Volume 44 Number 3

This is finally it!

Laurent O Chabal, Denise Hibbert

For referencing Chabal LO, Hibbert D. This is finally it! WCET® Journal. 2024;44(3):9-11.





This is finally it!

“Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait.”
Leo Tolstoy

Finally, having waited since 2020, we are now welcoming all of you to Glasgow for the upcoming 2024 WCET® and Association Stoma Care Nurses (ASCN) UK joint Congress. This Congress will be our first full face-to-face meeting, in the presence of all Executive Board (EB) members, since 2018.

Although Sally Gill-Thompson cannot join us, we would like to take the opportunity to send her all our love, best wishes and positive thoughts as she is going through some health issues at this time.

We would like to extend our deepest appreciation to our colleagues from the ASCN UK, for their collaboration and professional collegialism, this open-minded involvement has made the process not only efficient but lots of fun. It has been a real pleasure to work with them and we are sure that the results will be a successful programme enjoyed by all.

The journey has not always been easy; implementation of the MedTec rules1 reduced support for attendance in some areas, COVID-19 hit2 and we were forced to postpone the event twice, finally the change of management company forced us to review and revise our plans. But, as always, we have been resilient, and have been able to overcome these obstacles, while coming up with fresh new ideas.

The Congress programme is very promising, we hope it allows everyone from novice to expert to find something to bring back home, giving all an opportunity to network and update their knowledge and skills. This specialised congress in stoma, wound and continence care, is a one-of-a-kind opportunity, a chance for professional development on a global stage, aimed at sharing to enhance our abilities and confidence to deliver better care, implement the best evidence-based practice and improve patient outcomes. Ultimately to contribute to reductions in healthcare costs and most important to improve patients’ quality of life. A special tartan scarf will be available as a token, a memento of this event.

We would also like to take this opportunity to applaud the WCET® International Delegates (IDs) who have submitted their biennial reports. It is always inspiring to read what is being achieved around the globe. This year we send our deepest appreciation, as we have had a record response rate of greater than 50%. Very well done! All reports received can be found under the Members’ Library of the WCET® website at: https://wcetn.org/general/custom.asp?page=MemberLibrary

As you can see, we will have a lot to celebrate in making 2024 WCET® ASCN-UK joint Congress an extraordinary milestone to remember.

We finally get to meet and celebrate in person, and to congratulate:

- Yajuan (Julie) Weng, WCET® Education Chairperson 2020-2024, who was inducted as a Follow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) in 2023.

- Denise Hibbert, WCET® President Elect 2022-2026, who was made an Honorary Fellow of the American Association of Colorectal Surgeons (FAACRS-hon) in June 2024.

- Aihua (Alice) Chen, WCET® Norma N. Gill Foundation® Chairperson 2020-2024, and Dr Ayişe Karadaǧ, from Turkey, for receiving a 2024 nomination to be inducted as Fellows into the American Association of Nursing (FAAN), which will be made official when they attend the ceremony planned for November 2024.

- Dr Kimberly A Leblanc on becoming the President of the Canadian Nurses Association, and for her new position as Affiliate Professor at McGill University, Honorary Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University, UK, and Adjunct Professor at Curtin School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Australia.

- and Dr Jennifer Burch, ASCN UK and WCET® member and Co Chair of the 2024 Scientific Committee, for the achievement of her PhD. She will officially graduate next January.

You all make us very proud seeing our tri-specialty experts shine on the global stage.

We will also be introducing and celebrating:

- Our two new Life Members: Dr Elizabeth A Ayello, immediate WCET® Past President, and Alison Crawshaw, 2024 WCET® Congress Coordinator. Many thanks to Calmoseptine® for their financial support to enable Dr Ayello to come, and to the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) for having invited her to speak at their 2024 Conference held in Lausanne, just before Glasgow.

