Volume 42 Number 2

Around the WCET® world

For referencing World Council of Enterostomal Therapists®. Around the WCET® world. WCET® Journal 2022;42(2):12-13



Update from the IIWCG desk

by incoming IIWCG President Hiske Smart

The month of March 2022 was much anticipated as the International Interprofessional Wound Care Group hosted the four yearly World Union of Wound Healing Societies Congress in Abu Dhabi. This congress was postponed from 2020 to 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with all speakers, scientific papers and registrants on hold for two years. We were concerned that we would lose speakers and great was our surprise when more than 70% of the 2020 speakers confirmed to attend in person in 2022.

As we did not know how COVID-19 would impact the congress, the design was changed to a hybrid congress with both on-site and online participants being catered for. All lectures were pre-recorded in an inventory bank, to be seen on the day of the actual session and then as library for four months afterwards. Additionally, there was live streaming for the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as all main plenary hall sessions. Facebook was incorporated, Instagram updates were done with the highlights of each day and Twitter also helped to tweet out all the activities of 1-5 March 2022. (Check us out on social media and our website www.wuwhs2022.org as we have saved it all!)

This was the first international face-to-face congress after two years and our onsite program was buzzing with multiple lecture streams and incredible trade displays in the exhibition hall. Mask mandates were in place but no more social distancing was needed… Great was our joy when all just opened their arms and hugged each other in relief, after the stressful global lockdown restrictions were lifted just in time. Travel was a major stressor, but that did not deter participants, with more than a 1000 daily attendees present on-site each day.

Online congresses are a new reality, with this hybrid format proving itself as the best of two worlds and a thing to stay in the foreseeable future. This was well tested in major congress format and went beyond our wildest dreams on how impactful people can be connected on a digital platform if designed for that purpose. That was clear in the presence of 2000-2500 daily online participants that joined in this manner to take part in the activities of WUWHS 2022.

Not only did we have this awesome congress as a success story for the future of WUWHS and IIWCG alike, but simultaneously had change of IIWCG office bearers. Mrs Gulnaz Tariq is promoted to be the Chief Executive Officer and Mrs Hiske Smart stepped into the role as incoming IIWCG president for the next 5-year term. The rest of the Board will again reflect the international nature of this Society.

On the side of WUWHS, the new president-elect was voted by the General Assembly of the 50 WUWHS Supporting Societies to be Dr Harikrishna Nair from Malaysia. The next WUWHS congress will therefore take place in September 2026 in the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre under his guidance and we are delighted to wish him much success. Dr Kylie Sandy-Hodgetts, who led the Australian bid, came second and will fill the recorder position that became vacant on the Executive Board.

The WUWHS presidential transition will take place in 2024 in Abu Dhabi with Mrs Gulnaz Tariq, that will bring her colourful and incredible WUWHS presidency into conclusion. Until then she and her team will continue to train, teach, share skills and mentor the young upcoming generation towards the point where wound care specialisation cannot be ignored in the world any longer. A task we embrace with great care and utter joy as the reward is not for us but for patients with wounds all over the world.

Inaugural WCET® Awards


Greg Paull
Cambridge Media

The first WCET® Honorary Member Award was bestowed on Greg Paull, from Perth Australia, who has been publishing the WCET® Journal, on behalf of WCET® since 1 July 1996 and has attended every Congress since then in his role as publisher. Greg has been a true supporter and advocate for the WCET®. Over the past 26 years, he has served the WCET® well in numerous ways including for over 10 years on the Publications & Communications Committee before joining the Education Committee when the Constitution was changed. His donations to WCET® include the annual sponsorship of a member, bullETin magazine, ID Handbook, NNGF Birthday Cards and other design items over the years.

He first co-presented (with the Journal Editor) a Writing Workshop in Singapore for the 2000 Congress and has done so a number of times since. He has also recorded a video with the editor on how to get published in the WCET® Journal which is available on the association’s website.

