Volume 40 Number 3

Introduction of pressure injury preventive measures and improvement initiatives for patients undergoing prolonged surgery at a government hospital in the United Arab Emirates

Asha Ali Abdi, Ashwaq Ali, Fatima El-Ahmed


Keywords pressure injury, risk assessment, hospital-acquired pressure injury, prolonged surgery, preventive measures

For referencing Abdi A et al. Introduction of pressure injury preventive measures and improvement initiatives for patients undergoing prolonged surgery at a government hospital in the United Arab Emirates. WCET® Journal 2020;40(3):24-36.

DOI https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.40.3.24-36







  • Initiate and implement an appropriate risk assessment tool to identify high-risk prolonged surgery patients at risk of developing pressure injuries (PIs).
  • Initiate education and training regarding PI prevention and management in the operating theatre (OT).
  • Establish resource individuals in the OT.
  • Enable early identification of high-risk patients and implementation of preventative measures.

Methods  A retrospective data analysis was conducted from Safety Intelligence (SI) 2016–2017 gathering baseline information of all skin injuries, particularly PIs reported in the OT. Upon completion of a needs analysis, a continuous quality improvement and learning model, Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), was initiated. Comparative data from Quarter 1 (Q1) 2016 to Quarter 4 (Q4) 2018 pre- and post-implementation were analysed.

Results  Within a period of 9 months from April to December 2018, 99 patients were referred to the wound care team, with an average operation time of 7 hours. Two cases of PI were reported in Q2 and Q4 2018. The contributing factors discovered upon review of the root cause analysis were related to poor nutrition, extended immobilisation, prolonged surgery time (more than 17 hours), presence of multiple comorbidities e.g. chronic renal failure, diabetes, hypoalbuminaemia and haemodynamic instability. Improvement outcomes were achieved by adhering to the new system and practices.

Conclusion  Preventing PIs are part of patient safety and quality of care which needs collaborative and proactive teams with a sense of responsibility and accountability.


Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) are one of the major challenges encountered by any healthcare facility, particularly in the critical care setting1. This significant problem highlights the increasing incidence of morbidity and mortality, including lengthening of hospital stays, and contributes a substantial financial burden to any healthcare system1. As defined by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP)2, a PI is “a localized damage to the skin and underlying soft tissue usually over a bony prominence or related to a medical or other device due to intense and/or prolonged pressure or pressure in combination with shear”. Evidence shows that 95% of these PIs are preventable, and reduction of these is considered an eminent priority for any healthcare organisation1.

One of the high-risk clinical areas of PI development for an ambulatory patient is in the operating theatre (OT). It was emphasised that patients undergoing an operation which lasts for more than 3 hours are at high risk of PI occurence3. In addition, any injuries over a bony prominence in the body that developed within 72 hours after prolonged and direct pressure during and/or after any surgical procedure are considered a PI incident. Furthermore, a medical device-related PI is a “Pressure injury that results from the use of devices designed and applied for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The resultant pressure injury generally closely conforms to the pattern or shape of the device”3. If this pattern of injury occurs during the surgical procedure, it is considered a PI as well4. Studies reveal that the incidence and prevalence rates of HAPIs secondary to prolonged surgical procedures range from 5–53.4% and 9–21% respectively4.

This incidence rate is likely related to the intraoperative fixed position, type of anaesthesia, length of surgery, and patient factors such as age, gender, and history of diseases such as diabetes and heart failure5. The risk of skin damage is much higher in surgical patients than in non-surgical patients due to being immobile during the procedures and lacking awareness of pressure sensation during anaesthesia6. Also, anaesthesia decreases autonomic nervous system function which, in turn, enlarges vessels and decreases tissue perfusion, especially over bony prominences; this increases with longer surgery time and the use of general anaesthesia7.

At the same time, there is no validated risk assessment measures for surgical patients which has been formally established8. Several instruments are available to screen patients at high risk. However, according to an analysis of the predictive validity of the Braden Scale applied to surgical patients, the absence of risk factors related to surgery in this scale – i.e. surgery time or the position of the patient – makes its predictive validity to be low6–8. Other instruments include the Munro Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Scale for Perioperative Patients – Adults (the Munro Scale) and the Scott Triggers tool. The Munro Scale includes 15 items to comprehensively assess the risk factors for PIs during the pre-, intra- and postoperative phases9–10. The Scott Triggers tool includes four items of age, serum albumin level, estimated surgery time, and the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score11.

