Volume 1 Number 1

A new journal, a new editorial team

Yvonne K Parry

For referencing Parry YK. A new journal, a new editorial team. Journal of Children and Young People’s Health 2020; 1(1):2

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/jcyph.1.1.2



I begin my tenure as the inaugural editor of the Journal of Children and Young People’s Health. I am indeed humbled and grateful to be honoured by the Australian College of Children & Young People’s Nursing with this opportunity and to progress the instrumental and national work of the ACCYPN. The editorial team, our reviewers and I will ensure the journal is led with an intellectual rigour and generous attitude that will help to expand the scope of the journal nationally and internationally. At the same time, this new journal and editorial team offers an opportunity to reaffirm the journal’s aims and identify areas for growth in publication of this nursing speciality.

Through the journal we will progress the ACCYPN commitment to recognising children and young people’s nursing as specialty nursing practice and to advocate for this specialty, irrespective of the setting, through the promotion of best practice, evidence-based practice and knowledge translation. This inaugural editorial offers an opportunity to introduce myself and share ideas on what lies ahead.

I am a former paediatric nurse, and now an academic, who is recognised internationally as a nurse leader in several internationally renowned nursing and nursing research organisations. I actively promote the inclusion of children’s and parent’s/carers experiences in research, service design and delivery activities. I provide accredited interprofessional courses and topics for and/or on nurses, health, education, human services, undergraduates and postgraduates in the areas of: child development; working collaboratively with vulnerable families; child centred practice; and working with vulnerable children.

My work exists at the important intersection between nursing, primary health, public health and community health services for vulnerable children and populations. To ensure that children have the best start in life and have the best chance of reaching their full potential. I have developed innovative responses to health provision for at risk children and families. My research is underpinned by the principles of social justice, child centred practice and social equity of health access for vulnerable children.

One of the aims of the journal is to serve as a place for critical reflection, practice advancement and knowledge transfer and translation. The initial focus will be on developing ways to achieve the JCYPH aims and goals by publishing articles that will complement the areas relevant to neonatal care, paediatrics, children and young peoples’ health. Manuscripts are expected to follow recognised reporting guidelines relevant to the research design; in the form of discussions, reviews, research reports, case studies, expositions, narratives and letters. We hope to include reports of emerging and novel practices as well as to offer space for commentary and debate.

This is in a preliminary phase and I look forward to sharing this process with you in the coming months and I am always happy to hear from you.


Yvonne K Parry
PhD, MHSM, GradCertEdu (Higher Education), BA (Psychology & Public Policy), RN
Senior Lecturer
PG Course Coordinator 
UG Student Experience Coordinator 
Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee (SBREC), Flinders University (full member)
Board of Directors: Australian College of Children and Young People’s Nurses
Chair: Credentialling Committee Australian College of Children and Young People Nursing