Volume 41 Number 3

The nursing assessment of pemphigus vulgaris ulcers

Mariana Takahashi Ferreira Costa, Luiza Keiko Matsuka Oyafuso, Mônica Antar Gamba and Kevin Y Woo

Keywords nursing, skin diseases, dermatology, vesiculobullous, acantholysis

For referencing Costa MTF et al. The nursing assessment of pemphigus vulgaris ulcers. WCET® Journal 2021;41(3):27-37

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.41.3.27-37
Submitted 16 March 2021 Accepted Accepted 18 July 2021






Introduction Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a severe autoimmune bullous dermatosis resulting in the formation of intraepidermal blisters affecting the skin and mucous membranes. Epidemiologic data shows an incidence of 0.1–0.5 per 100,000 inhabitants per year, and mortality at almost 5–10%.

Objective The objective of this integrative literature review was to examine the classification/terminology of PV ulcers according to the description of skin lesions.

Method This is an integrative review of primary studies, series/clinical reviews or validation studies that describe or evaluate PV ulcers. Search strategies included relevant papers that were published between 2011–2019 using terms such as pemphigus, skin ulcer, dermatology, diagnostic, nursing assessment. The studies were selected for analysis after application of eligibility criteria and exclusion by duplicity.

Results The initial search resulted in 2,934 publications; 14 articles were eligible for analysis. The synthesis of the studies was organised as follows – 57.14% series/clinical reviews, 50% written by physicians, 64.29% level of evidence 4. The terminology used to describe PV ulcers included skin/mucosal erythema, new erythema, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, oral lesions, epithelialisation scabs, blisters, bullae, erosions, eroded areas, erosive exudative lesions, dry erosive.

Conclusions Studies with better levels of evidence are needed on this issue in order to determine the best way to describe the lesions using the dermatological glossary for nursing assessment.


Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a severe autoimmune bullous dermatosis in which the antibodies destroy the desmosomes, resulting in the formation of intraepidermal blisters that affect the skin and mucous membranes. PV occurs mainly between the 4th and 6th decades of life, affecting males and females with an incidence of 0.1–0.5 / 100,000 inhabitants / year and with a mortality rate of 5–10%. The disease distribution is universal, but most commonly affects people of Jewish ancestry–3.

In PV, autoantibodies act predominantly on desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) which is expressed predominantly in the deeper layers of the epidermis2,3. Identifying the layer on which acantholysis occurs is a factor that assists in the diagnosis of bullous dermatoses. For example, it is possible to differentiate PV from pemphigus foliaceus by the site where acantholysis occurs, since pemphigus foliaceus affects the granular layer whereas PV affects the spinous layer2,3. These manifestations involve the formation of blisters with consequent ulceration and skin damage which can be devastating, affecting social interaction and even loss of employment4.

The impact of disfigurement associated with PV on patients’ quality of life, self-image, family and social dynamics has been well documented4. In addition to cutaneous involvement, PV may involve mucosal tissue in the mouth, pharynx, larynx, nasal passage and ear canals (Figures 1 & 2). Areas affected by the disease can compromise normal breathing as well as the ability to speak and to eat to maintain adequate nutritional intake2,3.


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Figure 1. Cutaneous lesions on trunk


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Figure 2. Oral mucosa lesions


The classification of PV has been the object of studies in recent years. The Commitment Index of Skin and Mucous in Pemphigus Vulgaris uses four different parameters to score the disease clinical status: (a) the number of blisters or eroded areas; (b) the size of blisters or eroded areas; (c) evidence of the Nikolsky sign (where sliding the finger firmly with pressure over the skin separates normal-appearing epidermis, producing an erosion); and (d) mucousal involvement and sepsis. The total score may vary from 0–100, and the patients are classified as follows: Class I score 0–30; Class II 35–65; Class III 70–100, meaning that the higher the score, the more critical the status1.

