Volume 43 Number 1

Embrace the flow and join the WCET® dance

Laurent O Chabal and Denise Hibbert

For referencing Chabal LO and Hibbert D. Embrace the flow and join the WCET® dance. WCET® Journal 2023;43(1):8-9




The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance – Alan Watts.

Despite the challenges and changes the WCET® has faced, we are still working hard and moving forward towards what we know will be a bright future.

As you may know, a member of the Executive Board and one of our very important members in a supporting role has been severely ill since last summer. They are now in the recovery phase and for that we are very thankful. We take this opportunity to warmly welcome them back and to thank all of our WCET® family for their support in order to keep the organisation up and running, which is much appreciated.

Once again the WCET® is suffering the pain of saying a very sad farewell to two of our iconic members whom we have recently lost. We are mourning Judy Chamberlin, who passed away in December, and Marylyn McManus, who passed away peacefully with her family at her side this February. They were both WCET® Life Members and pioneers of stomal therapy in South Africa. Many thanks for all your kind words and prayers for them and their families. You will be able to read about their lives and achievements in a special tribute which will be published in our upcoming issue of the BullETin. May they rest in peace. They will be deeply missed.

We take this opportunity to congratulate Dr Gary R Sibbald, International Inter-Professional Wound Care Group (IIWCG) Chief Advisor, World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) Past President and Coeditor in Chief of the Advances in Skin & Wound Care Journal, for his 2022 Sault Ste. Marie Medal of Merit. We also celebrate Sharon Baranoski for receiving the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) President’s Award. Please join us in congratulating them for receiving these prestigious awards.

We are delighted to announce the WCET® has been accepted as an Affiliated Association by the International Council of Nurses (ICN), which is a very positive step forward. This relationship will give us a larger global audience and will increase our visibility and awareness for our tri-specialty. The next ICN congress will be held in Canada where the status, rights and duties of Affiliated Associations will be reviewed, and therefore it makes sense to have Vida Johnston, a member of the Constitution Advisory Panel, to be our liaison with them. We are pleased to announce that Vida has agreed; we thank her and welcome her to this new role. We realise that this new relationship will require some extra work, but we must think more broadly than ourselves in looking forward to the future of our tri-specialty. Let us embrace the ICN’s motto for the upcoming International Nurses’ Day on 12th May 2023, “Our nurses, our future”, adapted to “Our stoma wound continence nurses, our future”.

In following our strategic plan in relation to increasing our collaboration with other organisations, agreements (Memorandum of Understanding, MOU) have also been signed with the International Continence Society (ICS) and the European Council of Enterostomal Therapists (ECET). Negotiations to establish an MOU are in progress with the European Wound Management Association and we will advise the outcome of these discussions shortly.

As planned (JWCET 2022;42(3):11), the 2023 membership survey has been sent out and is now closed. We thank all of you who have taken the time to complete it. We are currently working on translating replies received in other languages. We are eager to receive the final results as your feedback will help us to assess and revise our previous strategic plan. A summary of survey results will be presented at the 2024 International Delegates’ meeting and the General Business Meeting during our joint WCET® Congress with the Association of Stoma Care Nurses, United Kingdom (ASCN-UK) in Glasgow, UK. Important results will be published in a WCET® Journal article; please stay tuned for more information.

Speaking about 2024, the WCET® and ASCN-UK’s joint Scientific and Organising Committees are actively working on the next biennial congress program and activities. The call for abstracts will open this year, so please prepare your abstracts. Authors of previously accepted abstracts, from 2020/2021, will be contacted to enquire if they want to update their submission. The Congress website will be available shortly; please watch for updates.

As we write this message, the call for nominations for the next incoming Executive Board (EB) positions are being prepared for posting. Please remember, nominations for committee chairs should come from within the respective committee and nominees must have at least 2 years of experience as active committee members. The position of Treasurer will also be posted. As this position is quite sensitive and complex, there are numerous skills required to fulfil this role such as good English language skills, knowledge of accounting and book keeping, and money management. Excellent communication skills are also crucial. As a registered UK charity, our bank is in the UK, therefore being able to communicate with them, and the Charities Commission, and considering potential time zone differences, will have to be possible. Knowledge, skills and abilities to fulfil the roles of these important positions will need to be demonstrated. Please consider the amount of voluntary work it will take to be a part of the EB team, and remember that all EB members would be happy for you to reach out to them to learn more about the role and what is required from a personal and professional level. Please stay tuned for more information about the call for nominations and the subsequent election which will occur later this year.