- Our WCET® Norma N. Gill President nominees: Dr Christine Norton, from the UK, for her lifetime’s work and achievements in continence and gastrointestinal nursing and her ongoing achievements and mentorship in nursing research; Dr Keryln Carville, from Australia, for her lifetime’s work and achievements in wound and stoma care, and Louise Forest-Lalande, from Canada and WCET® Past President, for her lifetime’s work and achievements in pediatric stoma and wound care.

- We will of course recognise the new Enterostomal Therapist Nursing Education Programme, Recognised Education Programme and Congress Scholarship Recipients; we awarded a record of more than 30 for this congress, (not counting the ones who received a Jean Preston Scholarship from ASCN UK). Without the financial support from the General Fund, WCET® and ASCN UK agreed to create for this event and the McManus Scholarship fund, we would not have been able to respond to such important requests. A huge thanks to all donors for your contributions and support! You help us keep bringing Norma’s vision to life and fulfil WCET® mission. Remember we are a nonprofitable organisation and registered UK Charity.

- We will also be recognising, for the first time, WCET® Norma’s Circle founding members at the opening ceremony.

All 2024 awards will be acknowledged at the gala dinner, on September 30: so please be sure to attend.

We keep thanking Paula Erwin-Toth and Dr Diane L Krasner for providing us with the copyright of their book. With the support of Diane and Convatec, we have been able to print more copies of the Norma N Gill Festschrift book3 which will be available from the WCET® Congress booth.

We send our greatest appreciation to the submitters who have send more than 400 abstracts and thank the Scientific Committee and abstract reviewers who worked to ensure we have an excellent scientific programme. The use of our complementary logos will help participants to identify which category their presentations have been assigned to and to navigate the material with ease.

Many thanks to all our Congress sponsors and exhibitors4 for making this event and journal possible. This event has been approved by the MedTec Conference Vetting System.5 Please make sure you attend industry symposia and go to exhibitor booths in order to meet industry representatives, gain knowledge about their new and incoming products, ensuring you and your country colleagues are ready to use them efficiently and effectively. It is also a good opportunity to discuss challenges and share experiences.

At the congress you will be able to check out recommendations and research on products, with varying types of convexivity available on the market, echoing the lessons learned from our last WCET® online seminar launch in celebration of WCET® Norma N Gill Day®. We take the opportunity to sincerely thank Dr Janice Colwell, from the USA, and Angie Perrin and Maddie White, from the UK, for sharing their expertise on this matter. As mentioned in the last WCET® BullETin issue, it was enlightening to learn that convexity was already around in the early 1960s. Dr Turnbull himself was referring to convexity in his article published into the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.6

This year we will be recognising World Ostomy Day©7 by taking the opportunity to celebrate all individuals living with stomas at the Congress. This is an opportunity to honor them in acknowledging their role in making us better professionals. Putting into action daily the Montreal Model8 is, in reality, about celebrating our partnership with individuals leaving with a stoma, wound/and or continence needs. It is a model that plays a major part in our tri-specialty practice.

With this Congress issue of the Journal, comes the WCET® Journal supplement. We deeply appreciate Hollister for their support and work in putting this supplement edition together. We are sure you will learn a lot from both this Journal issue and its supplement. To all Congress presenters, please do consider submitting your work for publication for an upcoming issue of the WCET® Journal.

For the unfortunate ones who will not be able to attend, please stay tuned as all will be told in future issues of the BullETin. We cannot wait to hear about your experiences, from those of you attending, please submit your stories with pictures and appropriate captions to bulletin@wcetn.org

Many thanks to all our Sustaining Journal Partners (SJPs)9 (Calmoseptine®, Coloplast, Convatec, Dansac, Hollister® and Welland) and SJPs Journal professional translations’ supporters (Calmoseptine® and Coloplast China) to make these publications possible. Even though AROA and Wound Care Plus have decided not to continue to support us this year, we thank them for their past two years of support.

