Volume 44 Number 2

Following Norma’s footsteps, on our own path

Laurent O Chabal, Denise Hibbert

For referencing Chabal LO and Hibbert D. Following Norma’s footsteps, on our own path. WCET® Journal 2024;44(2):10-11.




“If you take each challenge one step at a time, with faith in every footstep, your strength and understanding will increase”.
James E Faust

This issue is a WCET® landmark!

Having celebrated WCET® 45th anniversary, we are delighted to join the celebrations for the 90th anniversary of the Florence Nightingale Foundation, and the 125th anniversary of the International Council of Nurses, reminding us of our strong commitment to the nursing fraternity and the worldwide nursing community.

As you may already know, June is the month that we celebrate our founder, Norma N Gill. As we are all making plans for
26 June, we must remember to honour our tri-specialty of wound, continence and stoma, while raising awareness within the community to support our mission. As always, we cannot wait to read about your activities planned for, and achievements from, this event; please remember to send your stories, with pictures including captions, to bulletin@wcetn.org in order to get them published in the upcoming WCET® BullETin.

June is always the month the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse Society® hold its annual conference. This year is very special as it will be held in the birthplace of Enterostomal Therapy, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. This is where it all began, giving us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to walk in Norma’s footsteps. Some of you will attend the conference to witness this very special event.

It will be also the time to celebrate WOCN® new fellows. These outstanding WOC nursing professionals will be inducted at the WOCN® Fellows Gala, which will be held on Tuesday 11 June during the WOCNext® 2024 Conference.

Let us congratulate

  • Linda Droste, MSN, RN, CWOCN, CBIS
  • Kevin Emmons, DrNP, RN, APN, AGPCNP-BC, CWCN, CFCN
  • Ferne Elsass, MSN, RN, CPN, CWON
  • Kelly Jaszarowski, WCET® USA International Delegate (ID), MSN, RN, CNS, ANP, CWOCN
  • Kate Lawrence, MSN, RN, CWOCN
  • Catherine T Milne, WCET® member, MSN, APRN, ANP/ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP
  • Ann Marie Nie, PhD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, CWOCN
  • Joyce Pittman, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, CWOCN, FAAN
  • Bonnie S Rolstad, MS, RN, CWOCN

WCET® will be there to join the celebrations and we are looking forward to seeing you there at our booth. We deeply thank Dr Diana L Krasner and Paula Erwin-Toth for again agreeing to sign NNG Festschrift Books there.

June 2024 also marks our mid-term as President and President-Elect - time has rushed by so quickly. When we embarked on this journey we recognised the tremendous amount of work needed to keep pushing this wonderful organisation. Mid-term is the time to take stock and measure the work accomplished so far and to prepare the remaining plans for the future of the WCET®.

These last two years have been very busy, with many waves and curves in the river.

We ask you to pray for the recovery of our EB members who have been very sick over the past two years. We have also had to follow legal paths, including with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, regarding our previous management company. We are now at the stage where documents and historical belongings, missing in the transition to our new management company, may come to light. We have already heard that some files and belongings were found.

We have mourned our WCET® friend, Dr Gregory Schultz, who passed away on 12 April. He will be deeply missed and we send again our deepest condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. Thanks to Elizabeth Ayello and Gary Sibald for the Vale that follows on page 16.

We also mourn the loss of Pam Morey, who passed away in Perth, Australia on 25 April. WCET extends its deepest condolences to Pam’s family, friends and colleagues and we thank Keryln Carville for the Vale that follows on page 14.

We have also had good news along our journey. We recently heard that Denise Hibbert has been awarded 2024 Honorary Fellow of the American Society of Colorectal Surgeons (ASCRS). Please join me (Laurent) in congratulating Denise for this outstanding recognition. We are thrilled, it is especially significant for an esteemed Surgeons’ Society to recognise a Nurse.

Be prepared to read our biennial reports in preparation for our upcoming General Business Meeting during Congress. They will be posted in the Members Library page of the website (https://wcetn.org/page/MemberLibrary) by 23 June 2024.

We are looking forward to being able to measure the work accomplished in this two-year period, also to get the opportunity to read ID Reports, which will be received from across the world, in this post COVID-19 period. We cannot thank you all enough for your dedication, work and support. We could not have done all this without you.

Also on the WCET® website you can find resources coming from the National Council of Aging (NCA), USA, reminding us how challenging it is to take care of patients with wandering risks, especially when they have stoma, wound or continence care needs. More can be found at https://wcetn.org/page/SharedHealthInformationResources.

As Congress is now very close, we are all excited and amazed to have received so many abstracts. Unfortunately, we will not have enough time for all abstracts to be presented orally. The Joint WCET® ASCN UK Scientific Committee has ensured that abstracts were scored anonymously, based on consistent criteria, in order to ensure a fair selection. We cannot wait to learn from your research, innovations and projects. Congresses are a major way for us to keep up-to-date, to share knowledge, to network, to be more aware of new products and to raise awareness of new technologies that will benefit patient care. As a University Conference Model (UCM) coordinator, I (Laurent) have witnessed how our Congresses can become an amazing post graduate educational opportunity, enabling expertise and advancement or expansion in practice. It is important for attendees to challenge and provide feedback to improve the quality and content of the Congresses.