One component of electronic health records (EHRs) is the pre-anaesthesia evaluation of the condition of a surgical patient written by the anaesthesiologist which is used to formulate an effective anaesthetic plan. This evaluation typically includes the type of surgery, serum albumin level and ASA score, which are also items on the Scott Triggers tool. Other data in the pre-anaesthesia evaluation are type of anaesthesia, laboratory test results such as haemoglobin and creatinine levels, and comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes which are important to establish the profile, or model of risk factors, for predicting the development of PIs in surgical patients.

Although researchers have scrutinised individual prevention methods – e.g. repositioning, type of OT mattress used – the effectiveness of implementing a multidimensional approach has not been extensively evaluated8. Hence, it is essential for an institution to prevent and reduce the incidence of HAPIs, especially in the OT, and be able to provide safe and effective quality of care that is comparable to local and international benchmarks. Proper padding and pressure-relieving devices should be utilised. A support surface is required to redistribute pressure. The use of foam pads has not been as effective as protective devices, as they easily compress under heavy body areas and result in ‘bottoming out’.

Wound Care Service: an identified need

The Wound Care Service (WCS) at our medical city was initiated in early 2017 by two nurses. In 2018, three additional nurses joined the team to address and further enhance wound management delivered in the inpatient clinical areas. As mandated by SEHA – the Abu Dhabi Health Services Company, the owner/operator of all public hospitals and clinics across the United Arab Emirates, UAE – and the Department of Health (DOH), PI prevention and management are the primary goal of our team. Specific guidelines and key performance indicators (KPIs) known as Jawda (the Arabic word for quality) were published to serve as a guide in data collection and monitoring processes12.

In the first quarter (Q1) of 2018, three HAPI cases were reported after undergoing oral and maxillofacial (OMF) surgeries which lasted from 8–14 hours. This led to an in-depth inter-professional team investigation and initiation of root cause analysis (RCA) to determine contributing factors of these incidences. A retrospective data analysis was conducted from our institutional incident reporting system, Safety Intelligence (SI), between 2016 and 2017 to gather baseline information of all skin injuries – including rashes, irritation, ecchymosis, lacerations, burns, abrasions, skin tears – and PIs reported in the OT.

In 2016, there were 21 reported cases of impaired skin integrity, of which 13 were reported PI cases, while 11 incidents of skin injury, two of which were PIs, were logged in the SI reporting system in 2017 (Figure 1). Furthermore, from 2016 to Q1 of 2018, a total of 18 PI incidents were reported in the OT (Figure 2).


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Figure 1. OT SI report 2016 versus 2017


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Figure 2. PI incident as raw data reported in SI – Q1 2016 to Q1 2018 in the OT


In conjunction with the extensive effort towards patient safety and quality of care at our institution, this quality improvement initiative was chosen to increase PI risk awareness, particularly in the OT. We aimed to identify common contributing factors and evaluate current practice and procedures in coordination with members of the inter-professional OT team – OT nurse leaders/staff/ surgeons – and higher hospital management with representation from nursing, quality and education departments.

Quality improvement goals and objectives

The goal was to reduce the incidence of PIs secondary to prolonged surgery. The following objectives were formulated in order to address the rising HAPI incidence secondary to prolonged surgeries in the OT. Specifically, this study aimed to:

  • Identify factors contributing to the development of PIs in the perioperative phase of the surgical population.
  • Implement PI preventive measures through:
  • Early identification of high-risk patients and adoption of specific and appropriate risk assessment tools.
  • Initiation of in-service education and training to all OT staff regarding PI prevention and management.
  • Formulation of guidelines and policies related to PI prevention and management specific to perioperative patients.
  • Empowerment of OT staff who will serve as resource individuals, and monitoring improvements/progress related to PI incidences.

Project methods

Planning and implementation

After completion of a needs analysis, the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) methodology was applied. This four-step quality improvement and management process is typically used for continuous advancement of people and systems within an organisation13–15. PDCA is a successive cycle which starts off small to test potential effects on processes, then gradually leads to larger and more targeted changes13. This framework has been utilised in most of SEHA as a quality program for continuous quality improvement activities (Figure 3).


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Figure 3. PDCA cycle



Human resources: several department meetings and consultations with hospital stakeholders were conducted to identify their respective roles and responsibilities for improving the process of preventing PI incidents for all prolonged surgery cases (Figure 4).