WCET® Boards have often sought advice/input on commercial, industry and sponsorship matters. One of his most distinguishing contributions of his publishing creativity and caring for the well-being of WCET® is when in 2010 he helped to initiate the Sustaining Journal Partnership with then Editor and now Executive Editor Emeritus as well as developing a strategic plan in 2004 to redesign the journal to improve its impact factor and international standing.

The award was presented at the WCET® 2022 Congress in Fort Worth, Texas.

Also presented at the Fort Worth Congress were three inaugural WCET® Norma N Gill President’s Awards.


Paula Erwin-Toth

The first recipient (in alphabetical order) was Paula Erwin-Toth who has over 40 years experience in wound ostomy and continence care. She completed her specialty education in 1982 at the Cleveland Clinic’s RB Turnbull School of Enterostomal Therapy and was board certified by the WOCNCB as a CWOCN for 35 years. From 1990 to 2012 she served as the Program Director for the RB Turnbull of School of WOC Nursing Education. She was motivated in her career choice after undergoing ostomy surgery at the age of 10. By a fortuitous turn of fate, her ET was none other than Norma Gill. Norma was not only a wonderful caregiver, she also acted as a mentor and friend. Ms Erwin-Toth was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award as a ‘Legend in WOC Nursing Education’ by the WOCN and was named as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. She has served on the boards of numerous professional and patient support organisations and is a well recognised clinician, author, speaker and researcher. She describes co-editing the Festschrift honouring Norma with her friend and colleague Diane Krasner as a highlight of her personal and professional experiences.


Sally J Gill-Thompson

The award was also presented to Sally J Gill-Thompson who has been an Enterostomal Therapist since 1971 after training at Cleveland Clinic with her mother, Norma Gill-Thompson, and Rupert Turnbull MD. She was fortunate to have witnessed the inception of UOA, NAAET (now WOCN®) and WCET®.

Sally’s ET career has spanned over 50 years practising as an ET consultant to several local hospitals in Ohio, and in management, first for the family ostomy supply business and later for other medical equipment companies. For over 35 years she served as a clinical trial investigator for ostomy manufacturers resulting in the launch of new and innovative products for persons with an ostomy. Even after retirement she continues to be an advocate for persons with an ostomy, often seeing them in their homes. Sally is a contributing author to several publications including the Festschrift honouring her mother, Norma N Gill-Thompson ET.


Diane L Krasner

Also awarded was Diane L Krasner PhD RN FAAN FAAWC MAPWCA who has been an ET/WOC Nurse since 1985. She has practiced across the continuum of care and been involved in nursing and wound care education and research. For the past 16 year Diane has also performed expert witness work.

Dr Krasner has numerous publications and through the years has served on numerous organisational boards and committees. Diane’s special interests include wound pain, Skin Changes At Life’s End (SCALE) and palliative wound care.

A highlight of Diane’s ET/WOC Nurse career has been co-editing three editions of the Norma N Gill Festschrift with Paula Erwin-Toth and presenting a special leather-bound copy of the first edition to Norma in September 1996.



来自IIWCG desk的最新信息

IIWCG新任主席Hiske Smart




在线大会是一个新的现实,这种混合形式证明了它是将线上和线下两个世界结合的最好形式,并且可以预见,这种形式在未来将继续存在。这在主要大会形式中得到了很好的检验,并且已经超出了我们最大胆的预想,即如果设计用于此目的,那么在数字平台上会以怎样的方式将有影响力的人连接起来。这一点,从每天有2000-2500名在线参与者以这种方式加入到WUWHS 2022的活动中,就显而易见了。

我们不仅仅会将这次精彩的大会作为WUWHS和IIWCG未来的成功故事,而且也同时进行了IIWCG办公室负责人的换届。Gulnaz Tariq女士被提升为首席执行官,Hiske Smart女士接任IIWCG下一任主席一职,任期为5年。委员会的其他成员将再次体现本学会的国际性质。

