Volume 4 Number 1
Letter to ACCYPN members
Elizabeth M Forster
For referencing Forster EM. Letter to ACCYPN members. Journal of Children and Young People’s Health 2023; 4(1):3
DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/jcyph.4.1.3
Hello everyone and welcome to our latest issue.
In this issue our articles include a review of nurse-led telehealth follow-up for paediatric pain, a discussion paper on evidence-based resources for allergy related healthcare needs of children and young people and, lastly, an article on the development of an educational intervention on neonatal pain assessment and management for Thai clinicians.
I am also including a letter here from our ACCYPN Chairperson Associate Professor Yvonne Parry who overviews the benefits of ACCYPN membership and invites you to our conference in Darwin in September 2023.
Dear Members
Congratulations on being a member of an organisation that represents you! Our team of volunteers who make up the Board of Directors, Portfolio Leaders, Policy Representatives and Team Managers (such as the Journal Editor, Newsletter Editor) ensure that all of your membership fees etc go directly into providing services and representations for you and paediatric nursing. Our webinars, newsletters, journals and conferences are an opportunity for you to gain valuable knowledge and contemporary practice, earn CPA points and keep up to date with the latest evidence-based practice in your area of paediatric care.
Can’t find information on your area of practice then please write an article for the journal or present at the conference and let us know of your area, your innovation, your teams practice change or knowledge insights.
Additionally, the conference is a great opportunity to advance your career through networking, knowledge translation and by getting to know a potential mentor. Present at the conference and give potential mentors, colleagues and peers the opportunity to meet with you and share their experience, knowledge or support for your work. I know from personal experience the best mentors I have, approached me after a conference presentation on my work. These national / international peers / colleagues are now life-long friends and have guided my work, promotions and research.
We are a team committed to providing you with the best knowledge, practice and advancement of paediatric nursing in Australia and internationally. Meeting face-to-face in September is an exciting way to progress for all of us going forward.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Yvonne Parry
Chairperson ACCYPN Board of Directors
I hope that you find this issue of the journal interesting and informative and that it supports your work with children and young people. We look forward to receiving your manuscript submissions in the coming months and invite conference presenters to consider submitting manuscripts to JCYPH as well, following the September conference.
Warm regards
Elizabeth M Forster
RN, BN, Master of Nursing, Grad Cert Education
(Higher Ed) (QUT), Grad Cert Positive Psychology (CQU), PhD (UQ), Centaur Fellow, SFHEA
Associate Professor, Postgraduate Program Director (Nursing & IPC),
Program Advisor Paediatric Nursing, Griffith University School of Nursing & Midwifery, QLD