Volume 39 Number 4

Around the WCET® world

Elizabeth A Ayello, Laurent O Chabal and Gulnaz Tariq

For referencing World Council of Enterostomal Therapists®. WCET® Journal 2019;39(4):7-9




A new name for the NPUAP

November was a landmark month. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) officially changed its name to the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP). This change reflects the 2016 adoption by the NPIAP of the term pressure injury rather than pressure ulcer. However, this new terminology change from ulcer to injury was not without controversy. As such, while the NPIAP has embraced the new term of pressure injury, it is not universally accepted, and some countries continue to use the term pressure ulcer. Globally, clinicians will need to search the literature using both keywords – pressure injury and pressure ulcer – in order to keep current on the latest evidence.

New 2019 International Pressure Injury/Ulcer Guideline

The world now has a new prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers/injury clinical practice guideline. This 3rd edition of the international guideline is once again the result of global leadership and partnership by the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), NPIAP and the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA). Emily Haesler PhD from Australia served as the methodologist and Editor-in-chief. The Guideline Governance Group (GGG) was composed of a core group of individuals that included Jan Kottner PhD (EPUAP Chair), Janet Cuddigan PhD (NPIAP Chair), Keryln Carville PhD (PPPIA Chair), Katrin Blazer PhD, Dan Berlowitz MD, MPH, Yee Yee Chang, Siu Ming Susan Law MScN, Mary Litchford PhD, Pamela Mitchell MN, Zena Moore PhD, Joyce Pittman PhD, and Dominique Sigaudo-Roussel PhD.

New to this edition was the input from over 1,200 patients/consumers and their informal/family caregivers who also participated in the development of the guideline. Many stakeholders and individuals provided comments on drafts of the guideline throughout the development process. The WCET® was also one of the 14 associate organisations which had members on various small working groups (SWG), namely the Brazilian Association of Enterostomal Therapists: Wound, Ostomy and Continence Care (SOBEST), a Canadian collaboration of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada and Wounds Canada, the Chinese Nursing Association, an Indonesian collaboration of the Indonesian Wound Care Clinician Association and the Indonesian Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing Association, the Japanese Society for Pressure Ulcers, the Jiangsu Nursing Association, the Korean Association of Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses, the Malaysian Society of Wound Care Professionals, the Philippine Wound Care Society, the Saudi Chapter of Enterostomal Therapy, the Taiwan Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurse Association, and the Thai Enterostomal Therapy Society. The WCET® Executive Board also reviewed and commented during the guideline development process.

Recommendations, as well as good practice statements (GPS), were accomplished in part by the numerous SWGs. The WCET® sent an email to all our members asking them to let us know if they had worked on any portion of the international guideline. These are the names of the WCET® members who responded to Jen by our journal publication deadline. We wish to acknowledge and thank them for volunteering their time to work on the guideline. They are, in alphabetical order: Rehab Al-Dossary (Saudi Arabia), Hajer Alsabaa (Saudi Arabia), Elizabeth Ayello (United States of America), Linda Benskin (United States of America), Katie Capitulo (United States of America), Keryln Carville (Australia), Laurent Chabal (Switzerland), Yee Yee Chang (Singapore), Aihua (Alice) Chen (China), Barbara Delmore (United States of America), Diane Maydick (United States of America), Elizabeth Faust (United States of America), Lina Febrianti (Indonesia), Ednalda Maria Franck (Brazil), Denise Hibbert (Saudi Arabia), Sandra Higelin (United States of America), Ailing Hu (China), Wen-Pei Huang (Taiwan), Xiaorong Huo (China), Qixia Jiang (China), Zhou-Qing Kang (China), Yuwadee Kestsumpun (Thailand), Maria Helene Larcher Caliri (Brazil), Susan Law (Hong Kong), Hau Lan Ngan (Hong Kong), Kimberly LeBlanc (Canada), Chak Hau Pang (Hong Kong), Barbara Pieper (United States of America), Hiske Smart (Bahrain), Widasari Sri Gitarja (Indonesia), James Lincoln Trinidad (Philippines), Yin Ping Wan (Singapore), and Ann Williams (United States).

The international guideline was launched at a conference in Los Angeles, California, USA in mid-November, followed by another conference in Canberra, Australia in early December. The full version of the guideline is 405 pages and provides narrative summaries and tables of the evidence that was appraised. It is available for purchase as either a printed copy or electronic version from the websites of the governing organisations – www.epuap.org, www.npiap.org or www.pppia.org. A quick reference guide (43 pages) is also available on their websites as a free downloadable .pdf file.