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Figure 4. Human resources involved


Devices/tool utilised: during the incidence review and data collection period, the approved online incidence reporting tool – the UHC Safety Intelligence (UHC-SI), a real-time, web-based event reporting system – was utilised16 (Figure 5).


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Figure 5. The UHC-SI tool


Implementation process

PI prevention is vital and is often neglected in the perioperative setting5. A questionnaire was conducted for OT staff to identify the main gaps. Results of RCA from Q1 2018 SI incidences revealed alarming deficits in terms of staff knowledge (PI risk assessment, staging and prevention), system/process (lack of guidelines, risk assessment tool, documentation and resources), appropriate OT table surface, and preventive dressings.

The best practice framework developed by Nelson et al.17 was adopted in the implementation stage of Q1 to achieve the required outcomes in the prevention of HAPIs. This best practice framework was further utilised as a model for Q1 interventions that targets the process of development in four areas – leadership, staff, information, and information technology (IT) – to support the clinician in the process of changing the old practice and adopting best practice of PI prevention and general performance improvement17.

Perioperative nurses should be educated about the risk factors of PI development and safety measures that can be implemented to prevent this injury from occurring18. An appropriate and validated risk assessment tool should be utilised by perioperative nurses to identify patients who are at high risk for developing a PI18–19. All perioperative team members are responsible for the safe positioning of surgical patients. Circulating nurses coordinate the positioning of patients during intraoperative periods of care at our hospital18–20.

In order to respond to gaps identified, our team focused on establishing awareness through assessments of staff knowledge of PI prevention and management21–25. A patient trace was conducted in one of the elective cases undergoing OMF surgery. This allowed us to follow and understand the processes in the pre-, intra- and postoperative care provided to all surgical patients. In addition, accurate assessment, referral in the electronic documentation platform Malaffi – an Abu Dhabi innovative and unified health information exchange platform that facilitates a more patient-centric approach to healthcare provision – and efficient incident reporting were reinforced during the morning huddle, staff meetings and mandatory training. Coordination with the Nursing Education Department (NED) involved the clinical resource nurse (CRN) and application specialist investigating and formulating a risk assessment tool specific to the OT that could be incorporated in Malaffi. Detailed implementation processes were laid out as follows:

Knowledge assessment and mandatory PI education

Initial evaluations of PI knowledge among OT staff were completed using the Pieper Pressure Injury Knowledge Assessment Survey22–23. Discrepancies in terms of the concepts of PI prevention – use of rings/doughnuts, massaging bony prominences areas – and inaccurate staging were observed24. These gaps were addressed during the two mandatory education sessions conducted in the months of April and May 2018. An additional communication huddle guide was prepared emphasising the Surface/Skin assessment, Keep moving, Incontinence and Nutrition management (SKIN bundle), and the use of preventative dressings was communicated during daily pre-meetings.

Patient tracer and process evaluation

Prior to implementation, the actual process of the perioperative journey was observed by conducting a patient tracer. One patient under OMF who was electively admitted and booked for more than 10 hours of surgery was followed initially from the day surgery unit. Observation was continued from the pre-holding area in the OT until the patient reached surgical ICU postoperatively. Major findings included the lack of a standardised PI risk assessment tool, inconsistent implementation of referral system/consultation to the WCS, and inadequate pressure relieving equipment and supplies available in the OT. These findings were incorporated into the major action plan and communicated with the respective departments.

Early identification of high-risk patients and referral process

Clinical staff are requested to refer all patients to the WCS who are at risk of developing a PI – using risk assessment scores – and who are undergoing surgical procedures of more than 3 hours. These patients can be referred at any time or immediately after their surgery via the Malaffi. Through this system, OT staff are encouraged to complete accurate skin assessment/re-assessment prior to, during and after surgery by using a newly developed risk assessment tool with an emphasis on clear documentation which is to be reflected in the electronic documentation, the Surginet – MQM Nurse Assess Skin.

Risk assessment tool and recruitment of unit resources

Performing early risk assessment and appropriate interventions can prevent PI development18–25. Due to the lack of a specific PI risk assessment tool to identify the risk status of patients undergoing prolonged surgery in our institution, the project team – in coordination with the OT CRNs – reviewed the possibility of adopting an existing risk assessment scale relevant to the operative period. Multiple discussions and meetings were held to review any existing PI risk assessment tools for the OT.

