Volume 41 Number 2

Around the WCET® world

For referencing For referencing World Council of Enterostomal Therapists®. Around the WCET® world. WCET® Journal 2021;41(2):9



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The 2022 WCET® Congress will held in conjunction with WOCN® in Fort worth, Texas, USA from 5-8 June.

WOCNext® 2022: A Global Education Event from WOCN® and WCET® is a hybrid, experiential event featuring both online and in-person education, networking, and activities geared towards WOC nurses and other healthcare professionals dedicated to providing expert care to patients with wound, ostomy, and continence care needs around the world. Learn more at wocnext.org.

A hybrid event is a combination of a physical event with elements of a digital event, usually running simultaneously and with overlapping content and interactive elements broadcast over the Internet.



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Norma’s Circle is a new WCET® program that will honour an elite group dedicated to sustaining the work of Norma N. Gill. Norma’s efforts to improve the lives of ostomy patients continues today, even 100 years after her birth. Her example of making a difference led to the development of specialised ostomy care and better outcomes for patients across the globe. Norma was a remarkable person and together we can build on her efforts. Every patient deserves a specially trained ostomy nurse to help them live their best life with an ostomy. Together we can make this happen.

Norma’s Circle will be launched on 26 June 2021, Norma Gill’s birthday. Charter members of Norma’s Circle will be recognised for their initial contribution of £200. Each year, to honour Norma’s work, membership in Norma’s Circle can be maintained with an additional donation of £100. Like a pebble tossed into the water, the ripples continue to expand in a never-ending pattern. Norma worked to meet the growing need for ostomy patients to have access to specialised care. That need across the globe has grown and continues to grow. Now is our chance to contribute and continue Norma’s mission. Funds generated will support an endowment for WCET® scholarships, WCET® leadership programs as well as special projects.

Members of Norma’s Circle will be recognised with their names and photos in the BullETin and at the next biennial congress. Membership in Norma’s Circle is open to all WCET® members, including members of industry, and anyone who supports the WCET® mission. Nursing organisations and UOAA groups may consider honouring an outstanding WOC nurse with membership in Norma’s Circle.

To make your donation and become a member of Norma’s Circle, go to the WCET® website wcetn.org.



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WOCNext® 2022:WOCN®和WCET®共同举办的全球教育活动将是一个混合型的体验式活动,包括在线和现场教育、社交和活动,面向致力于为世界各地有伤口、造口和失禁护理需求的患者提供专业护理的WOC护士和其他专业医护人员。请访问wocnext.org了解更多内容。




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诺玛圈(Norma's Circle)是一个新的WCET®计划,旨在表彰致力于支持Norma N. Gill工作的优秀团队。Norma为改善造口患者生活所做的努力一直持续到今天,甚至延续至她出生后的100年。她率先做出的积极改变促进了专业化造口护理的发展,并为全球患者带来更积极的结果。诺玛是一个非凡卓越的人,我们可以一起在她的基础之上更进一步。每例造口患者都值得有一个经过专业培训的造口护士来帮助他们过上高质量的生活。我们可以共同实现这一目标。

诺玛圈2021年6月26日(即Norma Gill的诞辰)推出。 诺玛圈的创始会员将因其最初捐赠的200英镑而受到表彰。为纪念诺玛所付出的努力,每年可额外捐赠100英镑以保持诺玛圈的会员资格。就像一块扔进水中的小石子,涟漪以一种永无止境的方式继续扩大。诺玛致力于满足日益增长的造口患者希望获得专业护理的需求。这种需求在全球范围内增长,并将继续增长。现在是我们做出贡献并继续Norma使命的机会。所产生的资金将用于支持WCET®奖学金资助、WCET®领导力项目以及特殊项目。


如若想要进行捐赠并成为诺玛圈的会员,请访问WCET®网站 wcetn.org。