These elected members will join the EB as non-voting members for the planned EB calls and meetings until they officially take their position as full EB members in October 2024. This mentoring period will allow them to get to know more about their new role and become confident as EB members. From a personal perspective it is a lot of work with added responsibility, but this is a once in a lifetime experience, it is personally and professionally intense, and is rich in learning with wonderful relationship building opportunities. It is very rewarding to know you are working towards a greater purpose which goes way beyond thinking about ourselves.

We would also like to say thank you to all our Sustaining Journal Partners who continue to support our scientific publication, including the professional translations and our WCET® activities; we are eternally grateful.

We, along with Dr Jenny Prentice and Dr Elizabeth A Ayello, have started the process of working on the 3rd edition of the WCET® International Ostomy Guideline. As you will remember from the 2nd edition, the peer reviewers’ comments, which were rich and diverse, highlighted some areas for improvement. Based on feedback received we have agreed on the need to change the methodology to compile the 3rd edition of the guideline. Having a methodologist join us in the process will be a great asset to ensure the methods used to gather and analyse best available evidence and craft guideline recommendations will be rigorous. This will of course be an additional cost. We will keep you updated in our next steps.

The WCET® believes in networking and communication in support of our tri-specialty, taking the opportunity to gain insight on important information coming from outside of our organisation. For example:

  • Please refer to the BullETin to get the latest update on upcoming congresses. Do not forget to send us your advert in time so we can add it to our list.
  • You will read more in the BullETin about our experience of joining the International Society of University of Colorectal Surgeons (ISUCRS) and the Turkish Wound Ostomy Continence Association for their first joint nursing congress in Istanbul, Turkey, last October.
  • In our continued efforts to connect globally we will be representing the WCET® at the following events:
    • The Wound Care Conference with IIWCG in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
    • The second International Colorectal Surgery Congress and first International Surgery Nursing Congress in Antalya, Turkey in March.
    • The joint Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses (AASTN) and Asia Pacific Enterostomal Therapy Nurse Association (APETNA) Congress in Perth, Australia in April. We cannot wait to reconnect face to face with all of you. The WCET® would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the AASTN for their ongoing support.

We would also like to inform you that the Braden QD paediatric version of the pressure injury evaluation tool has been translated into French and is now available for use at: http://www.marthaaqcurley.com/braden-qd.html. This tool also exists in English, Chinese, Danish, Finnish, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Thai and Turkish.

We also wish to advise you of a new consensus document which we are sure will help you in assessing pigmented skins:

Dhoonmoon L, Nair HKR, Abbas Z et al. International consensus document: wound care and skin tone signs, symptoms and terminology for all skin tones. 2023. Available from: https://www.woundsinternational.com/resources/all/0/date/desc/cont_type/47

There are more networking opportunities planned, so stay tuned to follow our international interactions and connections. Be sure to read about these important events and opportunities in the BullETin.

We wish you a healthy and prosperous 2023 and hope the year of the Water Rabbit will bring us all success.

Laurent and Denise


Laurent O Chabal and Denise Hibbert








在此,WCET®也向最近离我们而去的两位标志性成员告别。去年12月,Judy Chamberlin离世,今年2月,Marylyn McManus也在家人陪伴下安然离世,我们对此表示深切哀悼。他们都是WCET®终身会员,也是南非口腔治疗的先驱。非常感谢大家对他们及其家人的祝福和祈祷。在我们即将出版的《BullETin》中可以读到关于他们的生活和成就的特别纪念文章。愿他们安息。我们将深深地怀念他们。