The guideline has 115 recommendations, of which seven are at the A level of evidence. When there was not enough evidence to bring forward a recommendation, a total of 62 GPS were written. The guideline went through various rounds of review and comments by not just healthcare professionals but also patients/consumers. New to the guideline is a section on quality indicators as well as implementation of best practices to assist clinicians to use the guideline in their everyday care of patients. The WCET® has officially endorsed the international guideline.

The WCET® congratulates all who worked so diligently to produce this important global document. The guideline was created as a clinical resource that could be applicable in all care settings by all healthcare professionals and consumers in any part of the world. This is an important resource that truly will help pressure injury/ulcer prevention and treatment practice throughout the world. Well done to all who were involved in the creation of this guideline and to all who will adopt and use it in their clinical practice. 2020 should bring us a wealth of knowledge as we learn how the guideline is implemented in the various cultures, health systems and countries around the world.

40 years of the WCET® Journal

Don’t forget that 2020 will also be an important year for the WCET® as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the WCET® Journal. Join us in Glasgow in October for the WCET®–ASCN UK 2020 Joint Congress. We thank our WCET® Journal editor Jenny Prentice (Australia) and IIWCG contributing editors Hiske Smart (Bahrain) and Gulnaz Tariq (Pakistan), as well as our publisher Cambridge Media under the direction of Greg Paull and his amazing team of professionals in Perth, Australia who all work tirelessly to produce our journal. We believe our first WCET® Journal Editor, Norma N Gill, would be proud of the educational vehicle for evidence and clinical knowledge that the WCET® Journal provides for our members. We are also the only association journal that publishes each issue in multiple languages. This helps to accomplish the mission that all persons throughout the world who need care for ostomy, wound or incontinence receive care from a knowledgeable nurse.

You still have some time to submit your abstract for the Joint Congress before the closing deadline. Abstracts are due to close on 29 February 2020. Check the website – www.wcetn.org – or the Congress website – www.wcet-ascnuk2020.com – for submission details and the latest information. The 2020 Joint Congress Organising Committee are working hard to bring you an exciting and educationally diverse learning opportunity that highlights how nurses are addressing clinical problems that are faced in their particular country. Organising Committee members are Dee Waugh (WCET® Congress & Meetings Coordinator), Maddie White (ASCN UK Chairperson), Alison Crawshaw (WCET® Treasurer), Angie Perrin (ASCN UK Vice Chairperson), Claire Simpson (InConference) and Jen Wood (PCO, Hauck & Associates). Scientific Committee members are Denise Hibbert (WCET® Education Committee Co-Chair), Wendy Osborne (ASCN UK), Laurent Chabal (WCET® Vice President), Jennifer Burch (ASCN UK Education Committee Chair), Andrew Bird (ASCN UK member) and Carol Stott (WCET® Education Committee member). Thank you to both the Congress Organising and Scientific Committee members who are volunteering their time to bring you an outstanding educational program. We can all learn from the commonalities of approaches to clinical solutions that may be applicable to us. Don’t forget that WCET® members can also apply for NNGF® Congress Travel Scholarships. We look forward to seeing you all in Glasgow, Scotland 10–14 October 2020.

Elizabeth A Ayello
WCET® President 2018–2020

Laurent O Chabal
BSc (CBP), RN, OncPall (Cert), Dip (WH), ET, EAWT
WCET® Vice President 2018–2020



Celebrate with the International Interprofessional Wound Care Group (IIWCG)

It has been a busy time for the IIWCG. In March 2019, we celebrated the 10th Abu Dhabi Wound Care Conference with more than 1500 delegates and 100 invited speakers in attendance. There was much learning going on at the conference with two formal educational programs running in parallel.

Students from the International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC) UAE have completed the rigorous 1-year course. Students came from many counties, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Qatar and Oman. This year we were happy to graduate 37 students from the IIWCC-UAE. It was a beautiful sight to see their joy as they walked across the stage in their graduation attire to formally receive their certificates and course pins. Dr Chaitanya Kodange from Bahrain was crowned as valedictorian of the class of 2018–2019, attaining the highest coursework score in both the modules and in the research project work that focused on early recognition of depression in diabetic foot ulcer patients. The award for the best selective project presentation went to Mr Adonis Dungca from the UAE, with a project that focused on the management of endotracheal tube ties to prevent device-related pressure injuries at the back of the necks of intubated patients. The students within the top ten of the selectives had the opportunity to present their research at the IIWCG conference as part of the proceedings.

