Volume 28 Number 2
Release Date June 2020
ISSN 2202-9729
Indexed and abstracted in Web of Science, CINAHL, Ebsco, InfoRMIT, ProQuest, EMCARE and Google Scholar. Calculated Impact Factor for 2019 is 1.43.
Editor(s) Allison Cowin
Pressure injury prevention for COVID-19 patients in a prone position
Michelle Barakat-Johnson, Ruaidhri Carey, Kerrie Coleman, Kimberley Counter, Kathy Hocking,
Tom Leong, Annabel Levido and Fiona Coyer
Original article
The costs and benefits of pressure injury point prevalence auditing
Emma Floyd, Rachel Hodgkins, Lisa Naylon, Michelle Noon, Larissa Sirotti and Susan Monaro
Original article
Maintaining skin health and integrity for staff wearing personal protective equipment for prolonged periods: a practical tip sheet
Fiona Coyer, Kerrie Coleman, Kathy Hocking, Tom Leong, Annabel Levido and Michelle Barakat-Johnson
Original article
Implementing the 2019 International Guideline: consultation on barriers, facilitators, challenges and resource needs
Emily Haesler and Keryln Carville
Evidence summary
WHAM Evidence Summary: Low friction fabric for preventing pressure injuries
Emily Haesler