我们借此机会祝贺国际跨专业伤口护理小组(IIWCG)首席顾问、世界伤口愈合学会联盟(WUWHS)前任主席、《皮肤与伤口护理进展》杂志联合主编Gary R Sibbald博士,祝贺他获得了2022年苏圣玛丽功绩勋章。我们也祝贺Sharon Baranoski获得国际皮肤撕裂伤专家咨询组(ISTAP)主席奖。让我们一起祝贺他们获得这些享有盛誉的奖项。

我们很高兴地宣布,WCET®已被国际护士理事会(ICN)接纳为附属协会,这是向前迈出的非常积极的一步。这将为我们带来更广的全球受众,并将提高我们的知名度以及大众对我们的三个专业领域的认识。下一届ICN大会将在加拿大举行,届时将对附属协会的地位、权利和义务进行审查,因此我们希望让宪法顾问小组的成员Vida Johnston担任我们与ICN之间的联络人。我们很高兴地宣布,Vida已经同意了;我们感谢她,并欢迎她担任这个新角色。我们意识到这种新的关系将带来一些额外的工作,但在展望我们三个专业的未来时,我们必须从更广泛的角度考虑。让我们欣然接受ICN为即将到来的2023年5月12日国际护士节提出的主题词:“我们的护士,我们的未来”,并改编为“我们的造口伤口失禁专科护士,我们的未来”。


按照计划(JWCET 2022;42(3):11),2023年的成员调查之前已经发出,现已结束。我们在此感谢大家抽出宝贵时间参与调查问卷。我们目前正在努力翻译收到的其他语言的回复。我们期盼着收到最终结果,因为你们的反馈将帮助我们评估并修订之前的战略计划。调查结果摘要将在我们与英国造口护理护士协会(ASCN-UK)在英国格拉斯哥举行的联合WCET®大会期间,在2024年国际代表会议和一般商务会议上公布。重要结果将发表在WCET®杂志的文章中;如需了解更多信息,敬请关注。





我们与Jenny Prentice博士和Elizabeth A Ayello博士一起开始了第三版《WCET®国际造口指南》的编撰工作。大家应该记得,在第二版中,同行评审员的评论丰富而多样,并且强调了一些需要改进的地方。根据收到的反馈意见,我们认为有必要改变编撰第三版指南的方法。在编撰过程中,让一名方法学家加入将对我们有巨大的帮助,可以确保用于收集和分析最佳可用证据和制定指南建议的方法将是严谨的。当然,这会产生额外的费用。我们将在接下来的工作中提供最新动态。


  • 请参阅《BullETin》,获得即将举行的大会的最新动态。请不要忘记及时将大家的公告发送给我们,以便我们能将其加入我们的列表中。
  • 在《BullETin》中可以读到更多关于我们加入国际大学结直肠外科医师协会(ISUCRS)和土耳其伤口、造口和失禁护理协会去年10月在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行的首届联合护理大会的经验。
  • 为了继续努力实现全球连接,我们将代表WCET®参加以下活动:
    • 与IIWCG在阿联酋阿布扎比举行的伤口护理会议。
    • 于3月在土耳其安塔利亚举行的第二届国际结直肠外科大会和第一届国际外科护理大会。
    • 于4月在澳大利亚珀斯举行的澳大利亚造口治疗护士协会(AASTN)和亚太造口治疗护士协会(APETNA)联合大会。我们迫不及待想要借此机会与大家重聚。WCET®借此机会感谢AASTN一直以来的支持。

我们还想告诉大家,Braden QD儿科版压力性损伤评估工具已翻译成法语,现在可以在以下网站使用:http://www.marthaaqcurley.com/braden-qd.html。这个工具也有英语、汉语、丹麦语、芬兰语、意大利语、韩语、葡萄牙语、泰语和土耳其语版本。


Dhoonmoon L,Nair HKR,Abbas Z等人.国际共识文件:所有肤色的伤口护理和肤色体征、症状和术语. 2023. Available from: https://www.woundsinternational.com/resources/all/0/date/desc/cont_type/47





Laurent O Chabal
BSc (CBP), RN, OncPall (Cert), Dip (WH), ET, EAWT
WCET® President 2022–2026

Denise Hibbert
WCET® President Elect 2022–2026