Volume 7 Issue 1

Message from the President

Mark Sutherland

For referencing Sutherland M. Message from the President. Vascular Access 2021; 7(1):3.

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/va.7.1.3



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Hello vascular access enthusiasts,

As I write this President’s Message I am reminded of the importance of the published work in my day-to-day professional activities. A Captain Obvious, yes. But dig a little deeper and there is more to that statement.

Reflecting on the week just passed, I found that I was challenged over issues such as catheter-to-vein ratio, catheter tip location, midline verses long cannula, heparin verses saline and, that old chestnut, device dwell time. Who would think that something so simple as a man-made tube could be so complex? Or is it? The complex are the many variations the device takes on and how it is used, the simple is risk management – the main issue that bothers clinicians such as myself the most. Unfortunately, as much as I would like it to be, the work I do is not perfect. I aim to be, but the best I can offer is reduction of the risk to the smallest, possible amount with the best knowledge and skill I possess of the day.

The knowledge we gain to develop our skill comes from training, experience, and the support of the broader speciality network whose feedback can be found in the written document – documents that communicate new trends, new concepts, new controversies and best practice – that assist clinicians such as I to do what we do best.

I challenge all you enthusiasts; do not keep your valuable experiences and work to yourselves. Please keep publishing your experiences, publish your research, publish your opinions. You have so much to share that contributes to the growth and development of the work we do.

Kind regards,

Mark Sutherland RN, ICCert(NSWCN), BHSN
President, AVAS


Mark Sutherland RN, ICCert(NSWCN), BHSN
President, AVAS