Pemphigus classifications tools, the Pemphigus Disease Area Index (PDAI) and the Japanese Pemphigus Disease Severity Score (JPDSS), were compared by Shimizu et al.5. PDAI measures skin and mucosal involvement by size and number of blisters in each anatomical region, and the score ranges from 0–263. JPDSS uses parameters for scoring: (I) the ratio of affected area of skin to the body’s surface area; (II) the presence or absence of Nikolsky’s sign phenomenon; (III) the number of newly developed blisters per day; (IV) the presence or absence of oral lesions; and (V) the titer of pemphigus antibodies. Each parameter has a score ranging 0–3. In Shimizu et al.’s study5, the results show that PDAI more accurately reflects disease severity. The authors therefore propose the use of indexes to guide a uniform treatment according to grading criteria. Corticotherapy is the treatment of choice, and it can be associated with immunosuppressants if there is no improvement with isolated corticotherapy2,3.

Although considered a relatively rare disease, there is a need for nurses to recognise skin lesions associated with PV and communicate appropriate findings in order to help patients seek early treatment, evaluate disease progression, and monitor responses to treatment6. The purpose of this integrative review was to describe the taxonomy for the description and assessment of skin changes related to PV by nurses.


This integrative review was conducted to identify, analyse and synthesise studies that use qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods in this theme7. We have chosen the method described by Mendes7 to guide the review which consisted of six stages: (1) formulation of the guiding question; (2) establishment of criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies and data collection (search in the literature); (3) categorisation of studies; (4) evaluation of studies included in the review; (5) analysis and interpretation of data; and (6) synthesis of the knowledge evidenced in the articles analysed (presentation of the results)7.

Formulation of the guiding question

The research question was – How are the lesions that characterise PV described in the literature in its definition and classification?

Establishment of criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies and data collection

The medical and nursing literature was searched from 2011–2019 in conjunction with a librarian to assist in answering the research question. Searches included Web of Science, LILACS, EMBASE, SCOPUS, PUBMED, BVS, CINAHL and COCHRANE with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. To identify relevant publications, databases were searched using the following key terms – dermatology, pemphigus, skin ulcer, diagnostic and nursing assessment. The inclusion criteria included articles published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, peer-reviewed literature and consensus documents; the dates of publication were from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2019. Commentary and editorials were excluded.

Categorisation of studies

Selected studies were then categorised according to the six levels of evidence8:

• Level 1: evidence from meta-analysis of multiple controlled and randomised studies.

• Level 2: evidence from individual studies with experimental design.

• Level 3: evidence from quasi-experimental studies, time series or case-controls.

• Level 4: evidence from descriptive studies (non-experimental or qualitative approach).

• Level 5: evidence of case / experience reports.

• Level 6: evidence based on expert committee opinions, including interpretations of non-research based information, regulatory or legal opinions.

Evaluation of studies included in the review

This step included the evaluation of the studies as well as data extraction. A standardised data collection form was used to extract the following information: authors; professional category of authors; title of the article; journal; year of publication; level of evidence; goals; methodological design; sampling detail; synthesis of information; evaluation/assessment of skin ulcers in pemphigus; methodology used to validate the instrument; description of the instrument; terminology used to characterise ulcers; and results and conclusions.

Analysis and interpretation of data

The data evaluation stage included evaluating the quality of the primary sources using a specific methodological approach to determine the quality of the source. The data were evaluated and coded according to two criteria – the methodological rigour and the relevance to the topic of skin assessment. Studies were analysed and the rigour rated on a score from 0–4. The relevance to the topic was also scored and indicated, with 1 having no relevance to the topic and 2 indicating the article was relevant.

Synthesis / presentation of results

The data analysis for the qualitative studies were reviewed and were systematically categorised, analysed and synthesised, and placed into distinct themes, patterns and relationships using a matrix method. The synthesis of the studies was organised into three axis: (1) characteristics of scientific publications on PV; (2) terminology used to describe cutaneous lesions related to PV (Table 1); and (3) comparison of terminologies used in studies and dermatological description of skin lesions.


Table 1. Terms identified grouped by level of evidence of the studies

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Ethical and legal aspects

The research project was submitted and approved by the Research Ethics Committee / UNIFESP: 0450/2015 and followed the ethical and legal precepts of research with human beings according to Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council.


The initial search identified 2934 articles; 356 articles were included from review of the titles. After review of the abstracts, another 258 papers were not suitable for review since they did not meet the inclusion criteria; specifically, the excluded papers did not address PV and lesion assessment. A total of 58 articles were then selected for the study after exclusion of 40 duplicates. Of the 58 articles, 37 (63.79%) were primary studies, 17 (29.31%) were series/clinical reviews and four (6.90%) were validation studies.