而WUWHS的新候任主席,是由50个WUWHS支持学会的大会投票选举出来的来自马来西亚的Harikrishna Nair博士。因此,下一届WUWHS大会将在他的指导下于2026年9月在吉隆坡会议中心举行,我们很高兴地祝愿他取得圆满成功。负责澳大利亚申办的Kylie Sandy-Hodgetts博士位居第二,将填补执行委员会空缺的记录员职位。

WUWHS主席的交接将于2024年在阿布扎比举行,Gulnaz Tariq女士一同出席,这将为她丰富多彩、令人惊叹的WUWHS主席任期画上句号。在此之前,她和她的团队将继续培训、教学、分享技能并指导年轻的下一代,使伤口护理专业化在世界上不再被忽视。我们怀着极大的关切和喜悦接受了这项任务,因为其回报不是给我们的,而是给全世界的伤口患者的。



Greg Paull
Cambridge Media

第一个WCET®荣誉会员奖授予了来自澳大利亚珀斯的Greg Paull,他从1996年7月1日开始代表WCET®出版WCET®杂志,并从那时起以出版商的身份参加了每届大会。Greg一直是WCET®的真正支持者和倡导者。在过去的26年中,他在许多方面为WCET®提供了良好的服务,包括在出版与通讯委员会工作了10多年,随后在章程修改时加入了教育委员会。他对WCET®的捐赠包括多年来对会员、bulETin杂志、ID手册、NNGF生日贺卡和其他设计项目的年度赞助。




在沃斯堡大会上还颁发了三个首届WCET® Norma N Gill主席奖。


Paula Erwin-Toth

第一位获奖者(按字母顺序)是Paula Erwin-Toth,她在伤口造口和失禁护理方面拥有40多年的经验。她于1982年在克利夫兰诊所的RB Turnbull肠造口治疗(ET)学院完成了专业教育,并得到WOCNCB委员会认证,成为CWOCN长达35年。从1990年到2012年,她担任WOC护理教育学院RB Turnbull的项目主任。10岁时接受了造口手术后,她在职业选择方面受到激励。如同命运般的安排,她的ET不是别人,正是由Norma Gill。Norma不仅是一位出色的护理人员,她还是一位良师益友。Erwin-Toth女士被WOCN授予“WOC护理教育传奇人物”的终身成就奖,并获选为为美国护理学会会员。她曾在众多专业和患者支持组织的委员会任职,是一位公认的临床医生、作家、演讲者和研究员。她说,与她的朋友兼同事Diane Krasner共同编辑纪念Norma的纪念文集是她个人和职业经历中的一大亮点。


Sally J Gill-Thompson

该奖项还颁发给了Sally J Gill-Thompson,她在克利夫兰诊所与她的母亲Norma Gill-Thompson和医学博士Rupert Turnbull一起接受培训后,自1971年以来一直是一名肠造口治疗师。她很幸运地见证了UOA、NAAET(现在的WOCN®)和WCET®的诞生。

Sally的ET职业生涯已超过50年,在俄亥俄州的几家当地医院担任ET顾问,并从事管理工作,最初在家庭造口术供应企业,后来是其他医疗设备公司。35年来,她一直担任造口术制造商的临床试验研究员,为造口术患者推出了新的创新产品。即使在退休后,她仍然心系造口术患者,经常去他们的家中看望他们。Sally是多本出版物的特约作者,其中包括纪念她母亲Norma N Gill-Thompson ET的纪念文集。


Diane L Krasner

同样获奖的还有Diane L Krasner博士(RN FAAN FAAWC MAPWCA),她自1985年以来一致是一名ET/WOC护士。她在整个护理过程中进行了实践,并参与了护理和伤口护理教育及研究。在过去的16年里,Diane还从事了专家证人的工作。


Diane的ET/WOC护士职业生涯中的一大亮点是与Paula Erwin Toth共同编辑了三个版本的《Norma N Gill Festschrift》,并于1996年9月向Norma赠送了第一版的特殊皮革装订本。