Also present during the conference were students from the University of Hertfordshire who are working on their master’s degree under the direction of Dr Madeleine Flanagan. The Abu Dhabi Wound Care Conference forms a part of their course work in which they have to critique and discuss the various sessions in a scholarly way. The IIWCC-UAE course accounts for half of the degree requirements for their MSc degree. If you want more information about this innovative university program, please feel free to discuss this with me as I am a graduate of this program, or contact Dr Madeleine Flanagan at Hertfordshire University (UK).

March 2020 will bring the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) to Abu Dhabi. This will be the cumulation of 4 years of planning and work that began in Florence, Italy when IIWCG won the bid to host the 2020 WUWHS Congress. We are proud to be the hosting society and greatly appreciate all the assistance of our Scientific Committee chaired by Prof Afsaneh Alavi and co-chaired by Dr Dieter Mayer, as well as the help of our International Planning Committee from all across the globe. IIWCG is well supported by many societies; however, our closest support comes from the WCET®, with this journal also serving as our official journal. We are grateful for your involvement in our society and look forward to the sessions chaired by your members at the 6th WUWHS Congress here in Abu Dhabi. Over 1,000 abstracts have been reviewed and more than 250 invited speakers from around the world have confirmed attendance. We know this is truly going to be an extraordinary educational event.

We hope to see you all in Abu Dhabi to be part of this Congress and invite you all to celebrate with us when I officially become the first nurse to become President of WUWHS. What makes this more historic and even more specular, is the fact that it all occurs in the year of the nurse. We could not ask for more, nor planned it better! We welcome you to be part of this next chapter of IIWCG where we will embrace the concept that a global force is stronger to positively change the lives of patients with wounds and skin needs. That is our next step and, in taking those steps, we invite you to share this journey with us.

Gulnaz Tariq
IIWCG President and WUWHS President Elect


Elizabeth A Ayello, Laurent O Chabal and Gulnaz Tariq






现在,世界上有了新版压疮/压力性损伤预防和治疗的临床实践指南。该国际指南的第三版再次归功于欧洲压疮咨询委员会(EPUAP)、NPIAP和泛太平洋压力损伤联盟(PPPIA)的全球性领导和伙伴关系。来自澳大利亚的Emily Haesler博士担任方法学家和主编。指南管理小组(GGG)由一个核心小组组成,其成员包括Jan Kottner PhD(EPUAP主席)、Janet Cuddigan PhD(NPIAP主席)、Keryln Carville PhD(PPPIA主席)、Katrin Blazer PhD、Dan Berlowitz MD, MPH、Yee Yee Chang、Siu Ming Susan Law MScN、Mary Litchford PhD、Pamela Mitchell MN、Zena Moore PhD、Joyce Pittman PhD,以及Dominique Sigaudo-Roussel PhD。


建议和良好实践声明(GPS)部分由众多SWG完成。WCET®向所有成员发送电子邮件,请求他们告知是否承担了该国际指南任何章节的工作。以下为杂志出版截止日期前作出回应的WCET®成员姓名。他们自愿对指南的编制投入了大量时间和精力,我们深表感谢。按字母顺序排列:Rehab Al-Dossary(沙特阿拉伯)、Hajer Alsabaa(沙特阿拉伯)、 Elizabeth Ayello(美国)、Linda Benskin(美国)、Katie Capitulo(美国)、Keryln Carville(澳大利亚)、Laurent Chabal(瑞士)、Yee Yee Chang(新加坡)、Aihua(Alice)Chen(中国)、Barbara Delmore(美国)、Diane Maydick (美国)、Elizabeth Faust(美国)、Lina Febrianti(印度尼西亚)、Ednalda Maria Franck(巴西) 、 Denise Hibbert (沙特阿拉伯)、Sandra Higelin(美国) 、Ailing Hu (中国)、Wen-Pei Huang(中国台湾)、Xiaorong Huo (中国)、Qixia Jiang(中国)、Zhou- Qing Kang(中国)、 Yuwadee Kestsumpun(泰国)、Maria Helene Larcher Caliri (巴西)、Susan Law(中国香港)、Hau Lan Ngan(中国香港)、Kimberly LeBlanc(加拿大)、Chak Hau Pang(中国香港)、Barbara Pieper(美国)、Hiske Smart(巴林王国)、 Widasari Sri Gitarja(印度尼西亚)、James Lincoln Trinidad (菲律宾)、Yin Ping Wan(新加坡),以及Ann Williams(美国)。