A variety of terms were used in the literature to describe PV-related lesions. These are summarised below.

Primary skin lesions

Flat spots or maculae

The first is flat skin lesions, including colour changes and blood-vascular stains. Nomenclature used were new erythema, erythema, minimal erythema, and marked erythema9–15. Erythema is defined as a red colour resulting from vasodilation that disappears by digital pressure or diascopy. Diascopy is a refinement in which a piece of clear glass or plastic is pressed against the skin while the observer looks directly at the lesion under pressure15,16.

Solid formations / oedematous elevations

Solid formations may include bullae and papulae (small superficial solid elevations of the skin) while oedematous elevations could be cutanaeous lesions, scales or pustulae (defined elevation of the skin containing purulent fluid). These clinical features might be associated with a positive Nikolsky sign17.

Pigment spots

Nomenclature used in this section were post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and hyperpigmented macules5,11,16, 18–20. Hyperchromia is defined as a spot of variable colour, caused by the increase of melanin or deposit of another pigment. The increase in melanin / melanodermic spots has a variable colour from light brown to dark bluish or black16,18.

Liquid content

Nomenclature used here were vesicles, blisters and bullous lesions1,5,9,10,12,13,20–55. Vesicles are defined as of circumscribed elevation, containing clear liquid, up to 1cm in size. The fluid, which is primitively clear (serous), may become cloudy (purulent) or red (haemorrhagic)16,18. A blister is defined as elevation containing clear liquid, greater than 1cm in size. The fluid, which is primitively clear, may become yellowish-red or reddish, forming a purulent or haemorrhagic blister16,18. The term bullous lesions is used to refer to any liquid collections.

Secondary skin lesions

Thickness changes

Nomenclature used here are epithelial lesions, denuded epidermis and scar9–11,13,19,22,35,51,54,56–58. A scar is defined as a flat, salient or depressed lesion, without grooves, pores and hairs, movable, adherent or retractable. It associates atrophy with fibrosis and dyschromia. It results from the repair of destructive process of the skin. It can be: atrophic (thin, pleated, papyraceous); pitted (small holes appear); or hypertrophic (nodular, elevated, vascular, with excessive fibrous proliferation, with a tendency to regress)16,18.

Tissue losses

Nomenclature used are erosions, eroded areas, erosive lesions, crust, ulceration, ulcer, ulcerative lesions, raw erosions and excoriations1,5,9–15,19–21,23–60. Erosion or exulceration is defined as superficial loss that affects only the epidermis. Crust is defined as a concretion of light yellow to greenish or dark red colour which forms in an area of tissue loss. It results from the desiccation of serosity (meliceric), pus (purulent) or blood (haemorrhagic), mixed with epithelial remains16,18.

Therefore, in view of the integrative review, it was possible to identify studies describing the dermatological alterations of PV ulcers according to criteria established by dermatological glossaries. In order to illustrate the correlation of the identified terms and their corresponding study, the third analysis correlates the terms identified with the year, author category, study category and level of evidence, shown in Table 2.


Table 2. Terms identified in selected articles

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As evidenced by the results, studies in this area are scant and nurses have had little contribution. However, this is needed to highlight the consistency demonstrated between the terms used by authors and the terminology of elementary lesions.

To promote excellence in dermatological care it is necessary for nurses and health professionals to develop skills for the evaluation of cutaneous manifestations, especially skin lesions. The skin, as the largest organ of the human body, has protection as one of its numerous functions. Far beyond essentially dermatological affections, it can translate the person’s general condition, signalling the presence of systemic disorders and sometimes presenting manifestations that are recognised as cutaneous markers of certain pathologies. However, the paucity of studies in PV has led to poor description and evaluation of skin lesions in PV. This may result in delayed diagnosis and suboptimal care and treatment6,20,29,36.