It was decided to incorporate the Scott Triggers tool as part of the skin risk assessment tool. The elements of the Scott Triggers11 tool are: age >62; an ASA score >3; albumin <3.5g/dl; and prolonged surgery time >3 hours. The ASA score is a “global score that assesses the physical status of patients before surgery”10. The CRNs initiated and submitted a proposal to trial the Scott Trigger tool to the Perioperative Nursing Advisory Council Committee. An aim was to investigate the possibility of integrating the tool in the electronic clinical documentation system Surginet, with a further goal of standardising to all other SEHA business entities (see Appendix 3A & 3B). Upon identification of risk using the Scott Triggers tool, a bundled preventive approach or POP program (Prophylactic/Prevention dressing, Offloading devices/equipment and Position changing) would be initiated by OT staff. Completion of the process included accurate hand over between OT or post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) staff to the receiving unit, with continued referral to the WCS as necessary. Furthermore, two staff from the OT department were nominated to be active members of the tissue viability link nurses group. These individuals will serve as a resource for information in promoting, reinforcing and monitoring PI preventive practices in the OT.

Introduction of preventive dressings and requisition of OT table mattresses

In addition to existing preventative protocols, the project team extended the use of preventive dressings for identified high-risk individuals in the OT. Although wound dressings are not routinely used to prevent PIs, evidence demonstrates that a non-woven, multilayer, polyurethane foam dressing may reduce the effect of shear forces18. Process guidelines were initiated in the OT (see Appendix 4) to keep the preventive dressing materials in a designated cabinet in the pre-holding area. Prophylactic dressing application over bony prominences such as the sacrum and trochanters can be applied in the pre-holding area or prior to sedation and positioning in the OT table to prevent the development of PIs (see Appendix 5).

Inadequate access to pressure relieving equipment and devices was one of the major findings during the tracer exercise. As observed, the operating table, with its hard surface, is only cushioned by gel padding and toppers. Pressure relieving and redistributing devices are widely accepted methods of preventing the development of PIs for people considered at risk26. This equipment may be used in a variety of ways in the OT. Custom-made cushions for the OT tables are necessary to provide adequate support during extended surgeries. These issues have been raised with our facilities’ nurse leaders and cordially communicated with the materials management department for the provision of appropriate foam mattress and additional gel paddings.

Data analysis

The data collected from the SI between 2016 and Q1 2018 were used as a benchmark for the OT improvement project. After initiating the various strategies and methodologies, the team recognised there was a gradual improvement in the incident reports received from Q2–Q4 2018. These outcomes were achieved with the commitment and consistency of all departments adhering to the new system and practices, which included:

  • Proper hand over and concurrent skin assessment.
  • Identification of high-risk patients.
  • Implementation of appropriate prevention measures.
  • Earlier referral to the WCS.

Barriers identified by the group

Changing clinical practice can be a challenging process. Throughout the process of the improvement project, the team encountered important barriers and implemented activities to address these. These are outlined in detail in Table 1.


Table 1. Barriers and activities implemented

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Project tools

The tools and processes used for the successful completion of quality improvement initiatives are outlined in the appendices:

  • Appendix 1 displays the tool used for assessing OT staff knowledge.
  • Appendix 2 (A & B) outlines the referral system to the WCS in the Mafraq Hospital.
  • Appendix 3 (A & B) outlines the proposed pre-operative skin risk assessment form.
  • Appendix 4 shows the pre-operative skin risk assessment flow chart utilised in the OT.
  • Appendix 5 outlines the communication huddle regarding the appropriate use of prophylactic dressings in clinical settings.

Evaluation and Outcomes

Evaluation of the process

In accordance with the sudden increase of PIs reported in the OT from UHC-SI, the WCS decided to reduce these preventable cases of HAPIs. Both quantitative and qualitative data were evaluated to determine the impact of implementing system and process changes in our institution.

Qualitative outcomes

Valuable feedback was received from OT staff and nurse leaders following implementation of this quality improvement initiative. The focus was on the efficiency of the prophylactic dressing, the effectiveness of posters on the OT communication board in alerting staff, and the usefulness of education sessions to reinforce knowledge of all OT staff. Moreover, the reduction of PIs in the OT showed great achievement that positively affected the total number of HAPIs.

Quantitative outcomes

Quantitative data were gathered through incident reports via the SI unit. In addition, the total number of patients who underwent extended surgery time (>3 hours) were gathered through daily referrals. All data were compared between 2016 to Q1 2018 versus Q2–Q4 2018 data to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative and to be able to identify significant changes between the two data sets.

