Volume 27 Number 3
Release Date September 2019
ISSN 2202-9729
Indexed and abstracted in CINAHL, Ebsco, InfoRMIT, ProQuest, EMCARE and Google Scholar
Editor(s) Allison Cowin
Original research
Factors contributing to wound chronicity in diabetic foot ulceration
Peta Ellen Tehan, Clare Linton, Kate Norbury, Diane White and Vivienne Chuter
Case study
Negative pressure wound therapy in the management of complex lower limb wounds: a case series highlighting outpatient care with small single-use devices
Leonardo Zandavalli Cordova, Jennifer Martins and Patricia Terrill
Original research
In vitro healing efficacy of stem cell secretome and cord blood platelet lysate on a chronic wound model
Syed Sultan Beevi, Aishwarya Bhale, Nagesh Panchal, Sifa Abdul Wasay Siddiqui, Kavitha Anbarasu and Vinod Kumar Verma
Original research
Study protocol: a pilot clinical trial of topical glyceryl trinitrate for chronic venous leg ulcer healing
Sandra J. Miles, Roger Lord, Damian Williams and Paul Fulbrook
Book review
IWGDF Guidelines on the Prevention and Management of Diabetic Foot Disease
Nicholai Jakosz