Volume 2 Issue 1


Samantha Keogh



“Team work: the fuel that produces uncommon results in common people.” 

Hello and welcome to this special edition of Vascular Access that features the abstracts from our inaugural Scientific Meeting. This meeting is the culmination of over 12 months’ hard work and planning by the convening committee, led by Evan Alexandrou; and it is also the realisation of a dream for many of the founding members of the Society, including Tim Spencer and Professor Claire Rickard. However, this meeting would not be a success but for the nearly 250 delegates who attended, as well as the industry sponsors who engaged in the event. We are very grateful to all who travelled from interstate and internationally, in particular our keynote speakers, Dr Vineet Chopra and Nancy Moreau. The Society is truly a collective, representing all those working in the field of vascular access and working together to improve patient safety and clinical outcomes. The Scientific Meeting harnesses this goal, bringing together a stellar list of national and international vascular access researchers and practitioners from a range of disciplines and specialties.

The meeting was endorsed by both the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and the Australian College of Nursing for continuing professional development points. Topics covered include: the history of intravenous access, device choice, vessel health and preservation, minimising risk of infection and failure, trouble shooting complications, critiquing research and knowledge translation. I hope you enjoyed this unique networking opportunity and exchange and learned new ways of practising and researching vascular access.

Best wishes,

Samantha Keogh

President AVAS


Samantha Keogh AVAS President