After collecting all reported skin integrity incidence data from 2016 to Q1 2018, monthly data of referrals related to prolonged surgery were generated at the beginning of April 2018. An average of 9–11 patients were initially referred monthly to the WCS for follow-up. A total incidence of two cases were reported; one in the month of June 2018 and one in November 2018 which were in addition to the three cases reported from Q1 2018 (Figures 6 & 7).


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Figure 6. Monthly referrals versus OT PI incidents 2018


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Figure 7. Quarterly referrals versus OT PI incidents 2018


Within a 9-month period, 99 patients were referred to the WCS. Each of these patients, on average, had spent 7 hours on the operating table. Two cases of PI were reported – in Q2 and Q4 2018. The contributing factors discovered through RCA were poor nutrition, immobilisation, prolonged surgery time (more than 17 hours), presence of multiple comorbidities (chronic renal failure, diabetes), hypoalbuminaemia, haemodynamic instability, and inadequate skin assessment.

Reflection on lessons learned and stimulus for future work

On reflection of the initiation, implementation and outcomes of the quality improvement project, it would be important to:

  • Ensure the availability and utilisation of a validated perioperative risk assessment tool is incorporated in the clinical documentation system in all public hospital facilities.
  • Include more surgeons and allied healthcare staff from other disciplines in the mandatory education sessions related to the prevention of PIs.
  • Conduct regular monthly audits for OT staff to evaluate and ensure continuous implementation of strategies related to the prevention of PIs.


The goal of any healthcare improvement project is to implement realistic action plans that can lead to measurable outcomes and enrich healthcare services offered to patients. As a team, our aim was to decrease HAPI, which required collaboration and commitment with various stakeholders – higher management, patients and healthcare practitioners – through proper communication of common challenges and pressing needs in the clinical setting. At our organisation, the support of key nurses in the perioperative area resulted in a new perspective and attitude towards PI prevention.

In summary, the prevention of HAPIs entails increasing awareness among stakeholders about the importance of early identification of at-risk patients and initiation of preventive measures. Engagement of an inter-professional approach towards quality improvements will ensure a long-lasting impact to both the patient and healthcare system.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The authors received no funding for this study.


Asha Ali Abdi, Ashwaq Ali, Fatima El-Ahmed


DOI: https://doi.org/10.33235/wcet.40.3.24-36






  • 发起并实施适当的风险评估工具,用于识别处于压力性损伤(PI)患病风险下的高危长时间手术患者。

  • 在手术室(OT)发起有关PI预防和管理的教育和培训。
  • 在OT中建立资源人。
  • 实现对高危患者的尽早识别并实施预防措施。

方法 对2016年到2017年安全情报(SI)收集的所有皮肤损伤的基线信息(尤其是OT中报告的PI)进行了回顾性数据分析。在完成需求分析后,启动了一个持续质量改进和学习模型,即计划-执行-检查-处理(PDCA)。分析了2016年第1季度(Q1)至2018年第4季度(Q4)实施前后的对比数据。

结果 2018年4月至12月的9个月内,99例患者转诊至伤口护理组,平均手术时间为7小时。在2018年第2季度和第4季度中报告了两例PI。回顾根本原因分析后,发现导致因素与营养不良、长时间卧床不活动、手术时间长(超过17小时)、存在多种合并症(如慢性肾功能衰竭、糖尿病、低蛋白血症和血流动力学不稳定)有关。通过坚持新的系统和实践,取得了改进结果。

结论 预防PI是患者安全和护理质量的一部分,需要具有责任心和责任感、协作、积极主动的团队。













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图1.2016年和2017年OT SI报告


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  • 识别导致手术人群在围手术期中发生PI的因素。
  • 通过以下方式实施PI预防措施:
    • 尽早识别高危患者和采用适合的特定风险评估工具。
    • 对所有OT工作人员启动有关PI预防和管理的在职教育和培训。
    • 针对围手术期患者,制定关于PI预防和管理的指南和政策。
    • 授权将担任资源人的OT工作人员,并监测与PI事件相关的改进/进展。





