of immunosuppression. In the body, MMF and MPS are converted into mycophenolic acid, which blocks a portion of a pathway that is crucial for DNA synthesis to decrease proliferation of T and B cells.2,5,29 Whereas MMF is used for its immunosuppressive effect in heart, kidney, and lung transplants,3,29 MPS is used for kidney transplants.29 Azathioprine is used as an immunosuppressive drug for kidney transplants as well as autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn disease, and multiple sclerosis.21,30 Azathioprine reacts with glutathione in the body and is converted into 6-mercaptopurine. Additional metabolites are then generated, ultimately blocking purine synthesis and T-cell stimulation.3,21

In a study comparing two different doses of MMF in kidney transplant recipients, Flechner et al56 found no significant difference in the incidence of wounds requiring surgical intervention, similarly for wounds treated with local wound care. In analysing article titles for the present review, the authors did not find any studies regarding the sole effect of azathioprine on external wound healing in humans. However, Ginestal et al57 compared the effects of azathioprine versus placebo in a rat study. They found that the wounds of the rats who were on azathioprine took longer to heal than those on the placebo, suggesting that azathioprine may have detrimental effects on wound healing, but the extent that it would affect humans is unclear.57


Methotrexate is a commonly used folate antagonist with indications in many rheumatologic disorders. It also has antineoplastic activity in higher doses. Upon absorption, it enters the cell and is converted to methotrexate polyglutamates where it competes for dihydrofolate reductase, thus preventing the transformation of folic acid for its use in the building of nucleic acids.6 Experimental in vitro animal studies suggest that methotrexate may impair wound healing, but these effects have not been borne out in clinical studies, particularly in postsurgical wounds.6 Thus, it is recommended that this drug be continued postoperatively.


Glucocorticoids prevent the formation of inflammatory chemicals such as cytokines, cell-adhesion molecules, and complement factors.3 By inhibiting interleukin 2 formation, glucocorticoids also prevent T-cell proliferation and activation.21 They also impair monocytes and B cells.3,21 Glucocorticoids were the first antirejection drugs created; however, there has been a movement to phase them out because of their serious adverse effects.3,21 Glucocorticoids are highly detrimental to wound healing because they interfere with many key stages, such as collagen deposition and synthesis, angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation, growth factors, and phagocytosis, among others.2,3,58,59

Practical considerations for healthcare providers

Persons with compromised immune systems (due to medications, comorbidities, or age) require additional considerations for chronic wound management. Specific to immunosuppressive medications, healthcare providers should take a careful history not only of the medications and dosing (including changes in dosing), but also of the underlying conditions requiring these medications (eg, autoimmune disorders, organ transplantation). Because many immunosuppressive medications can impair wound healing, it is crucial for healthcare providers to assess healing potential early on to set and manage patient expectations. Early referral to medical or surgical specialists to assist with wound care and a team-based approach is essential, given the increased complexity of caring for these individuals. In cases when wounds are not healing, set alternate goals of care for the wound with the patient (eg, maintenance or nonhealable) if immunosuppressive doses cannot be reduced (assuming it is contributing to poor healing); undertake changes in consultation with the patient’s primary or specialist care providers. As individuals and populations with comorbidities live longer, caring for persons with chronic wounds on immunosuppressive medications will become increasingly common and wound care clinicians must be proactive in managing these patients.


With the ongoing advances in medicine, the need for immunosuppression in the context of transplant, autoimmune disease, and malignancy has increased. This review highlights the paucity of robust studies in this field and the mixed effects of various immunosuppression on wound healing. High-quality evidence exists with respect to the deleterious effects of glucocorticoid therapy and mTOR therapy (particularly sirolimus) on wound healing. Four studies compared sirolimus with either MMF or systemic tacrolimus, and all four demonstrated that sirolimus was associated with an increased incidence of wound complications.9,12,13,16

The literature on agents such as systemic CNIs is mixed, with some suggesting adverse effects on wounds and others suggesting benefits; additional research focusing on this question is needed. Newer topical CNIs have shown little impact on delayed wound healing and, in some cases, may benefit healing, but additional investigation is warranted for their use in chronic wounds directly. Studies indicate that antiproliferative agents, antimetabolites, and newer mABs do not negatively impact wound healing. However, additional research is needed, given the lack of evidence on wound healing in mAB therapy.

Overall, the evidence in this area is limited and draws variable conclusions surrounding the effects of immunosuppressants on wound healing. In particular, few studies have included human participants. In general, when immunosuppressives are prescribed after transplants to prevent rejection, patients take more than one drug to effectively prevent rejection. Therefore, challenges exist in performing human studies evaluating the effects of individual drugs in isolation.

Because this was not a systematic review, the authors may not have identified all relevant articles. However, as one form of validation, the authors identified a few key reviews before conducting the literature search and then ensured these articles appeared in the search as expected. Given the paucity of literature in this area, particularly as it relates to the wound care field, a narrative review adds value to educate and increase awareness when working with individuals on these medications.

With the growing need for immunosuppression, additional study in this field is critical. Future research should investigate newer classes of immunosuppressants in animal models to identify potential pathways to delayed wound healing and potential ways to mitigate such effects. Further, additional high-quality human studies that evaluate both individual and combination immunotherapies are required to better understand the risks and how different immunosuppressants may impact wound healing. To explore immunosuppressants as a potential treatment for chronic or complex wounds, it is important for future studies to be conducted on a large scale and control for confounding clinical factors, such as through randomised controlled trials.


Immunosuppressants range from possibly beneficial to clearly deleterious in terms of wound healing. There is little conclusive evidence in this field, and the effects of immunosuppressants on wound healing are worth exploring further to better tailor immunosuppression to patients at risk for or experiencing chronic, nonhealing wounds. Some immunosuppressants may offer benefits in wound treatment when conventional therapies have failed, opening up the possibility of a new treatment option for wounds.