2020年对于WCET®来说也是重要的一年,因为我们将要庆祝WCET®杂志创刊40周年。欢迎加入我们在10月于格拉斯哥召开的WCET®-ASCN UK 2020年联合大会。在此感谢WCET®杂志主编Jenny Prentice(澳大利亚)、IIWCG特约编辑Hiske Smart(巴林王国)和Gulnaz Tariq(巴基斯坦),以及出版商Cambridge Media的领导者Greg Paull和他在澳大利亚珀斯的优秀团队,感谢他们为本杂志做出的不懈努力。我们相信,WCET®杂志的首创编辑Norma N Gill一定会对WCET®杂志提供给会员的证据和临床知识相关教育工具而感到自豪。我们还是唯一以多种语言出版每一期的协会杂志。这有助于完成我们的使命:让全世界所有需要进行造口、伤口或失禁护理的人都能从经验丰富的护士处获得护理。

在截止日期之前,您都可以向联合大会提交摘要。摘要提交截止日期为2020年2月29日。请访问网站www.wcetn. org或大会网站www.wcet-ascnuk2020.com了解提交摘要的详细信息和最新信息。2020年联合大会组委会正在努力为您提供激动人心的多样化教育和学习机会,重点介绍护士如何解决其所在国家/地区面临的临床问题。组织委员会成员包括Dee Waugh(WCET®大会和会议协调员)、Maddie White(ASCN UK主席)、Alison Crawshaw(WCET®财务主管)、Angie Perrin(ASCN UK副主席)、Claire Simpson (InConference)和Jen Wood(PCO,Hauck & Associates)。科学委员会成员包括Denise Hibbert(WCET®教育委员会联合主席)、 Wendy Osborne(ASCN UK)、Laurent Chabal(WCET®副主席)、 Jennifer Burch(ASCN UK教育委员会主席)、Andrew Bird(ASCN UK成员)和Carol Stott(WCET®教育委员会成员)。感谢大会组织委员会和科学委员会成员为出色的教育计划所付出的时间和精力。我们都可以从可能适用于我们的临床解决方案方法共性中学习。WCET®成员也可以申请NNGF®大会旅行奖学金。我们期待在2020年10月10日至14日在苏格兰格拉斯哥与大家见面。


Elizabeth A Ayello

Laurent O Chabal
BSc (CBP), RN, OncPall (Cert), Dip (WH), ET, EAWT




来自阿联酋国际跨专业伤口护理课程(IIWCC)的学生已经完成了1年的严格课程。这些学生来自不同国家,包括阿拉伯联合酋长国、巴林王国、沙特阿拉伯、科威特、伊朗、卡塔尔和阿曼。今年,我们非常高兴地看到有37名学生从IIWCC-UAE毕业。当他们身穿毕业服走过舞台,正式领取证书并获得课程认证时,我们由衷感到高兴。来自巴林王国的Chaitanya Kodange博士作为2018-2019级优秀毕业生代表上台致词,他在模块和研究项目工作中均获得了最高的课程成绩,其工作重点是早期识别糖尿病足溃疡患者的抑郁症。来自阿联酋的Adonis Dungca先生获得了最佳选修项目介绍奖,该项目的工作重点是气管插管的管理,以防止在插管患者的颈后造成与器械相关的压力性损伤。作为大会的一个环节,选修课程前十名中的学生有机会在IIWCG会议上介绍他们的研究。

会议期间,来自赫特福德大学的学生(正在Madeleine Flanagan博士的指导下攻读硕士学位)也进行了演讲。阿布扎比伤口护理会议是他们课程工作的一部分,他们必须以学术的方式来评论和讨论各种课程。IIWCC-UAE课程占其硕士学位学分要求的一半。如果想了解有关该创新大学计划的更多信息,欢迎随时与我讨论,因为我也是该项目的毕业生;或者与赫特福德大学(英国)的Madeleine Flanagan博士联系。

2020年3月,世界伤口愈合学会联合会(WUWHS)将来到阿布扎比。在意大利佛罗伦萨进行长达4年的规划和工作后,IIWCG最终赢得了2020年WUWHS大会的主办权。我们对成为主办单位感到自豪,并非常感谢科学委员会(由Afsaneh Alavi教授担任主席,Dieter Mayer博士担任联合主席)提供的所有协助,以及来自全球国际计划委员会的帮助。IIWCG获得了许多组织的大力支持。但是,最强大的支持来自WCET®,该杂志也是我们的官方杂志。非常感谢您对我们的支持,并期待着您的会员在阿布扎比第六届WUWHS大会上主持的会议。目前已审查了1000多篇摘要,来自世界各地的250多位受邀演讲者确认出席。我们知道这将是一次意义非凡的教育活动。


Gulnaz Tariq


Elizabeth A Ayello
WCET® President 2018–2020

Laurent O Chabal
BSc (CBP), RN, OncPall (Cert), Dip (WH), ET, EAWT
WCET® Vice President 2018–2020

Gulnaz Tariq
IIWCG President and WUWHS President Elect