In fact, this subject points to the need for further investigation to compose a framework of knowledge based on scientific evidence in this area, so that dermatology nurses may develop an accurate consideration of the assessment of skin manifestations, especially skin ulcers. These professionals publish little on this subject, which corroborates with the lack of formulation of new evidence for their topical care. This lack of evidence makes nursing assistance to these people less secure, since a theoretical framework is essential for evidence-based care given the specificity and complexity of caring for these patients16,25.

The main researchers in this area, Brandão and Santos4,6,25,29, investigate this issue from the point of view of integral care, with a social-poetic approach and a nursing diagnosis that support the comfort and relief of pain among those affected.

Through clinical observation, the authors of this study concluded that traditional topical care generates high rates of hospital stay, pain and discomfort. This clinical observation was the trigger to build evidence of the best evaluation tools and descriptors and base this on the use of topical therapies that optimise the potential of healing by managing cofactors such as pH, thermoregulation, humidity, microbial load and adherence of the dressing25,36.

It can be observed that when the nursing descriptor was used, the literature search resulted in a much smaller number of articles in comparison to those searches without this descriptor. Although dermatological nursing is a recognised specialty in Brazil, the descriptors ‘nursing in dermatology’ or ‘dermatologist nurse’ or ‘dermatological nursing’ do not exist. Therefore, in search of studies, the descriptors ‘nursing’ and ‘nursing assessment’ were used.

Among the nomenclatures used in the different levels of studies, we can observe that all use the dermatological glossary to describe the lesions, with only a small variation with detailed description of the tissue such as exudative erosions. Despite the scarcity of studies written by nurses, it was possible to observe that the terminology used did not differ between professional categories25,29,36.

According to Sampaio and Rivitti3, skin lesion classification is like letters of the alphabet; just as letters compose words, through their combination they form morphological signs that allow us to “read” the cutaneous manifestations16,18. As shown in the results, the skin lesions, associated with complementary information, can help in the definition of diagnostic hypotheses, intervention decision and monitoring of healing evolution. The use of clinical descriptors to characterise skin lesions or ulcers standardises this information, making it more understandable for health professionals. In Table 3 examples of PV lesions related to the correspondent elementary skin lesion term are given.


Table 3. Elementary skin lesion terms and corresponding examples of PV lesion

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Skin lesions are classified into six groups: colour changes; oedematous elevations; solid formations; liquid formations; thickness changes; and losses and repairs. This classification may be grouped into:

  • Primary: flat spots or maculae (colour changes); solid (solid formations); oedematous elevations (rash, oedema); liquid content (liquid formations).
  • Secondary: changes in consistency and thickness (changes in thickness); or loss of substance (tissue losses and repairs)16,18.

Diagnoses, interventions and nursing outcomes according to the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) for patients with PV were proposed by Pena et al.27. The analysis of the nursing diagnosis ‘impaired skin integrity’ and ‘impaired oral mucous membrane’ made it possible to perceive that the nurse assessment to arrive at this diagnosis does not require a specialised evaluation since the defining characteristics for such diagnoses involve only the rupture of the skin or mucosa, not requiring evaluation of thickness, tissue type or other characteristics assessed in a wound. In the proposed NOC outcome ‘healing’, in which one of the indicators used was granulation tissue, the knowledge about the tissue types that a wound can present is necessary. The proposed NIC intervention ‘wound care’ involves the decision about the intervention to be adopted, presupposing specific knowledge, skills and preparation in this area27. Considering the increasing performance of dermatology nursing as a specialty, these nomenclatures are becoming increasingly familiar to nurses.

As the nomenclature used to describe skin lesions becomes standard, whether secondary to PV or not, the interlocution between professionals tends to become more uniform, avoiding misunderstanding and resulting in safer patient care. However, in wound assessment there is still a great diversity in the terminology used to describe the skin damage, for example: slough and fibrin; wet necrosis and liquefaction necrosis; dry necrosis, ‘scar’ and pressure injury; granulation tissue, extra cellular matrix or viable tissue. This richness of terminologies causes doubt, within professionals consulting the records, often generating interpretations that differ from those of the person who registered them. In order to standardise the register of PV ulcers, we suggest the use of the elementary lesions terms – vesicles, blisters, erosions, ulcers and generalised crusts.

