Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses' Association
Volume 26 Number 3
Release Date December 2024
ISSN 2205-9555
Guest editorial
Guest editorial: Reflecting on the 33rd ARNA Annual Conference (2024)
Mark J Baker, Alison M New, Chen Langduo, Sarah Potter
Quality improvement activity
Evaluating the implementation of “Productive Ward: releasing time to care” in a rehabilitation and acute stroke unit: a quality improvement program
Jenny Kim, Mark J Baker
Original research
Nursing documentation in rehabilitation: what work is visible?
Angela C Davenport, Margaret A Jones, Peter J Larmer, Kath M McPherson
Literature review
Nurses providing supportive-educative care when working with rehabilitation inpatients: a literature review
Ravleen K Kahlon, Murray J Fisher, Julie Pryor
Literature review
Is the time to complete bowel care quicker using trans anal irrigation compared to standard bowel care in adults with spinal cord disorders? Protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Louise C Kelly, Joanne V Glinsky, Yvette Mair, Amy J Darvall, Lianne M Nier, Lisa A Harvey