We are also blown away by the number of completed scholarship applications that we have already received. We are very grateful to our ASCN UK partner who has agreed to use a portion of the general fund to allocate more money for  Congress Travel Scholarships. With that support, we are thrilled to announce that all applicants will receive something. All will be notified of the decision and we will be more than happy to welcome them in Glasgow.

For a long time now, WCET® has been raising awareness of our involvement in our tri-specialty of stoma, wound and continence. As part of this strategy, we are very pleased to introduce four new logos which will complement our official general logo and will be used for special events using one to highlight the field of our tri-specialty being celebrated. One logo will highlight Stoma Care, one for Wound Care and one for Continence Care. Plus a general logo for Professional/Personal Development. We believe this is aligned with our mission and vision and our educational endeavors.

Please keep on your toes and thank you for walking in Norma’s footsteps with us.


Laurent and Denise


Laurent O Chabal, Denise Hibbert



James E Faust



或许大家已知,6月是我们特别纪念创始人Norma N Gill的月份。在筹备6月26日的纪念活动时,我们更应深刻铭记和弘扬伤口、失禁与造口三大专科的独特价值,借此机会提升公众的认知,忠实履行我们的使命。我们一如既往地期待听到你们为这次庆典所精心策划的活动以及取得的辉煌成果;别忘了将你们的故事,配以生动的图片和文字,发送至bulletin@wcetn.org,我们希望在即将出版的WCET® Bulletin上与所有人分享你们的精彩。

每年的六月,对于伤口、造口、失禁护士协会(Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse Society®)而言,都是一次重要的年度聚会。而今年的年会意义非凡,因为它将在造口治疗的发源地Å\Å\美国俄亥俄州的克利夫兰隆重举行。这里,是一切故事的起点,也是我们追溯Norma足迹的圣地。各位有幸参与此次盛会的同仁们,将共同见证这一非凡而特殊的时刻。

此外,我们还要借此宝贵机会,热烈欢迎新加入的WOCN®成员们。这些杰出的WOC护理专业人士,将在即将到来的WOCNext® 2024大会期间,具体于6月11日(星期二)的WOCN®成员晚宴上,被授予应有的荣誉。


  • Linda Droste, MSN, RN, CWOCN, CBIS
  • Kevin Emmons, DrNP, RN, APN, AGPCNP-BC, CWCN, CFCN
  • Ferne Elsass, MSN, RN, CPN, CWON
  • Kelly Jaszarowski, WCET® USA国际代表(ID),MSN, RN, CNS, ANP, CWOCN
  • Kate Lawrence, MSN, RN, CWOCN
  • Catherine T Milne, WCET®会员,MSN, APRN, ANP/ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP
  • Ann Marie Nie, PhD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, CWOCN
  • Joyce Pittman, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, CWOCN, FAAN
  • Bonnie S Rolstad, MS, RN, CWOCN

WCET®将积极参与此次庆典,并热切期待在展台上与各位相聚,共襄盛举。在此,我们要向Diana L Krasner博士和Paula Erwin-Toth女士表达深深的谢意,感谢她们再次同意在NNG纪念册上留下珍贵的签名。




我们怀着沉痛的心情,对在4月12日离世的WCET®好友Gregory Schultz博士表示深切的哀悼。他的离去让我们感到无比的悲痛,我们再次向他的家人、朋友和同事致以最诚挚的慰问。同时,我们感谢Elizabeth Ayello和Gary Sibald在第16页撰写的感人至深的悼文。

同样令人痛心的是,我们在4月25日失去了在澳大利亚珀斯离世的Pam Morey。WCET向Pam的家人、朋友和同事表达最深切的同情,也感谢Keryln Carville在第14页为我们撰写的悼念文章。

然而,在旅途中,也传来了令人振奋的消息。Denise Hibbert最近荣获了美国结直肠外科医师协会(ASCRS)2024年荣誉会员的称号。在此,我(Laurent)与大家一起,向Denise表示最热烈的祝贺,为她获得这一杰出荣誉而骄傲。一位护士能获得这样一个受人尊敬的外科医师协会的表彰,其意义非同寻常。




随着大会日期的临近,我们惊喜地收到了众多高质量的论文摘要。尽管我们无法对所有论文进行口头陈述,但我们将与WCET® ASCN英国科学委员会紧密合作,确保每一篇论文摘要都按照统一标准进行匿名评分,以维护评选的公正性。我们迫不及待地想要深入了解你们的研究成果、创新想法和项目进展。此次大会不仅是我们保持与时俱进、共享前沿知识、拓展专业网络的重要平台,更是我们了解新产品、提升对患者护理新技术认知的绝佳机会。作为大学会议模式(UCM)的主持人,我(Laurent)深切体会到大会如何成为一个卓越的研究生教育场所,如何推动专业知识的増长、实践的拓展与深化。与会者们的宝贵意见与反馈,对于不断提升大会的质量和丰富其内容具有至关重要的作用。

此外,我们惊喜地发现,收到的奖学金申请数量远超预期。在此,我们衷心感谢合作伙伴ASCN UK的大力支持,他们同意从总基金中划拨更多资金,以増加大会旅行奖学金的发放。得益于这一举措,我们激动地宣布,所有申请者都将有所收获。相关决定通知将陆续送达,我们热切期盼着在格拉斯哥与大家欢聚一堂。






Laurent O Chabal
BSc (CBP) RN OncPall (Cert) Dip (WH) ET EAWT
WCET® President 2022–2026

Denise Hibbert
WCET® President-Elect 2022–2026

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