The chronic character and the cutaneous manifestation of PV steal from the patient their right to confidentiality. Frequently, the lesions are associated with contagion, impacting on social and familiar relations, and perpetuating stigma and isolation4. For Brandão, nursing actions become productive as they aim to reach the patient’s holistic balance. Thus there is a constant search for alternatives that attend to the needs of people suffering from changes in skin integrity, and the development of technologies and techniques that promote healing in order to improve their quality of life4,27.


This study compared the terminology used to describe cutaneous ulcers in PV studies with the terminology used in describing elementary lesions. It also demonstrated that the publications authored by physicians were the most common ones, followed by those authored by nurses, and lacked uniformity in the description of the lesions.

This study demonstrated that the skin changes in PV can be classified as primary skin lesions (colour changes and liquid collections) or secondary skin lesions (changes in thickness and tissue loss). In view of the extensive dermatological glossary, lesions secondary to PV can be characterised as vesicles, blisters, erosions, ulcers and generalised crusts to support the practice of nursing in dermatology.

Lastly, it is concluded that studies with a higher level of evidence in this area are necessary in order to determine the best way to evaluate the lesions, as well as the nomenclature to be used for improved nursing care.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The authors received no funding for this study.


Mariana Takahashi Ferreira Costa, Luiza Keiko Matsuka Oyafuso, Mônica Antar Gamba and Kevin Y Woo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.41.3.27-37





引言 寻常型天疱疮(PV)是一种严重的自身免疫性大疱性皮肤病,会导致表皮内水疱形成,影响皮肤和粘膜。流行病学数据显示,每年每100,000名居民的发病率为0.1-0.5,死亡率约为5-10%。

目的 本综合文献综述的目的是根据皮损的描述检查PV溃疡的分类/术语。

方法 这是对描述或评估PV溃疡的初步研究、系列/临床评价研究或验证研究的综合综述。检索了使用天疱疮、皮肤溃疡、皮肤病学、诊断、护理评估等术语在2011-2019年间发表的相关论文。在应用资格标准并进行重复排除后选择研究进行分析。

结果 最初检索出2,934篇出版物;14篇文章符合分析条件。研究文献分为以下几类-系列/临床评价研究(57.14%)、由医生撰写(50%)、4级证据等级(64.29%)。用于描述PV溃疡的术语包括皮肤/粘膜红斑、新发红斑、炎症后色素沉着、口腔皮损、上皮结痂、水疱、大疱、糜烂、糜烂区域、糜烂性渗出性皮损、干性糜烂。

结论 在这个问题上需要更佳证据水平的研究,以确定使用皮肤病学术语表进行护理评估来描述皮损的最佳方式。






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Shimizu等人5比较了天疱疮分类工具、天疱疮疾病面积指数(PDAI)和日本天疱疮疾病严重程度评分 (JPDSS)。PDAI通过每个解剖区域中水疱的大小和数量来测量皮肤和粘膜受累情况,评分范围为0-263。JPDSS使用参数进行评分:(I)皮肤受影响面积与体表面积之比;(II)有无Nikolsky征象;(III)每天新出现的水泡数; (IV)口腔有无皮损;(V)天疱疮抗体的滴度。每个参数都有一个范围为0-3的评分。在Shimizu等人的研究5中,结果表明PDAI更准确地反映了疾病的严重程度。因此,作者建议使用指标根据分级标准指导统一治疗。皮质疗法是首选的治疗方法,如果单独的皮质疗法没有改善,可以使用免疫抑制剂作为辅助2,3







与图书管理员一起检索了2011-2019年的医学和护理文献,以帮助回答研究问题。根据特定的纳入和排除标准,检索了Web of Science、LILACS、EMBASE、SCOPUS、PUBMED、BVS、CINAHL、COCHRANE等系统。为确定相关出版物,使用以下关键术语检索数据库-皮肤病学、天疱疮、皮肤溃疡、诊断和护理评估。纳入标准包括以英语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语发表的文章、同行评审的文献和共识文件;发布日期为2011年1月1日至2019年12月31日。排除了评论和社论。



