Volume 1 Issue 1


Samantha Keogh


Welcome to the first edition of the Australian Vascular Access Society’s peer-reviewed journal. The journal, and indeed the society, is the culmination of the efforts of a committed group over recent years, as outlined in the editorial written by founding president Tim Spencer.

The society held its first annual general meeting (AGM) in Sydney CBD on 21 March 2015, along with an afternoon symposium consisting of presentations of exiting vascular access research and practice in Australia. The newly installed executive and I are pleased and proud to lead AVAS over the next two years. In addition to carrying on the good work of the founding committee, our key aims are to grow the membership and plan the society’s inaugural annual scientific meeting. The meeting will showcase some of Australia’s innovative vascular access research, education and practice, plus high-profile international guests and industry partners. The meeting is provisionally scheduled for some time in late April/early May in Brisbane. Watch this space for the date claimer and more details.

In the meantime, please enjoy this first edition of AVAS Journal with insightful and scholarly contributions that are but a small taste of the exceptional and exciting work being done by those working across the multitude of settings with patients requiring vascular access to deliver essential health care today.

Best wishes,

Samantha Keogh


Samantha Keogh Incoming AVAS President