Volume 22 Number 2

Release Date June 2014  

ISSN 2202-9729

Editor(s) Michael Woodward and Allison Cowin

Towards clarity from complexity

Dr Carolina D Weller


Monitoring patterns and quality of care for people diagnosed with venous leg ulcers: the argument for a national venous leg ulcer registry

Dr Carolina D Weller and Dr Sue Evans


The Swedish national quality Registry of Ulcer Treatment (RUT): How can ‘RUT’ inform outcome measurement for people diagnosed with venous leg ulcers in Australia?

Dr Rut F Öien and Dr Carolina D Weller


We have the evidence to improve venous leg ulcer outcomes: How do we get this evidence into practice?

Rajna Ogrin


Post-thrombotic syndrome: a potential cause of venous ulcer

Ashwini Arumugaswamy and Huyen Tran


Venous leg ulcer recurrence: deciphering long-term patient adherence to preventive treatments and activities

Kathleen J Finlayson, Helen E Edwards and Mary D Courtney


Perspectives on living with and self- treating venous leg ulcers: a person’s story and a health care perspective

Suzanne Kapp, Kim Simpson and Nick Santamaria


Recommended practice: Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) using hand-held Doppler ultrasound

Wound Healing and Management Node Group


General practice and primary care: making a difference at the coalface of wound management in Australia

Stephen Yelland


Connected wound care: partnerships informing wound management

Kylie Elder, Monika Samolyk, Marianne Cullen, Donna Nair and Marita Ticchi


Nanocrystalline silver dressings for wounds other than burns and donor sites

Wound Healing and Management Node Group