Alberta Innovates High School Youth Research Summer (HYRS) Program, which provided an educational stipend to the lead author for her work on this and other projects.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The authors have disclosed no financial relationships related to this article.


Aria Appoo, Brandon L Christensen, Ranjani Somayaji

DOI: 10.33235/wcet.44.3.12-19





目的 探讨不同类别的免疫抑制剂对伤口愈合的影响。

数据来源 在PubMed、Google Scholar和卡尔加里大学健康科学图书馆进行了文献检索。

研究选择 研究人员使用“免疫抑制药物”、“伤口愈合”和“免疫抑制”等关键词对文章标题进行了初步筛选。标题和/或摘要包含这些关键词的文章,涉及与免疫抑制剂药物相关的伤口愈合,并且发表于2000年以后的文章均被纳入综述。当没有免疫抑制剂(类)的人类数据时,则纳入动物研究。

数据提取 对纳入的61篇文章进行了全文审阅和总结。


结论 皮质类固醇和雷帕霉素机械靶蛋白抑制剂最常表现出对伤口愈合的不利影响。对于其他类别的免疫抑制剂,证据有限,对伤口愈合的影响各不相同。为了更好地了解免疫抑制剂(包括具有新作用机制的免疫抑制剂)的效果,确定对伤口愈合影响最大的免疫抑制剂,需要进行更大规模、高质量的研究。


免疫抑制剂是一种具有多种适应症的药物,其适用范围包括实体器官移植、造血器官移植以及自身免疫性疾病等。它们通过抑制适应性免疫系统各种成分的活性发挥作用,从而减少对正常宿主组织的一连串炎症反应,或调节对移植材料的自然排斥反应。1免疫抑制剂的主要种类包括皮质类固醇/糖皮质激素2,3、钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂(CNI)2,4,5、雷帕霉素机制靶点抑制剂(mTOR)2,4、单克隆抗体(mAb)2,4、多克隆抗体(pAb)2,4和抗増殖剂。2 在本综述中,伤口被定义为手术、创伤或易感染疾病导致的皮肤开口。



作者使用多种常见免疫抑制剂(糖皮质激素/皮质类固醇、mTOR抑制剂、甲氨蝶呤、单克隆抗体、pAb、CNI、霉酚酸酯、硫唑嘌呤)的通用名称以及术语“伤口愈合”和“免疫抑制”进行了文献检索。主要检索数据库为PubMed,其次是Google Scholar和卡尔加里大学健康科学图书馆数据库。在可能的情况下,检索格式如下:“免疫抑制剂名称[MeSH术语]”和“伤口愈合[MeSH术语]”。如果没有作为MeSH术语的免疫抑制剂名称,则不加限制地检索该术语。检索仅限于2000年至2021年间发表的英文文章。







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雷帕霉素机械靶蛋白抑制剂与复杂信号通路中的蛋白质相互作用,阻止细胞进入细胞周期的S期,从而抑制细胞増殖3,21虽然mTOR主要针对 T 细胞,但它也会影响B细胞。3有趣的是,mTOR可以増加某些炎症细胞因子(如白细胞介素6)的产生,而减少白细胞介素10(一种抗炎细胞因子)的产生。3目前有两种主要的mTOR抑制剂:西罗莫司和依维莫司。3,21一般来说,mTOR抑制剂有多种用途,包括癌症治疗和移植后治疗。3,21依维莫司在体外模型中会抑制成纤维细胞的増殖,52这表明它可能会对伤口愈合产生负面影响,因为成纤维细胞对于创建细胞外基质和为其他细胞搭建支架至关重要。53在一项比较西罗莫司和全身用他克莫司的研究中,西罗莫司的伤口并发症发生率为47%,而他克莫司的伤口并发症发生率仅为8%。9这与Larson等人12的另一项研究结果一致,即西罗莫司的伤口并发症发生率高于他克莫司。这些作者发现,服用西罗莫司的肥胖症患者的伤口并发症发生率非常高;因此,作者将所有肥胖症患者排除在研究之外。12这与之前的研究结果一致,一项对大鼠的研究表明,増加西罗莫司剂量会降低断裂强度。54作者推测这种效应可能是由于接受较高剂量西罗莫司的大鼠体内血管内皮生长因子和一氧化氮水平较低所致。54Nashan和Citterio55在一篇综述文章中总结道,mTOR抑制剂在高剂量下对伤口愈合有害,但在低剂量下似乎没有影响。鉴于早期对mTOR抑制剂和伤口愈合的担忧,使用这些免疫抑制剂的治疗方案已发展为较低剂量的mTOR抑制剂和联合疗法。在大型TRANSFORM(以依维莫司为基础的方案提高肾移植的有效性和安全性结果)随机对照试验中,Citterio等人15比较了依维莫司加低剂量CNI与霉酚酸加标准剂量CNI(标准护理)对肾移植患者的治疗效果。他们发现,与伤口相关的不良事件在不同组间并无差异(20.6% vs 17.3%;风险比1.19;95% CI,0.99-1.43)。15这项研究的局限性之一是对依维莫司浓度的密切监测,以及难以达到3 ng/mL-8 ng/mL的目标血浆浓度C015总体而言,目前的文献表明,mTOR抑制剂会对伤口愈合产生不利影响,尤其是在较高剂量时,并且改进的给药方案可以减少或减轻这种风险。

























Aria Appoo
Medical Student, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Brandon L Christensen*
Resident Physician, Division of Infectious Diseases
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Ranjani Somayaji
Assistant Professor, Departments of Medicine, Microbiology
Immunology and Infectious Disease and Community Health Sciences

* Corresponding author


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