We have implemented a new guidance tool on our website to help members to update their details, so that we can be sure they are getting all of the benefits that come with membership. This includes receiving the journal and emails. Since the tool was implemented the number of members with incomplete or incorrect data has dropped to just 4%. (If you are one of these members, or not sure, please check out the tool at: https://cdn.ymaws.com/wcetn.org/resource/resmgr/membership/How_to_Complete_Member_Profi.pdf). Or, if you are coming to the congress, come to the WCET® booth or connect to your country ID for help.

As always WCET® is thinking and planning for the future: we will be announcing our next Congress location and partners at the end of congress 2024 in Glasgow. WCET® tries to move from continent to continent for each Congress to give each member a chance to attend one of our events. So, stay tuned for more information and prepare to make your plans — two years go by more quickly than you think.

As the 2024 Congress ends, we will welcome in our new WCET® EB members. They will take over from the previous members after the closing ceremony.

We cannot thank all the 2020–2024 EB members enough for their dedication and for mentoring and orientating the 2024–2028 EB towards their success.

We cannot wait to work with you all. It is a real honour to serve you, as you are all WCET®!

We cannot wait to raise a glass with you to make a toast at Glasgow.


Denise and Laurent


Laurent O Chabal, Denise Hibbert





Leo Tolstoy


虽然Sally Gill-Thompson目前因健康问题无法出席,但我们想借此机会向她致以最深切的关爱、最美好的祝愿和满满的正能量。

同时,我们也衷心感谢来自ASCN UK的同事们,他们的精诚合作与专业精神,让整个筹备过程不仅高效,更是充满乐趣。我们很高兴能与他们携手合作,坚信此次大会必将取得圆满成功。



我们也借此机会,对已提交两年期报告的WCET®国际代表(ID)表示由衷赞赏。阅读全球各地所取得的辉煌成就,总是令人心潮澎湃。今年,我们的回复率突破50%,创下历史新高,在此我们深表感恩。大家都做得非常好!所有收到的报告,均可在WCET®网站的成员资料库中找到,网址为: https://wcetn.org/general/custom.asp?page=MemberLibrary

正如大家所见,我们将有许多值得庆祝的事情,使2024年WCET® ASCN-UK联合大会成为一个值得铭记的非凡里程碑。


- 翁亚娟(Julie Weng),2020-2024年间担任WCET®教育委员会主席,2023年当选美国护理科学院(FAAN)院士。

- Denise Hibbert,2022-2026年间担任WCET®候任主席,2024年6月被授予美国结直肠外科医师协会荣誉成员(FAACRS-hon)称号。

- 陈爱华(Alice Chen),WCET® Norma N. Gill基金会®2020-2024年主席,与来自土耳其的Ayişe Karadaǧ博士共同荣获2024年美国护理科学院(FAAN)院士提名,这一喜讯将在他们参加计划于2024年11月举行的典礼时正式宣布。

- 祝贺Kimberly A Leblanc博士成功当选加拿大护士协会主席,并担任麦吉尔大学附属教授、英国卡迪夫大学荣誉高级讲师和澳大利亚科廷护理学院健康科学系兼职教授。

- 同时祝贺Jennifer Burch博士,ASCN UK和WCET®成员兼2024年科学委员会联合主席,祝贺她取得博士学位。她将于明年1月正式毕业。



- 我们新増两位终身成员:Elizabeth A Ayello博士,WCET®前任主席博士;以及Alison Crawshaw,2024年WCET®大会协调员。非常感谢Calmoseptine®为Ayello博士的到来提供资金支持,并感谢欧洲压疮咨询委员会(EPUAP)邀请她在格拉斯哥会议前夕于洛桑举行的2024年会议上发言。

- 我们的WCET® Norma N. Gill主席提名人:来自英国的Christine Norton博士,因其在失禁和胃肠护理领域的卓越贡献及她在护理研究方面的持续成就与指导;来自澳大利亚的Keryln Carville博士,因其在伤口和造口护理方面的卓越贡献与成就;来自加拿大的Louise Forest-Lalande,WCET®前任主席,因其在儿科造口和伤口护理方面的卓越贡献与成就。

