Volume 29 Number 4
Release Date December 2023
ISSN 2208-5750
Original article
The management of urinary incontinence in nursing homes: a scoping review
Joan Ostaszkiewicz, Leona Kosowicz, Jess Cecil, Deidree Somanader, Briony Dow
Licensed under CC BY 4.0
Original article
Improving ward-based neurogenic bladder and bowel care after acute spinal cord injury: a narrative review
Cristina Levy, Shilpa Gaikwad, Michael Whishaw, Wendy Bower
Licensed under CC BY 4.0
Clinical Quality Indicators using Australasian Pelvic Floor Procedure Registry clinical data
Aruna Kartik
Licensed under CC BY 4.0
Abstracts UroGynaecological Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting Melbourne 22-25 November 2023 We are pleased to publish a small selection of abstracts with permission from the authors. For the full abstract program contact UGSA www.ugsa.com.au
Biomechanical and immunobiological properties of human fascia lata (HFL) vs TiMesh®: implications for pelvic reconstructive surgery
David Hennes
Licensed under CC BY 4.0
Abstracts UroGynaecological Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting Melbourne 22-25 November 2023
Mesh perforation into viscus following pelvic mesh surgery: Experiences and recommendations for diagnosis and management
Yu Hwee Tan
Licensed under CC BY 4.0
Abstracts UroGynaecological Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting Melbourne 22-25 November 2023