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图4. 涉及的人力资源




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要求临床工作人员将所有存在发生PI风险(使用风险评估评分判断)和进行的外科手术超过3小时的患者转诊至WCS。这些患者可在任何时间或手术后立即通过Malaffi进行转诊。通过该系统,鼓励OT工作人员在术前、术中和术后通过使用最新开发的风险评估工具完成准确的皮肤评估/再评估,该工具强调进行清晰的文件记录,而这些文件记录将会反映在电子文档(Surginet–MQM Nurse Assess Skin)中。


进行早期风险评估和适当的干预可以预防PI发生18-25。由于缺乏专门的PI风险评估工具来确定本机构中接受长时间手术的患者的风险状态,因此项目团队与OT CRN合作,审查了采用与手术期相关的现有风险评估量表的可能性。召开了多次讨论和会议,审查OT现有的所有PI风险评估工具。

决定纳入斯卡特触发点工具作为皮肤风险评估工具的一部分。斯卡特触发点11工具的要素:年龄>62;ASA评分>3;白蛋白水平<3.5g/dl;和长时间手术>3小时。ASA评分是一个“评估患者术前身体状况的整体评分”10。CRN发起并向围手术期护理咨询理事会委员会提交了试用斯卡特触发点工具的提案。目的是研究将该工具集成到电子临床文档系统Surginet中的可能性,进一步的目标是标准化应用至所有其他SEHA企业实体(参见附录3A & 3B)。使用斯卡特触发点工具识别风险后,OT工作人员将启动组合式预防措施或POP计划(预防性药物/预防性敷料、减压器械/设备和体位改变)。过程的完成包括OT或麻醉后恢复室(PACU)工作人员与接收部门之间准确地移交,并在必要时继续转诊至WCS。此外 ,两名OT部门的工作人员被提名为组织活力联络护士组的积极成员。这些个体将充当有关促进、加强和监控OT中PI预防实践的信息资源。






  • 正确移交患者并同时进行皮肤评估。
  • 识别高危患者。
  • 实施适当的预防措施。
  • 尽早转诊至WCS。





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  • 附录1展示了用于评估OT工作人员知识的工具。
  • 附录2(A & B)概述了马弗拉克医院的WCS转诊系统。
  • 附录3(A & B)概述了建议的术前皮肤风险评估表。
  • 附录4显示了OT中使用的术前皮肤风险评估流程图。
  • 附录5概述了有关在临床环境中适当使用预防性敷料的沟通会议。








在收集了2016年至2018年第1季度所有报告的皮肤完整性发生率数据后,于2018年4月初生成了与长时间手术相关的月度转诊数据。最初平均每月有9-11例患者转诊至WCS进行随访。报告的总发生率为两例;除2018年第1季度报告的三例外,2018年6月和2018年11月各1例(图6 & 7)。


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图6. 2018年的月度转诊和OT PI事件


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图7. 2018年的季度转诊和OT PI事件





  • 确保所有公立医院机构的临床文档系统中包含经过确认的围手术期风险评估工具的选择和对其的利用。
  • 让更多其他学科的外科医生和联合医疗保健人员参加与PI预防相关的强制性教育课程。
  • 每月对OT工作人员进行一次定期审核,以评价和确保PI预防相关策略的持续实施。









Asha Ali Abdi
RN, BSN, MSc Healthcare Management, IIWCC
Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Emailashaaliabdi22@gmail.com ashaaliabdi22@gmail.com

Ashwaq Ali*
RN, Diploma, IIWCC
Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Email ashwaqalinuuh@gmail.com

Fatima El-Ahmed
Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Email fatimekasem2018@gmail.com

* Corresponding author


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Appendix 1. Knowledge Assessment Tool

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abdi app 1.2.jpg


Appendix 2A. Wound Care service referral workflow

abdi app 2a.jpg


Appendix 2b. Wound care service patient assessment and workflow

abdi app 2b.jpg


Appendix 3A. OT Pre-operative skin risk assessment

abdi app 3a.jpg


Appendix 3b. Proposed modification in pre-operative checklist with addition of skin risk assessment in malaffi

abdi app 3b.jpg


Appendix 4. Preoperative skin risk assessment flow chart

abdi app 4.jpg


Appendix 5. Communication huddle regarding the use of prophylactic dressing

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附录1. 知识评估工具

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附录2A. 伤口护理服务转诊工作流

abdi app 2a.jpg


附录2B. 伤口护理服务患者评估和工作流

abdi app 2b.jpg



附录3A. OT术前皮肤风险评估

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附录4. 术前皮肤风险评估流程图

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附录5. 关于预防性敷料使用的交流会议

abdi app 5.jpg