Volume 39 Number 1

Around the WCET® world

Elizabeth Ayello

For referencing World Council of Enterostomal Therapists®. WCET® Journal 2019; 39(1):7-8




Dreams Realised

While I may live in New York, a city that never sleeps, it does not mean that I don’t dream. Beginning with Norma Gill, her steadfast board of volunteers and the many pioneers who shaped the WCET®, our association is built on their dreams and hopes for an association that would change the world for patients with ostomy, wound and continence care needs. 

One of their dreams was to create a journal that would be of benefit to WCET® members. Over the years the journal has grown and changed. The feedback that you provided the executive board was that you wanted the journal to be MEDLINE indexed. The executive board has implemented a plan to apply for MEDLINE indexing. Our publisher, Greg Paull, and journal editor, Jenny Prentice, are working diligently to achieve this. You will notice that this issue of the journal looks different from past journal issues as they implement necessary requirements for MEDLINE indexing.

Another WCET® dream is to better serve the needs of our members, for many of whom English is not their first language. While WCET® has increased educational resources such as our webinars in languages other than English, except for when authors have provided a manuscript in their own language, articles in the WCET® Journal are mainly in English. Those who have responded to the membership survey have clearly told the executive board of the dream of having the WCET® Journal in languages other than English, especially Chinese. 

Not only is this important to the executive board, but the use of multiple languages is very special to me personally. This is because I live in New York City, where over 800 languages are spoken. And in the borough of Queens where I live, the most languages are spoken, and different cultural foods can be found, in an area called the “The World’s Borough”. Living in such a diverse place, I am used to hearing and seeing many languages all around me. One of my dreams, which is also shared by the executive board, therefore has been to increase the number of languages in which the WCET® Journal is published.

Vanna Bonta, writer and actress said “dreams are the food of human progress”. Let me share with you the progress that the WCET® has made to making that dream a reality. Drum roll please... the executive board is pleased to announce that beginning with this first issue of 2019, the WCET® Journal will be published in Chinese as well as in English. 

Translation of a scholarly journal into another language is expensive. Through the financial support of several Chinese Journal Partners – Top Medical, Hollister, Calmoseptine and Welland – and also with the WCET® providing some funding, the cost to transform the English language journal into Chinese and build the necessary electronic platform has been realised. Even if you don’t read Chinese, I hope you will celebrate this progress and change. 

The executive board is also looking at the costs and the process to have the journal available in even more languages. All this fits with the WCET® strategic plan to be a global association that is addressing the needs and different languages of our members. While financial constraints would make it impossible to do this for all languages that our members speak and read, look for more dreams realised in 2019 as we add other language versions of the WCET® Journal

Regardless of what language the journal will be in, the content will be the same. The executive board is very excited about this and hope you are too. So, look for more news about this in upcoming issues of the journal.

Besides the otherwise obvious language change, we hope you will enjoy the redesign of the WCET® Journal and the WCET® BullETin, which is now the official magazine for WCET® members. Our publisher and his design team have done an amazing job —  thank you, Greg, and all at Cambridge Media.

While we will keep dreaming of other ways to enhance the WCET®, be assured that the executive board’s strategic plan for association progress is firmly planted in the reality of action to continue to provide you with the best membership benefits possible.

Let us know what you think.


Elizabeth Ayello


Elizabeth Ayello




虽然我生活在纽约,一座不眠的城市,但这不意味着我没有梦。先从 Norma Gill、她始终不渝的志愿者委员会和塑造了WCET®的许多先驱者说起,我们这个协会建立在他们的梦想和希望之上,那就是建立一个能为造口、伤口和失禁护理方面有需求的患者改变世界的协会。

他们的一个梦想是出版一本杂志,以便造福于WCET®会员。在过去的数年里,本杂志已经成长和变化。您为执行委员会提供的反馈是,希望本杂志能够纳入MEDLINE索引。执行委员会已实施一项计划来申请纳入MEDLINE索引。我们的出版者Greg Paull和杂志编辑Jenny Prentice正在为实现这个目标努力工作。您会注意到,本期杂志与既往的数期有所不同,因为纳入了MEDLINE索引的必要要求。



作家和演员Vanna Bonta曾经说过,“梦想是人类进步的食粮。”请让我与您分享WCET®在实现这个梦想的过程中已经取得的进展。请敲起鼓吧…… 执行委员会很高兴地宣布,从2019年第1期开始,WCET®杂志将以中文和英文两种语言出版。

将学术期刊翻译成另外一种语言是非常昂贵的。凭借几个中文杂志合作伙伴(Top Medical、Hollister、Calmoseptine和Welland)提供的财政支持以及WCET®的一些资助,我们得以将英文杂志翻译成中文,并构建必要的电子平台。即使您读不懂中文,我也希望您与我一起庆祝这个进步和改变。



除了语言明显改变之外,我们希望大家喜欢重新设计的WCET®杂志WCET® BullETin,后者现已成为WCET®会员的官方杂志。我们的出版者及其设计团队完成了一项非凡工作,感谢Greg和Cambridge Media的全体人员。




Elizabeth Ayello


Elizabeth A Ayello
Email president@wcetn.org