- 我们还将表彰新的肠造口治疗师护理教育项目、认可教育项目及大会奖学金获得者。本届大会共颁发了30多个奖项(不包括获得ASCN UK颁发的Jean Preston奖学金获得者)。如果没有来自WCET®和ASCN UK共同设立的基金以及McManus奖学金基金所提供的财政支持,我们无法回应这些重要的请求。在此,我们衷心感谢所有捐赠者的慷慨解嚢!你们的支持将助力我们继续实现Norma的愿景,并践行WCET®的使命。请记住,我们是一家在英国注册为慈善机构的非营利组织。

- 我们还将在开幕式上首次表彰WCET® Norma's Circle创始成员。


我们再次感谢Paula Erwin-Toth和Diane L Krasna博士为我们提供了他们著作的版权。借助Diane和Convatec的支持,我们印制了更多Norma N Gill纪念册3,将在WCET®大会展位上展示。



在大会上,您可以查看有关市场上不同凸面装置产品的建议和研究,这与我们上次为庆祝WCET® Norma N Gill日®而推出的WCET®在线研讨会所学内容相互呼应。我们借此机会衷心感谢美国的Janice Colwell博士、英国的Angie Perrin和Maddie White分享他们在这一领域的专业知识。正如上期WCET® BullETin中提到的,凸面装置在20世纪60年代初就已经出现,这给我们带来深刻启发。Turnbull博士本人在《克利夫兰诊所医学杂志》6上发表的文章中也提到了凸面装置。




衷心感谢所有持续支持我们的期刊合作伙伴(SJP)9(Calmoseptine®、Coloplast、Convatec、Dansac、Hollister®和Welland),以及支持期刊专业翻译的合作伙伴(Calmoseptine®和Coloplast China),感谢你们为期刊出版所付出的努力。尽管AROA和Wound Care Plus决定今年不再继续支持我们,但我们仍要感谢他们过去两年的支持。



随着2024年大会的落幕,我们将迎来新的WCET® EB成员。他们将在闭幕式后接替前任成员的工作。







Laurent O Chabal
BSc (CBP) RN OncPall (Cert) Dip (WH) ET EAWT
WCET® President 2022–2026

Denise Hibbert
WCET® President-Elect 2022–2026


  1. MedTech Europe. Code of ethical business practice, March 2022. Accessed August 10, 2024. https://www.medtecheurope.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/medtech-europe-code-of-ethical-business-practice-2022.pdf
  2. Lopez AM. Covid-19 impact of international meetings worldwide 2020-2022. Statista. 2022, November 10. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1259719/covid-19-impact-international-meetings-worldwide/
  3. Erwin-Toth P, Krasner LD (Eds). Enterostomal therapy nursing, growth & evolution of a nursing specialty worldwide. A festschrift for Norma N. Gill-Thompson, ET. 2020 Commemorative Edition. 2020. WCET®, Perth: Cambridge Media.
  4. WCET-ASCN UK 2024 Joint Congress. Sponsorship and exhibition registration now open. Accessed August 10, 2024. https://wcet-ascnuk2024.com/sponsorship
  5. MedTech Europe. Conference Vetting System, 29 August 2015. Accessed August 10, 2024. https://www.medtecheurope.org/news-and-events/news/conference-vetting-system/
  6. Turnbull R. Instructions to the ileostomy patient; management of the stoma. Cleve Clin J Med. 1961;28(3):213–238.
  7. The European Ostomy Association, World Ostomy Day. Accessed August 10, 2024. https://ostomyeurope.org/world-ostomy-day/
  8. Pomey M-P, et al. The Montreal model: the challenges of a partnership relationship between patients and healthcare professionals. Santé Publique. 2015;27(1 Suppl):S41–50.
  9. WCET. Sustaining journal partners. Accessed August 10, 2024. https://wcetn.org/page/SustainingJournalPartners