Volume 42 Number 1


Elizabeth A Ayello and Laurent O Chabal

For referencing Ayello EA and Chabal LO. Anticipation. WCET® Journal 2022; 42(1):9




We greet 2022 with much happy anticipation, hoping that our members are doing well and getting some relief from the extensive work to care for patients during this pandemic. We also anticipate that COVID rates will continue to decline and that long postponed in-person conferences will once again be able to have an in-person format as well as virtual.

Anticipation is an interesting word. According to some, the word anticipation connotes an outcome that we look forward to but where there is doubt as to what will happen; it many times does convey a meaning of hope for a good outcome. A glance at some of the planned conferences for this year supports the belief that people are hoping many will feel that it will be safe to be physically present and can attend the conference at the actual location. Some are staying with a hybrid format that allows either in-person or virtual attendance while others remain virtual. There are so many factors that go into such a complex decision, and we believe that professional organizations do make the best decision for their members under these difficult circumstances.

As a supporting society, WCET® anticipates that we will present our preconference at the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) meeting in Abu Dhabi. By the time you read our message, it is our hope that our preconference will have been well received. We anticipate with excitement that the world will also be applauding the wonderful educational program and documents that will be introduced at the WUWHS. Of course, we are so proud of all WCET® members whose efforts contributed to what we anticipate will be an outstanding meeting. Two WCET® members we want to call special recognition to are WUWHS President Gulnaz Tariq and WUWHS Secretary General Hiske Smart.

Speaking of documents, we wish to share with you some wonderful news from the International Wound Infection Institute (IWII). It is anticipated that they will be launching the 3rd edition of their Wound Infection in Clinical Practice consensus document. This updated document that summarized the most current evidence also contained an important new glossary that was created in order to have international consistency of wound infection terminology.  You can download this document for free at https://woundinfection-institute.com. It is also anticipated that the document will be available in several languages.

We are also proud to announce that we have endorsed the White paper published by the United Ostomy Association of America. It can be download for free at: https://www.ostomy.org/bill-of-rights/.

It is also anticipated that other important documents will be available from WUWHS beginning at the congress in Abu Dhabi, UAE. So please visit their website, www.wuwhs2022.org for more details not available at journal press time and read the message from IIWCG in this journal issue.

As WCET® has continued to anticipate your need for ongoing education, please do consider registering for the webinars that Julie Weng, who along with Denise Hibbert, Michelle Lee and the Education Committee have worked so diligently with Susan Barber and Greg Paull  to make available for our members throughout 2022.  To help celebrate Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, from 18 March till 17 April 2022, several speakers from St. Marks Hospital Group in the UK will be presenting at the WCET® Webinar “Management of High Output Enterocutaneous Fistula and Stoma”. Topics and speakers include Dr. Simon Gabe & Ms. Maryam Amin (UK) on the Medical Management of ECF & Stoma, Mr. Akash Mehta (UK) on the Surgical Management of Intestinal Failure, Lilia Malcolm (UK) on the Dietary Management of Short Bowel, Mia Small & Diane Brundrett (UK) on Distal Limb Feeding – Tubes & Feed and Heidi Li (UK) and Maryam Amin on Distal limb feeding - bags & drugs. A warm thank you to webinar moderators, Denise Hibbert (KSA) & Dr. Gabrielle Thorpe (UK), Alison Crawshaw (UK) and Michelle Lee (Hong Kong China).  Non WCET® members can pay a fee to register for the webinars, so please tell your colleagues about these learning opportunities and encourage them to become a WCET® member.  Please check for dates and details on  how to register on the WCET® website. Thank you to all our speakers and to those who have worked behind the scenes to make these webinars a reality.

It been almost four years since our WCET® Congress in Kuala Lumpur. Much has transpired since then. With much anticipation, we look forward to  another outstanding WCET® congress, this time jointly with WOCN® to be held 5-8 June 2022 in Fort Worth Texas. Hoping to see you there in 2022!


Elizabeth  and Laurent


Elizabeth A Ayello and Laurent O Chabal





作为一个支持学会,WCET®期望我们在阿布扎比举行的世界伤口愈合学会联盟(WUWHS)大会上介绍我们的会前会议。当您读到我们的信息时,我们希望我们的会前会议已收到好评。我们怀着激动的心情期待着,全世界也将为WUWHS上介绍的精彩教育计划和文件喝彩。当然,我们对WCET®成员感到自豪,他们的努力为我们所期望的出色会前会议做出了贡献。我们希望对两名WCET®成员进行特别表彰,他们分别是WUWHS的主席Gulnaz Tariq和WUWHS的秘书长Hiske Smart。




由于WCET®一直期待您对持续教育有所需求,请考虑报名Julie Weng、Denise Hibbert、Michelle Lee和教育委员会与Susan Barber和Greg Paull在2022年期间努力工作为我们的成员提供的网络研讨会。为帮忙庆祝结直肠癌宣传月,2022年3月18日至4月17日,来自英国圣马克医院集团的几位发言人将在WCET®网络研讨会“高流量肠外瘘和造口管理”上发言。演讲主题和发言人包括Simon Gabe博士和Maryam Amin女士(英国)(ECF和造口医学管理)、Akash Mehta女士(英国)(肠衰竭手术治疗)、Lilia Malcolm(英国)(短肠饮食管理)、Mia Small&Diane Brundrett(英国)(肢体远端进料-管和进料)以及Heidi Li(英国)和Maryam Amin(肢体远端进料-袋和药物)。衷心感谢网络研讨会主持人Denise Hibbert(KSA)和Gabrielle Thorpe博士(英国)、Alison Crawshaw(英国)和Michelle Lee(中国香港)。非WCET®成员可以支付报名网络研讨会的费用,因此请告知您的同事这些学习机会,并鼓励他们成为WCET®成员。 请在WCET®网站上查看报名日期和详细信息。感谢我们所有的发言人和使这些网络研讨会成为现实的幕后工作者们。





Elizabeth A Ayello
WCET® President 2020-2022

Laurent O Chabal
BSc (CBP), RN, OncPall (Cert), Dip (WH), ET
WCET® President Elect 2020-2022