Guest editorial
Medical device-related pressure injury in health care professionals in times of pandemic
Aline de Oliveira Ramalho, Paula de Souza Silva Freitas and Paula Cristina Nogueira
News and views
Around the WCET® world
Elizabeth A. Ayello, Laurent O. Chabal and Brenda Christiansen
White paper
Skin manifestations with COVID-19: the purple skin and toes that you are seeing may not be deep tissue pressure injury
Joyce Black and Joyce Cuddigan
Topical analgesic and local anesthetic agents for pain associated with chronic leg ulcers: A systematic review
Anne Purcell, Thomas Buckley, Jennie King, Wendy Moyle and Andrea P. Marshall
Original article
Therapeutic patient education; A multifaceted approach to healthcare
Laurence Lataillade and Laurent Chabal