Author Guidelines

Click here to download the Author Guidelines

Contributions to the Journal are welcome. Categories include:

  • Letter to the Editor - word count: up to 1000 words.
  • Commentary/discussion pieces - issues of interest to Naturopathic and Herbal clinical practitioners and researchers in the field of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine (TCIM). Word count: up to 2500 words.
  • Original research articles -  case studies, clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, health services, utilization and public health. Word count: up to 3500 words.
  • Review articles - literature reviews, including narrative, critical, interpretative, scoping and systematic reviews. Word count: up to 5000 words.
  • Global dispensary - articles describing cultural and traditional practices and use. Word count: up to 3500 words for empirical research and 5000 for review articles.
  • Case study or case series  - a detailed exploration of an interesting case or a case series. Word count: up to 2500 for a case study and 3500 for a case series. For more detail see Writing for publication - case studies
  • Materia medica - covering all aspects of medicinal plants commonly used in clinical practice. Word count: up to 3500 words.
  • Book reviews - new books of interest to herbalists, naturopaths, integrated medical practitioners and researchers. Word count: up to 1000 words. 

Topics of articles include:

  • All clinical conditions
  • Clinical practice
  • Quality and safety of medicines
  • Monographs
  • Naturopathic and herbal health services
  • Evidence based practice
  • Naturopathic and herbal philosophy
  • Education
  • Growing and manufacturing
  • Sustainability and the environment, social impact
  • Public health
  • Professional practice
  • Governance and policy

 Editorial policy

  • Subject material must relate to naturopathy and herbal medicine.
  • Manuscripts are submitted with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere or are under consideration for publication elsewhere except in the form of an abstract.
  • Accepted manuscripts become the property of the Australian Journal of Herbal & Naturopathic Medicine and will be copyrighted by the Naturopaths & Herbalists Association of Australia.
  • Contributions are subject to peer review and editing (in collaboration with authors).
  • Any author whose name appears on the manuscript assumes responsibility and accountability for the final published manuscript.
  • By submitting a manuscript to the Australian Journal of Herbal & Naturopathic Medicine the author/s agrees to each of the above conditions.

Peer review

  • All feature articles will be reviewed blindly by one to two independent peer reviewers.
  • Peer reviewers will make a recommendation about publication
  • Reviewed articles will be returned to the author for editing if recommended by peer reviewers.

Contribution requirements

  • Manuscripts should be submitted here using Scholar One https//
  • An abstract no longer than 250 words should be included.
  • Botanical names must be used in the first appearance, thereafter either the botanical or common name can be used.
  • Sources of all statements must be cited in text and a full reference list included at the end. If the statement is the author’s observation or opinion this should be made clear.
  • Citations to someone else's work in the text, indicated using a number (superscript24 or in (brackets))
  • a sequentially numbered reference list at the end of the document providing full details of the corresponding in-text reference
  • References
  • All statements should be of a professional nature and exclude any inflammatory, derogatory, advertising or other inappropriate writing style.
  • Please include a statement outlining any potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
  • Please refer to the AJHNM manuscript submission guidelines for more details

You can submit your manuscript online here.  If you have any additional questions, you can contact the AJHNM editor at​​​