• 1级证据:来自多项对照和随机研究的荟萃分析的证据。

• 2级证据:来自具有实验设计的个别研究的证据。

• 3级证据:来自准实验研究、时间序列或病例对照的证据。

• 4级证据:来自描述性研究(非实验或定性方法)的证据。

• 5级证据:病例/经验报告的证据。

• 6级证据:基于专家委员会意见的证据,包括对非研究信息、监管或法律意见的说明。






对定性研究的数据分析进行了评价,并进行了系统的分类、分析和整合,并使用矩阵法将其归于不同的主题、模式和关系中。整体上,研究分为以下三点:(1)PV科学出版物的特点;(2)用于描述与PV相关的皮损的术语(表 1);(3)研究中使用的术语和皮损的皮肤病学描述的比较。


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本节中使用的命名是炎症后色素沉着和色素沉着斑5,11,16, 18–20。色素沉着被定义为颜色可变的斑点,由黑色素的增加或另一种色素的沉积引起。黑色素/黑素皮斑增加可从浅棕色变为深蓝色或黑色16,18


这里使用的命名是囊泡、水疱和大疱性皮损1,5,9,10,12,13, 20–55。囊泡被定义为界限分明的隆起,含有透明液体,大小可达1 cm。原本清澈(浆液)的液体可能会变得混浊(化脓)或红色(出血)16,18。水泡被定义为包含透明液体的隆起,大于1 cm。液体原本是透明的,可能会变成黄红色或微红色,形成化脓性或出血性水疱16,18。术语“大疱性皮损”用于指代任何积液现象。



这里使用的术语是上皮皮损、表皮剥离和疤痕9–11,13,19, 22,35,51,54,56–58。疤痕被定义为平坦、突出或凹陷的皮损,没有凹槽、毛孔和毛发,可移动、粘附或可伸缩。疤痕将萎缩症与纤维化和皮肤变色联系起来。它是皮肤对破坏过程进行修复的结果。疤痕可以表现为:萎缩性(薄、有褶皱、纸状);有麻点(出现小孔);或肥大(结节状、隆起、血管性、纤维过度增生,有消退趋势)16,18





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为了促进皮肤病学护理卓越发展 ,护士和卫生专业人员必须培养评估皮肤表现,尤其是皮损方面的技能。皮肤作为人体最大的器官,保护作用是其众多功能之一。皮肤病可以传达人体的一般身体状况信息,发出罹患全身性疾病的信号,有时还能呈现某些临床表现(视作某些疾病的皮肤状况标志)。然而,PV研究的缺乏导致对PV皮损描述和评估欠佳。这可能会导致延误诊断、次优护理以及治疗6,20,29,36








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• 原发性:扁平斑点或黄斑(颜色变化);肿块(实性隆起);水肿性隆起(皮疹,水肿);液体内容物(液性隆起)。

• 继发性:稠度和厚度的变化(厚度变化); 或皮下组织受损(组织损伤和修复)16,18


随着用于描述皮损的术语变得标准,无论是否与PV相关,专业人员之间的对话变得更加统一,避免了误解,也使得患者护理更加安全。然而,在伤口评估中,用于描述皮肤损伤的术语仍然存在很大差异,例如:腐肉和纤维蛋白; 湿性坏死和液化性坏死;干性坏死、“疤痕”和压力性损伤;肉芽组织、细胞外基质或活体组织。这类丰富的术语会让查阅记录的专业人士感到疑惑,通常会产生与术语登记人不同的解释。为了规范PV溃疡的登记,我们建议使用基本皮损术语:囊泡、水疱、糜烂、溃疡和全身性痂皮。











Mariana Takahashi Ferreira Costa*
Master’s Degree student, School of Nursing, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
Nurse member of Group for Prevention and Treatment of Wounds, de Emílio Ribas Infectology Institute, State Secretary of Health, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Email marianatakahashicosta@hotmail.com

Luiza Keiko Matsuka Oyafuso
Supervisor of Health Technical Team, Emílio Ribas Infectology Institute, State Secretary of Health, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Assistant Professor, ABC University Foundation

Mônica Antar Gamba
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Coordinator of the Dermatology Nursing Specialization Course, Mentor Professor at the Nursing Postgraduation Program

Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Adjunct Research Professor, MClSc program, School of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University
Wound Care Consultant, West Park Healthcare Centre
Clinical Web Editor, Advances in Skin and Wound Care

* Corresponding author


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